
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Gov. Vetoes Ban on 'Lap Dog Driving'

Calif. motorists can still tool around with Fido at the wheel

(Newser) - Californians can keep driving with pets on their laps since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a bill that would have banned such behavior, reports the Sacramento Bee. The "Paris Hilton Bill," as it was named by conservatives, was one of 95 measures that the Terminator terminated over the...

In Love With the Pet-Sitter? You Dog!

Companion animals loyal to their humans, except when they're not

(Newser) - It can lead to tearful separations, but cheating is natural—for quadrupeds, that is. It really is them, not you, a veterinarian tells MSNBC. Pets may gravitate toward a new owner for any number of reasons. “Hallie was my dog, but I always sensed her unhappiness at having to...

College Dorm Rooms Go to the Dogs
College Dorm Rooms Go
to the Dogs

College Dorm Rooms Go to the Dogs

More campuses allow pets in hopes of de-stressing students

(Newser) - College students have long been expert at sneaking everything from gerbils to puppies into their dorm rooms, but a number of schools have made furry residents official, reports USA Today. The pet-friendly movement's spread to more than a dozen campuses, where officials hope reducing the stress of college life and...

Dog Dials 911, Barks for Help
 Dog Dials 911, Barks for Help 

Dog Dials 911, Barks for Help

German Shepherd trained to call

(Newser) - A German shepherd in Arizona dialed 911 and summoned help for his owner who had suffered a seizure, AP reports. Buddy barked and whimpered on the line until the 911 dispatcher sent help. The dog is trained by Paws with a Cause—which provides assistance animals to the ill and...

Colleges Adding Meow to Mix
 Colleges Adding Meow to Mix 

Colleges Adding Meow to Mix

MIT among higher-ed bastions allowing students to keep cats in dorms

(Newser) - Colleges around the country are warming up to furry friends, the Boston Globe reports. MIT is in the vanguard, offering as an example its 8-year-old program that allows student-vetted felines to live in certain dorms. "They can really lighten the mood,” one senior says, “especially when students...

'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up
 'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up 

'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up

The '7-year' rule is too simplistic, veterinarians say

(Newser) - A human year is 7 dog years, right? That ubiquitous formula has been driving veterinarians and dog enthusiasts nuts for decades. If it were accurate, some pooches would live to the equivalent of age 150 or so, Carl Bialik writes in the Wall Street Journal. For those who must convert,...

Pet Adoption Hurdles Irk Would-Be Owners

Animal shelters need to make process more friendlier, critics say

(Newser) - Animal shelters are hitting would-be pet owners with a vetting process they say puts them on a short leash, the Chicago Tribune reports. Prospective owners often face pages of queries on condo rules, finances, marital status—and even home visits. “We got a lecture about how having a dog...

Saudi Cops Target Flirty Dog Walkers

Riyadh officials confiscating pets in public

(Newser) - Officials in a Saudi province have banned the sale of cats and dogs after complaints that flirtatious men are “using cats and dogs to make passes at women and pester families,” the Christian Science Monitor reports. Although owning a pet isn’t illegal, the religious police say they’...

Dogs Get Their Own Social Networking Site

Pooches and their owners meet through

(Newser) - Dog owners are using a crossbreed of MySpace and YouTube to network—all on behalf and because of their four-legged friends, the AP reports. Since launching last month, has attracted more than 700 users, mostly female, who share photos, videos, advice, and stories, as well as supply their...

Are Dog-Sharing Plans Cruel?
 Are Dog-Sharing Plans Cruel?

Are Dog-Sharing Plans Cruel?

Practice, for pay or between neighbors, catching on; Boston bans renting pooches

(Newser) - Faced with a desire for a dog but lacking the ability to care for one full-time, some are turning to dog-sharing programs—though others say the idea is unhealthy for man’s best friend, the Wall Street Journal reports. “From a social standpoint,” programs like Flexpetz, which arranges...

New WebVet Coughs Up Tips for Ailing Pets
New WebVet
Coughs Up Tips
for Ailing Pets
new website

New WebVet Coughs Up Tips for Ailing Pets

Site intends to be 'WebMD for Pets'

(Newser) - A newly launched website aims to lure pet owners away from Google with a storehouse of tips on curing sick pets, TechCrunch reports. offers abstracts on ailments from Lyme disease to rabies, and boosts its content with articles on such pet essentials as travel, gifts, and fashion. And...

Move Over, Garfield, There's a New Fat Cat in Town

NJ feline tips scales at 44 pounds

(Newser) - Talk about New Jersey's fat cats. A 44-pound feline was found waddling around last week without a collar, and officials at the Camden County Animal Shelter hope she gets a nice—and hopefully, diet-friendly—home. Shelter officials are calling the porky cutie "Princess Chunk." "She's built like...

Mass. Puts Rent-a-Dog Firms in Doghouse

Recent laws, bans making pay-as-you-play pets unavailable

(Newser) - Massachusetts lawmakers have put the kibosh on a lucrative pet rental business, which caters to busy urbanites who want to spend time with dogs without the full-time commitment. The state senate passed a bill yesterday prohibiting the renting or leasing of dogs and cats; like previous bans in Boston and...

My Beagle Ate My Paycheck
My Beagle
Ate My

My Beagle Ate My Paycheck

Dog ownership turned out a lot pricier than writer bargained for

(Newser) - At first, $150 for a beagle puppy and $20 a week for food sounded like a good deal, but it didn't take long to realize dogs are "deceptively expensive," Neal Templin writes in the Wall Street Journal. Vet bills soon added up to thousands after a mystery illness...

America: Land of Doggy Doping
 America: Land of  Doggy Doping 

America: Land of Doggy Doping

The business of pet pharmacology is booming

(Newser) - Americans spent $49 billion on their pets last year, with an ever-growing percentage paying for treatment of  behavioral issues with tailor-made psychotropics, reports James Vlahos in the New York Times Magazine. Frustrated owners are feeding dogs drugs like Reconcile—beef-flavored Prozac—-for "mental illnesses that eerily resemble human ones,...

Paris Denied New Pup
 Paris Denied New Pup 

Paris Denied New Pup

Pet store rejects heiress as legit buyer

(Newser) - Paris Hilton went “ballistic” over the weekend when an LA pet store refused to sell her a Yorkie, telling the celebutante the purchase was clearly “an impulse buy,” the New York Post reports. Hilton was on her way to a photo shoot and "wanted a puppy...

Facebook Boots Kitty-Eating Kids

Site repulsed by activist dinner party photos

(Newser) - A group of Danish students were kicked off Facebook when they posted photos of themselves cooking and eating a cat, the Copenhagen Post reports. The students intended to point out the hypocrisy in designating some animals pets and others food, but have infuriated the almighty social-networking site and animal rights...

Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck
 Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck 

Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck

Pet owners try to keep the peace between high technology and 'bio-pets'

(Newser) - Dogs are getting more suspicious as robots get more sophisticated, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dog owners find that jealous, territorial, or terrified pooches bark at the robots—and sometimes rip them apart. Some post videos of the battles on YouTube, while others are trying to find ways for canine...

Serial Bunny Killer Plagues German Town

Rabbits are snatched from cages and beheaded

(Newser) - A special bunny task force has been established in the German town of Witten to track down a mystery serial killer who's been beheading pet rabbits for a year, Der Speigel reports. At least 40 rabbits have been snatched from cages in the area. Their corpses are usually left behind....

The Battle to Baby-Proof the Family Dog

Trainers help dogs adjust when they're no longer the 'only child'

(Newser) - For many couples today, dogs aren’t just pets, they’re the “first baby.” But that puppy love can cause problems when it comes to the second baby—the human one. Like any only child, dogs can react badly to new siblings, so a small industry has sprung...

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