Tareq Salahi

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

President on Gatecrashers: 'Never Again'

Obama 'unhappy' with everyone involved

(Newser) - President Obama said he was angry about the "screw up" that allowed a couple to crash his state dinner two weeks ago. The president said he was "unhappy with everybody who was involved in the process" because "although I chafe at being in the bubble, I also...

House Subpoenas Gate-Crashers

But the Salahis say they'll take the Fifth

(Newser) - A House committee followed up on its threat to force the couple who crashed President Obama's State Dinner last month to testify. Lawmakers voted to subpoena Tareq and Michaele Salahi, who refused to appear voluntarily. Even now, the Salahis say they will take the Fifth when they show up, the...

Before Salahis, There Were Plenty of Other Gate Crashers

Secret Service counts 91 uninvited guests since 1980

(Newser) - Tareq and Michaele Salahi are hardly the first White House gate crashers to elude the Secret Service, it turns out: There have been at least 91 of them since 1980, according to a secret report acquired by the Washington Post . White House security has been foiled by a long list...

Secret Service Agents Face Firing for Salahi Slip

Two agents on leave, face disciplinary action

(Newser) - The two Secret Service agents who let Michaele and Tareq Salahi crash last week’s state dinner have been placed on administrative leave and may be fired, agency chief Mark Sullivan told Congress today. Testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, the Secret Service director took full responsibility for the...

Salahis Say They Won't Testify
 Salahis Say They Won't Testify 

Salahis Say They Won't Testify

Party-crashers turn down House invite; subpoena threatened

(Newser) - Saying “there is nothing further that they can do to assist Congress in its inquiry,” the White House party-crashers turned down an invitation to appear before a House committee tomorrow. That was unpleasant news to the Democrat chairing the panel, who vowed quick action against Tareq and Michaele...

Party Crashers Make Desir&eacute;e Rogers Look Bad
 Party Crashers Make 
 Desirée Rogers Look Bad 

Party Crashers Make Desirée Rogers Look Bad

Is White House social secretary to blame for Michaele and Tareq Salahi?

(Newser) - A week’s worth of finger-pointing over how Michaele and Tareq Salahi managed to crash a state dinner has now turned the spotlight on a controversial figure: White House social secretary Desirée Rogers. Unlike demure secretaries before her, the attention-grabbing Rogers “arrived in Washington this year to great...

Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs
 Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs 
Maureen Dowd

Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs

Washington's full of preeners, fakers, and wannabes

(Newser) - The Salahis have finally gotten a real invite to a high-brow Washington event—a Congressional hearing into their infamous party crashing. Surely, the Salahis shouldn’t have been allowed to slip in—it shows a Secret Service “with glaring—and chilling—vulnerabilities and liabilities,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Gatecrashers' Charity More Fishy Than Horsey

$250K event netted just $18K for charity

(Newser) - A close look at the America's Polo Cup charity event created by White House gatecrashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi reveals inconsistencies that could look mighty suspicious to those taking an uncharitable view. Tareq Salahi—captain of the US polo team that will play India in this year's cup—said the...

Salahis Crashed Black Caucus Event
 Salahis Crashed 
 Black Caucus Event 

Salahis Crashed Black Caucus Event

No, we didn't, they say, but had no tickets and were booted

(Newser) - The state dinner party crashers have rubbed elbows with Washington's elite before in what one miffed attendee calls “some practice” for the more recent intrusion. Michaele and Tareq Salahi were in attendance at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Dinner in September, where Obama spoke, and have Facebook pictures to...

Tareq Salahi: 'We Did Not Party Crash'
 Tareq Salahi: 'We 
 Did Not Party Crash' 

Tareq Salahi: 'We Did Not Party Crash'

Scandal is 'devastating' to him, wife Michaele, he tells Today

(Newser) - The so-called White House party crashers gave their first interview today, telling the Today Show that they are cooperating with the Secret Service and the case will soon take a dramatic turn. "We did not party crash the White House," says Tareq Salahi. "The truth will soon...

Gatecrashers Thought Defense Official Scored Invites

Sources say emails support Salahis' story

(Newser) - Secret Service investigators are examining an email exchange between the Salahis and a Pentagon official that allegedly caused the gatecrashers to believe they were invited to last week's state dinner. The emails contain assurances from Michele Jones that she was doing her best to score the couple an invite, sources...

Pentagon Denies Helping Salahis Crash Dinner
 Pentagon Denies Helping 
 Salahis Crash Dinner 

Pentagon Denies Helping Salahis Crash Dinner

Gates assistant communicated with couple, but made no promises

(Newser) - The couple who crashed the Obama administration's first state dinner communicated with a senior Pentagon official about going to the event, but the official denies that she helped the couple get in. Michele Jones, a special assistant to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, said in a written statement tonight that she...

Salahis Invited to Capitol Hill ... Through Front Door

Party crashers haven't been subpoenaed. Yet.

(Newser) - The House Committee on Homeland Security has asked the couple who crashed last week's White House state dinner to testify on Thursday. Tareq and Michaele Salahi have not confirmed that they will appear, and testifying could complicate their plans to auction off the story of how they infiltrated the theoretically...

Secret Service Grills Party Crashers

Agent let Salahis in because it was raining

(Newser) - The Secret Service has questioned the couple who crashed last week's White House state dinner and discovered they were allowed into the function when they pleaded with an agent to let them come in out of the rain. Tareq and Michaele Salahi could face charges, said an official who characterized...

Party Crashers Shop Interview
 Party Crashers Shop Interview 

Party Crashers Shop Interview

They want hundreds of thousands to tell their tale.

(Newser) - The couple who infamously crashed President Barack Obama's first state dinner are peddling their story to broadcast networks for hundreds of thousands of dollars, a television executive says. The executive told the AP that representatives for Michaele and Tareq Salahi contacted networks to urge them to "get their bids...

State Dinner Interlopers Met Obamas

Secret Service confirms failure of procedures

(Newser) - Michaele and Tareq Salahi not only penetrated White House security before Tuesday's state dinner but actually went through the receiving line, where they were greeted by President Obama and Michelle Obama. The red-faced director of the Secret Service released a statement today saying, "Preliminary findings of our internal investigation...

Party-Crashers Conned Secret Service

Couple talked their way past security, may face criminal charges

(Newser) - The state dinner crashers got in on pure chutzpah, conning a Secret Service agent into giving them access without verifying their names in the White House computer even though they weren't on the guest list. A law enforcement official tells MSNBC that rumors an administration official "waved in" Tareq...

Gatecrashers Named In 16 Lawsuits
Gatecrashers Named
In 16 Lawsuits

Gatecrashers Named In 16 Lawsuits

Salahis engaged in numerous court battles

(Newser) - White House gatecrashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi appear to spend a lot of their time in court when they're not trying out for reality TV or sneaking into diplomatic functions. The two are named in no less than 16 civil lawsuits in Virginia's Fauquier County, sometimes as plaintiffs and sometimes...

Party-Crashers Got Close to Obamas Before
Party-Crashers Got Close
to Obamas Before

Party-Crashers Got Close to Obamas Before

Photos show them in inaugural box; Secret Service admits mistake

(Newser) - The Secret Service admitted the obvious today, saying that security measures “weren’t followed” at Tuesday’s White House dinner, which a Virginia couple auditioning for a reality show crashed. And, the Washington Post reports, it appears the couple got pretty close to the president-elect during inauguration festivities, even...

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