Sarah Palin Tonight Show

5 Stories

Comedy Club Invites Palin to Perform

VP was impressed with Tonight Show stand-up routine

(Newser) - At least one person was impressed with Sarah Palin’s stand-up routine on the Tonight Show, and he wants her to bring it to his comedy club. “Based on her appearance, Zanies Comedy Club would like to book Sarah Palin to perform at the club,” the establishment’s...

Tonight Show Added Laugh Track to Sarah Palin

(Newser) - A sound engineer of 30 years who was in the audience writes that audio portions of Sarah Palin's Tuesday appearance on Jay Leno's Tonight Show were added or amplified, edited before broadcast to make it appear that she was more welcome than she was. They added laughter where there was...

David Letterman Skewers Palin
 David Letterman 
 Skewers Palin 
'is it a satellite delay?'

David Letterman Skewers Palin

Sarah Palin gets mocked, multiple times, by Late Show host

(Newser) - Jay Leno wasn't the only one with Sarah Palin this week on late night. The former Alaska guv made her way into David Letterman 's interview last night with Mitt Romney ("Be careful what you say about her," cautioned the former presidential candidate. "She has a...

Palin: I Joined Fox for Fairness, Balance

She also rips White House on Leno appearance

(Newser) - So now we know why Sarah Palin joined Fox: to boost "fairness and balance" in the media. That's what she told Jay Leno in his second night back at the helm of the Tonight Show. "The mainstream media is quite broken and I think there needs to be...

Palin Turns Tables on Shatner
 Palin Turns Tables on Shatner 

Palin Turns Tables on Shatner

After he mockingly reads from her book, she returns favor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made a surprise appearance on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien tonight—and turned the tables on actor William Shatner. Shatner mockingly read passages from Palin's blockbuster Going Rogue—including ones about rapper Kid Rock and stalking sheep. Afterward, it was Palin's turn to read from Shatner's Up ...

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