Sarah Palin Going Rogue

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Bristol Palin Going Rogue, Writing Book

304 pages of what, exactly?

(Newser) - It might be something like War & Peace or The Call of the Wild, except with more dancing and belated abstinence, but a new literary Wasillan has gone rogue. Amazon has a pre-order page for a 304-page Bristol Palin memoir, set to be released in September by HarperCollins. Gawker 's...

Palin Cranking Out Next Book
 Palin Cranking Out Next Book 

Palin Cranking Out Next Book

Date for 'celebration of American virtues and strengths' still TBA

(Newser) - With 2 million copies sold, and Going Rogue still on bestseller lists, Sarah Palin is already working on another book, the AP reports. The untitled, release-date-TBA work will be a “celebration of American virtues and strengths” and “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her,...

Sarah Palin's Book a Bestseller—With Her PAC

SarahPAC paid $63,000 for complimentary copies of Going Rogue

(Newser) - Sarah Palin used $63,000 of her political action committee's funds to buy copies of her book Going Rogue last year. SarahPAC used the money to send copies of the book to donors who'd met a contribution target. The committee also ponied up $8,000 for "colorful bookmarks,"...

Todd Palin Behind Banned-Bloggers List

Man kept from Sarah's Alaska signing gets answers

(Newser) - Turns out Todd Palin was behind the banning of certain bloggers from wife Sarah’s book-signing event in her Alaskan hometown Tuesday. One of those barred from the event talked to the store manager, who told him, “The ‘banned list’ is just four names he wrote in a...

Palin Bans Bloggers From Book Signing

Critics kicked out of hometown 'Going Rogue ' event

(Newser) - Dying to attend one of Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue book signings? Better make sure you’re not on the banned list first. It includes four names so far, one of whom hasn’t been identified. The first three:
  • Jesse Gryphen: An Alaska kindergarten teacher who posted Palin divorce rumors

Palin Turns Tables on Shatner
 Palin Turns Tables on Shatner 

Palin Turns Tables on Shatner

After he mockingly reads from her book, she returns favor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made a surprise appearance on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien tonight—and turned the tables on actor William Shatner. Shatner mockingly read passages from Palin's blockbuster Going Rogue—including ones about rapper Kid Rock and stalking sheep. Afterward, it was Palin's turn to read from Shatner's Up ...

Palin to Obama: Boycott 'Politicized' Copenhagen

Climategate emails prove how flawed summit is

(Newser) - Contending that the so-called “Climategate” emails prove how politicized and flawed the ongoing summit is, Sarah Palin urges President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen gathering. “The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather,” she writes in the Washington Post , “but they would...

Foe Chucks Tomatoes at Palin, Hits Cop

Man busted after not-so-near miss at book signing

(Newser) - A Minnesota man is facing assault charges and taunts about his lousy aim after lobbing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin during a book signing yesterday. The man chucked the tomatoes from the second floor of the Mall of America in Bloomington as Palin signed autographs below. He missed by a...

Dad: Palin Left Hawaii Because of Minorities

Too many Asians, Pacific Islanders, he says in new book

(Newser) - In a new book, Sarah Palin’s father says one reason she cut short her college career in Hawaii was because the heavy minority population made her uncomfortable—and not, as she writes in her book, because “perpetual sunshine isn’t necessarily conducive to serious academics.” Lefty sites...

Palin: If I'd Won, Biden Would Be Going Rogaine
 Palin: If I'd Won, 
 Biden Would Be 
 Going Rogaine 

Palin: If I'd Won, Biden Would Be Going Rogaine

Would-be veep cracks on herself at journalists' dinner

(Newser) - Sarah Palin poked fun at herself in a speech to the Gridiron Club last night, drawing laughter when she announced she "came down from my hotel room and I could see the Russian Embassy." Other knee-slappers:
  • The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate joked that she had originally thought

Palin's John Wooden Quote Actually From Native Activist
Palin's John Wooden Quote Actually From Native Activist

Palin's John Wooden Quote Actually From Native Activist

John Wooden Legs more into tribal land rights than UCLA coach

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has made many a mention of her background as a basketball point guard, but in her memoir she completely misses the net with a quote attributed to coaching legend John Wooden, Geoffrey Dunn writes. In fact, it’s Native American activist John Wooden Legs behind the quote, which...

Book Tour Shows Palin Hitting a Nerve
 Book Tour Shows Palin 
 Hitting a Nerve  

Book Tour Shows Palin Hitting a Nerve

'Going Rogue' phenomenon may foreshadow something bigger

(Newser) - Just 5 days into her book tour, first-time author Sarah Palin is attracting crowds so huge and adoring that they're feeding speculation about her political future. The philosophy that moved one fan to call her "the female Ronald Reagan" is nothing new, experts tell Erika Bolstad of the Anchorage ...

Palin: Our First WWE Politician
 Palin: Our First WWE Politician 
Matt Taibbi

Palin: Our First WWE Politician

Pick an asshole, any asshole, and she'll rock the house

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is America’s “first WWE politician,” barren of actual political ideas but on a crusade against “assholes,” Matt Taibbi writes. The governor-turned-author is “a cartoon combatant who inspires stadiums full of frustrated middle American followers who will cheer for her against whichever villain...

Sarah Palin's $25.6M Week

 Sarah Palin's 
 $25.6M Week 

Sarah Palin's $25.6M Week

Think of it as a 1-woman stimulus package for herself, publishing, media

(Newser) - Estimates that Sarah Palin's Going Rogue sold 300,000 copies its first day out prompt Duff McDonald to calculate how much this week of wall-to-wall Palin exposure will net not just for her, but for her publisher, and the media outlets that love and hate her. Total take, he guesses...

Sullivan Back; Still Hates Palin
 Sullivan Back; Still Hates Palin 

Sullivan Back; Still Hates Palin

Calls her book 'manifesto for the imagined life'

(Newser) - The notoriously Sarah Palin-obsessed Andrew Sullivan has restarted his Atlantic blog after taking time off to read her book, and, not surprisingly, he found it ridiculous. “It is,” he writes, “a manifesto for the imagined life of an imagined Sarah Palin as a leader for all those...

America's Best Political Memoirs

Sarah Palin hasn't got anything on Ulysses S. Grant

(Newser) - With Going Rogue flying off the shelves, Time looks back on the best political memoirs ever, including:
  • Ulysses S. Grant—The first presidential memoir to take the nation by storm, Grant finished his book just days before he died, and loaded it with thoughtful reflections and Civil War action.

McCain Defends Staffers From Palin

Says he's 'proud' of her, but 'it's just time to move on'

(Newser) - John McCain is careful to praise Sarah Palin at the same time he stands by the staffers she's going after in her book. “There's been a lot of dust flying around in the last few days,” he tells Reuters , referring to the publication of Palin’s Going Rogue....

Sullivan Silences Atlantic Blog to Dissect Palin Book

He sees possibility of a 'huge scandal' and needs time to get it right

(Newser) - Readers of Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish blog will have to be patient: The site has "gone silent" for only the second time in its 10-year run so Sullivan and his two assistants can devote all their time to dissecting Sarah Palin's new book. "There is a possibility here...

Unofficial Index to Going Rogue
 Unofficial Index to Going Rogue 
wardrobe: price of, page 314

Unofficial Index to Going Rogue

Palin memoir doesn't have one, so...

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's memoir, Going Rogue, doesn't have an index. So Slate has generously provided one. Some key references:
  • Alaska: "robin's egg sky of," page 2.
  • Books: cookbooks and the Bible, page 15; Animal Farm, page 27
  • Cap and trade: an "environmentalist Ponzi scheme," page 391

Palin Memoir: I Inspired Obama's 'Change'

Palin suggests Dem's '08 adviser lifted Alaska strategy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin believes she might deserve some of the credit for President Obama's victory but not in the way some people in the McCain camp would have it. In Going Rogue, Palin points to her campaign for Alaska governor as having used the "Change" theme and suggests she may...

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