
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

John McCain Blocking 'Don't Ask' Repeal

As he promised to do in his primary

(Newser) - There are two things that could prevent Congress from repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: The dwindling congressional calendar, and John McCain. Though historically open to repeal, McCain promised to preserve the law during his primary battle with JD Hayworth, the New York Times explains. Since then, he’s...

Twitter Actor Back: I Know Women Like to Get Rocks Off

Stephen Fry says he was just 'taking a thought for a walk'

(Newser) - He's baaaack. Actor and broadcaster Stephen Fry has returned to Twitter after he quit in a snit over the uproar triggered by his comments that women don't like sex because they don't "shag" in bushes. Fry declares he's neither an "antediluvian pig" or a "twatty prune,"...

Ugandan Paper Prints Another Gay 'Hit List'

Tabloid publishes 10 addresses, alleged anatomical details

(Newser) - After calling for the hanging of 100 “top gays and lesbians” in Uganda—which spurred attacks on gays—a tabloid in the country has published another list, this time of 10 homosexuals, their addresses, and alleged details about their anatomy, CNN reports. The paper's 22-year-old editor says he discourages...

Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform
Most Troops
OK With Gays
in Uniform

Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform

Pentagon review finds that most think it's no big deal

(Newser) - A Pentagon report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell shows that a majority of troops aren’t opposed to gays serving in the military, reports the Wonk Room blog at Think Progress. "The number one answer was. ‘I don’t care,'” NBC's Richard Engel, who got...

Ark. School Board Member Wishes All Gays Would Die

Clint McCance's Facebook post gets him unwanted national attention

(Newser) - An Arkansas school board member is under fire after apparently posting a message on his Facebook profile declaring his wish that all gay people commit suicide. "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they...

'Sesame Street' Becomes More Gay-Friendly; Bert May Have Even Come Out
 Is Sesame Street Going Gay? 

Is Sesame Street Going Gay?

Bert may have finally come out, plus more evidence

(Newser) - Are Bert and Ernie gay? Sesame Street fans have long suspected as much, considering the male puppets live together and sleep side-by-side on the children’s show, but a tweet sent by Bert in June added even more fuel to the fire: “Ever notice how similar my hair is...

Our Foster Care System Bullies Gay Kids

Many are moved around, harassed, or even experience violence

(Newser) - Kenneth Jones should have been an easy foster kid to place: Decent grades, no criminal record, and he even liked doing chores. Just one problem: He’s gay. Mother Jones relays Kenneth’s story in a long piece exploring the problems the foster care system has: According to one study,...

Facebook Likely Outing Gays to Advertisers

Sexual preference may be revealed even if hidden to your friends

(Newser) - Just days after it was revealed that Facebook apps were leaking personal user data , another privacy flap for the social networking site: This time, it appears that Facebook is giving sensitive information—specifically, sexual orientation—to advertisers. Researchers from Microsoft and Germany’s Max Planck Institute recently released a paper...

Study: Penguins Not Gay, Just 'Flirting'
 Penguins Not Gay, Just Flirting 
study says

Penguins Not Gay, Just Flirting

They need testosterone outlet until females are available, say researchers

(Newser) - Penguins aren't really gay , even though it may look that way, claims a new study. The lonely animals are just "flirting" with other guys because there aren't enough females to go around, say French researchers. Male bonding among king penguins has already been observed in zoos; researchers discovered that...

Clinton Assures Gay Teens: 'It Will Get Better'

Tomorrow will be better, she assures LGBT youth

(Newser) - Add Hillary Clinton to the list of boldface names making videos aimed at gay teens in the wake of several bullying-related suicides. “I have a message for all the young people out there who are being bullied, or who feel alone and find it hard to imagine a better...

Ken Buck: Being Gay Is 'Like Alcoholism'

What will he say next?

(Newser) - GOP Colorado Senate candidate Ken Buck has already made headlines by calling birthers "dumbasses" and asking for votes based on the fact he doesn't "wear high heels ." Now, the Tea Party favorite has compared homosexuality to ... alcoholism. Asked if being gay is "'a choice," Buck...

Carl Paladino Is Right About Gay Pride Parades
Carl Paladino Is Right About Gay Pride Parades
william saletan

Carl Paladino Is Right About Gay Pride Parades

...but he's really wrong about gay marriage, writes William Saletan

(Newser) - Carl Paladino has caught a lot of flak for saying he wouldn't want his kids to see the Speedo-wearing, gyrating men that populate Gay Pride parades. And he's right, writes William Saletan for Slate . "Gay pride parades aren't the best thing to take little kids to, especially if you...

Washington Post Blasted for Anti-Gay Column

It calls gays harmful to themselves, society

(Newser) - The Washington Post is taking a drubbing from critics for running an anti-gay essay yesterday—which happened to be National Coming Out Day—that featured lines like this: "There is an abundance of evidence that homosexuals experience higher rates of mental health problems in general, including depression. However, there...

Wal-Mart Sells Anti-Gay Kids' Book
Sells Anti-Gay Kids' Book

Wal-Mart Sells Anti-Gay Kids' Book

Its big lesson: Homosexuality is a sin that can be overcome

(Newser) - Wal-Mart is selling a book for kids and parents that makes the case that homosexuals can overcome their "sin" and revert to heterosexuality, Q Salt Lake reports. Chased by an Elephant, the Gospel Truth about Today’s Stampeding Sexuality is by Janice Barrett Graham—the wife of Stephen Graham,...

Tim Gunn Bares Suicide Attempt

Joins other celebs in telling gay teens: It gets better

(Newser) - As a 17-year-old gay teen, Tim Gunn tried to commit suicide. He tells this story in the above video to send a message to gay youth: It gets better. Gunn is the latest celebrity to film such a video for sex columnist Dan Savage’s “ It Gets Better ”...

Saudi Prince on Trial for Strangling Servant

Battered man's body found in oil royal's bed

(Newser) - A Saudi Prince beat his male servant for weeks before strangling him in a gruesome lovers battle at a ritzy London hotel, a court was told yesterday. Prince Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Nasir Al Saud, grandson of King Abdullah, was videotaped kicking and punching Bandar Adulaziz on an elevator at...

Asst. AG Targets Gay Student in Odd Hate Campaign

Andrew Shirvell calls Chris Armstrong 'Satan's representative'

(Newser) - Andrew Shirvell is a “concerned alumnus” of the University of Michigan, and oh—he also happens to be the assistant attorney general of Michigan, which makes his extracurricular hobby even more disturbing. For almost six months, Shirvell has been running “ Chris Armstrong Watch ,” a blog campaigning against...

Judge Orders Air Force to Reinstate Lesbian

Margaret Witt was discharged under 'don't ask, don't tell'

(Newser) - Another setback for "don't ask, don't tell": A federal judge says the Air Force violated the constitutional rights of a highly decorated flight nurse when it discharged her for being gay, and ordered that she be given her job back as soon as possible. US District Judge Ronald Leighton...

Montana GOP Platform: It's Illegal to Be Gay

Party platform still has old plank against 'homosexual acts'

(Newser) - Homosexuals may be gaining more rights across the nation, but they can steer clear of Montana Republicans, thank you very much. The AP notes that the state party has adopted a platform that reiterates this statement of principle under the "crime" section: "We support the clear will of...

First Gay Archie Character Debuts

Reaction has been overwhelmingly positive

(Newser) - Archie Andrews doesn't need to worry—that well-groomed new kid at Riverdale High that Veronica has her eye on won't be competing for her affection. Kevin Keller, the first gay Archie Comics character (who was announced in April), makes his debut today, and artist Dan Parent says there's been very...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>