best of the decade

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In a Decade, 'TV Became Art'
 In a Decade, 'TV Became Art' 

In a Decade, 'TV Became Art'

The Wire , The Sopranos , Six Feet Under , Mad Men —get the picture?

(Newser) - For television, the past decade has been “as the sixties are to music and the seventies to movies”—some of the worst content ever was produced, but the cream of the crop rose to the level of art, Emily Nussbaum writes. Sure, “you could easily memorialize the...

The Decade's Most Obsolete Stuff
 The Decade's Most 
 Obsolete Stuff 
So Long, '00s

The Decade's Most Obsolete Stuff

Everyday items that have gone extinct since 1999

(Newser) - Technology’s come leaps and bounds this past decade, leaving a trove of everyday items in the aughts' dust. New York magazine runs down some of the stuff we won’t really miss:
  • Answering machine—Swingers proved why this thing had to go.
  • Lickable stamp—Collectors still like them, but

A Decade of Hipsters

 A Decade 
 of Hipsters 

A Decade of Hipsters

From the Emo to the Meta-Nerd, check 'em here

(Newser) - The 2000s have been the decade of plenty of things, hipsters included. Paste undertakes a study of their evolution, from 2000 to the present:
  • 2000: The Emo. “Proto-hipster” finds guyliner and a white belt a “soulful combination.”
  • 2001: The Emo Redux. You’ll see a theme in

10 Who Died Too Young
 10 Who Died Too Young 

10 Who Died Too Young

From Aaliyah to Tillman to Russert, they had more to offer

(Newser) - In looking back at the '00s, the sad tales of luminaries who died too young stand out. Newsweek asked friends and admirers for their reflections:
  • Randy Pausch, d. 2008: "Despite it all," JJ Abrams writes, the "Last Lecture" professor "was radiant, kind, and good-humored."
  • Tim

The '00s' Most Disappointing Movies
 The '00s' Most 
 Disappointing Movies 
decade in review

The '00s' Most Disappointing Movies

'Tropic Thunder' leads the way

(Newser) - The decade had lots of lousy movies, but 11Points rounds up the most disappointing—those that didn't live up to their promise:
  • Tropic Thunder (2008): Amazing cast, great premise. Slam dunk, right? Not when "your go-to bit is a retarded joke." Such a lazy waste.
  • Bruno (2009): Sacha

Juiciest Awards-Show Moments
 Juiciest Awards-Show Moments 
the decade's best

Juiciest Awards-Show Moments

From Britney and Madonna's kiss to Eminem's Bruno encounter

(Newser) - Awards shows are always good for unscripted celebrity drama—the unexpected smooches, the sore losers. PopEater counts down the most buzz-worthy awards show moments of the decade.
  1. The kiss heard around the world: During the 2003 MTV VMAs, Madonna, and Britney Spears put on a show to remember.
  2. Gracious? Not

2009's Coolest Pop Culture
  2009's Coolest Pop Culture  

2009's Coolest Pop Culture

Wired picks the year's best

(Newser) - This has been a vintage year for pop culture, say Wired writers listing their year's best in fields from film to video games to microsculpture.
  • Stephen Colbert's "hyper-real genius" made the year for Scott Thill, who believes "Earth’s most relevant living cultural critic" is long overdue for

The Last Decade in 7 Merciful Minutes

 The Last 
 Decade in 
 7 Merciful 

The Last Decade in 7 Merciful Minutes

Some great unpleasantness goes by with pleasant quickness

(Newser) - Oh, the aughts had their moments, what with disputed elections, terrorist attacks, invasions, and Rickrolling. If you, like most, can't remember anything else that happened, the Frisky has a treat for you: Newsweek's condensed version of the past decade in 7 short minutes. Spoiler alert: Barack Obama becomes the first...

Decade's Happiest Endings
 Decade's Happiest Endings 
The Aughts in Review

Decade's Happiest Endings

Capt. Sully, Elizabeth Smart, even the Red Sox make the cut

(Newser) - This decade has had its fair share of tragedy, but Newsweek collects some of its best happy endings:
  1. The Red Sox in 2004. Many New Englanders lived their entire lives without seeing a Sox championship, making it that much sweeter in '04.
  2. Sully and the Hudson: The calm-under-fire performance of

The Decade's Best Quotes
 The Decade's Best Quotes 

The Decade's Best Quotes

(Newser) - With the end of the decade near, Newsweek has rounded up the top 10 most important quotes from 2000 to 2009. A selection:
  • "Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job": President George W. Bush, Sept. 2, 2005. In one line to then-FEMA director Michael Brown, Bush summed

Decade's Best Live TV Moments
 Decade's Best Live TV Moments 

Decade's Best Live TV Moments

From Barack Obama's victory speech to the tumbling of Saddam's statue

(Newser) - Paste looks back on the decade’s 25 best—not necessarily most important—moments on live TV. The top 10:
  1. Barack Obama: His victory speech captured the moment when one part of Martin Luther King’s dream came true.
  2. Miracle on the Hudson: Pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger became

Top-Grossing Films of the Decade

The list is populated with sequels, adaptations, remakes

(Newser) - Thanks to a Wikipedia contributor who put together a list of the 50 highest-grossing films of the decade, it’s easy to see Hollywood’s—and, apparently, America’s—obsession with rehashing old material. As The Wrap points out, only nine aren't sequels or adaptations, and you have to reach...

A Look Back at Movies of the '00s
 A Look Back at 
 Movies of the '00s 

A Look Back at Movies of the '00s

Which films will be remembered, and which ones deserve it?

(Newser) - The shifting sands of entertainment technology make a look at the past decade's movies a tricky proposition simply because standing the test of time means something different almost daily. "The possibility of a digital, on-demand afterlife guarantees at least a theoretically universal long-tail immortality to blockbusters and curiosities alike,...

Best TV Series of the '00s
 Best TV Series of the '00s 
netflix alert

Best TV Series of the '00s

Joss Whedon, Judd Apatow, HBO prominently featured

(Newser) - From the standard (No. 16, Friday Night Lights) to the quirky (No. 29, Wonder Showzen), the long-running (No. 8, Lost) to the canceled-too-soon (No. 4, Freaks and Geeks), The Onion runs down the 30 best shows of the '00s:
  • No. 1, The Wire: This drama “unfolded like a great

Best Videos of the Decade
 Best Videos of the Decade 

Best Videos of the Decade

Music industry may be changing, but the format is alive and well

(Newser) - The "aughties" saw a breakdown in the traditional music business and the outlets for music videos. But that doesn't mean people didn't make good ones—maybe they're even better for it. Steve LaBate runs down the best since 2000 in Paste. A sampling:
  • Outkast, "Bombs Over Baghdad": "

Greatest Albums of the Decade
 Greatest Albums of the Decade 

Greatest Albums of the Decade

From Radiohead to Bon Iver, Paste hits the highlights

(Newser) - Paste takes a look back at the past decade—and its own 10-year history—with its list of the 50 best albums of the ‘00s:
  • No. 1. Sufjan Stevens, Illinoise: “His music pushed boundaries between pop and classical.”
  • No. 4. Radiohead, Kid A: Marked “the

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

 100 Defining 
 of the '00s 

pop culture

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too

(Newser) - From the tragic (World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane Katrina) to the seemingly trivial (Stephen Fry's first Tweet), the Telegraph lists the top 100 defining cultural moments of the decade so far:
  • April 2000: Metallica sues music-sharing service Napster.
  • October 2001: The iPod is released.
  • February 2003: Sacha Baron Cohen hits

Worst Food Trends of the Decade
 Worst Food Trends 
 of the Decade 
check, please

Worst Food Trends of the Decade

From onion blossoms to overhyped chefs, these things need to go away

(Newser) - Asked to name the decade's worst dining trends, chefs and other food experts couldn't shut up. There were too many (including "mache, water sommeliers, organ-meat entrees, unisex bathrooms, bacon tattoos on chefs, over-flaunted kitchen burns, chefs tables") for Christopher Borrelli to list them all, but he...

Worst Films of the Decade
 Worst Films of the Decade 

Worst Films of the Decade

From Larry the Cable Guy to Antonio Banderas, these actors should have said no

(Newser) - Some films—including a few released mere weeks ago (we’re looking at you, All About Steve)—are just plain bad. Rotten Tomatoes compiles the absolute worst 100 of the decade so far. A sampling from the top 10, aka the bottom 10:
  • Witless Protection: “Larry the Cable Guy

100 Definitive Songs of the '00s
 100 Definitive Songs of the '00s 

100 Definitive Songs of the '00s

From Amy Winehouse to Outkast and beyond, tunes define a music-rich decade

(Newser) - As the 2000s draw to a close, the Telegraph takes a look at the 100 songs that define the decade. The top 10:
  1. "Rehab," Amy Winehouse (2006)
  2. "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor," Arctic  Monkeys (2005)
  3. "Crazy In Love," Beyonce (2003)
  4. "

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