California legislature

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Lawmakers Back Moves to Atone for Racism

California bills call for issuing an apology and returning seized property, but there's no funding yet

(Newser) - California lawmakers last week passed some of the nation's most sweeping legislation aimed at atoning for a legacy of racist policies that drove disparities for Black people, in areas including housing, education, and health. None of the bills would provide widespread direct payments to African Americans, the AP reports....

One State Hits Milestone on LGBTQ Representation

10% of California's legislature identifies as such, a first for the nation

(Newser) - While LGBTQ candidates and their supporters celebrated several milestone victories around the nation in this year's midterms, California quietly reached its own: At least 10% of its state lawmakers identify publicly as LGBTQ, believed to be a first for any US legislature. The California legislators are all Democrats, per...

Bill Would Bar Stores From Having 'Boys' and 'Girls' Toys

California lawmakers say the practice is outdated

(Newser) - A California lawmaker said that when she was a child, she sometimes was steered away from playing with Lincoln Logs because they were thought by adults to be for boys. The issue is more than fun; such activities can develop spatial ability, notes the Los Angeles Times . That can help...

In Rare Move, Republican Flips California House Seat

Mike Garcia wins special election

(Newser) - Mike Garcia grew up a single-minded kid from Southern California: He just wanted to fly fighter jets. His decision to enter national politics wouldn’t come until decades later, after he had seen one California election too many. A career as a Navy aviator would lead to a decade in...

Lawmaker's Response to Musk Is Brief and to the Point

Some point out that it's harder to dismiss the jobs Tesla provides

(Newser) - Elon Musk has threatened to move Tesla out of California, and one lawmaker seems ready to move on without him. Leaving little room for ongoing debate, Lorena Gonzalez tweeted late Saturday, "F*** Elon Musk." The CEO is unhappy with California's restrictions during the pandemic, which have shut...

#MeToo Lawmaker Faces 'Spin the Bottle' Accusation

Staffers say there was pressure to drink in Cristina Garcia's office

(Newser) - A former aide is suing California assemblywoman and #MeToo advocate Cristina Garcia, claiming the Democrat fired him for not wanting to play "spin the bottle" in her hotel room after a night of heavy drinking at a fundraiser in 2014. David John Kernick says he was written up for...

Eye on Trump, California Lawyers Up —Big Time

Legislature hires Eric Holder to head legal battles against incoming president

(Newser) - California is gearing up to fight Donald Trump's administration—and President Obama's former attorney general will lead the charge. Democratic leaders of the California Legislature announced Wednesday that they've hired Eric Holder, now a partner at law firm Covington & Burling, to head a team of lawyers...

Calif. Pol Busted on Charges of Arms Trafficking

Leland Yee arrested in ring that also includes gangsters

(Newser) - There's your everyday corruption, and then there's what California state Sen. Leland Yee has been accused of. The FBI arrested Yee yesterday on sweeping corruption and arms smuggling charges, the LA Times reports. The affidavit names 26 people in all—including prominent political consultant Keith Jackson, and a...

California Democrats Warn Campuses Could Close

They lay out dire scenario if states fixes deficit without tax hikes

(Newser) - California Democrats have floated the idea of closing some University of California campuses, shortening the school year, and laying off law enforcement officers as desperate means of dealing with the state’s mammoth budget deficit, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The proposals were voiced at a hearing examining ways to...

Calif. Mulls Tough Helmet Law for Skiers, Boarders

Helmets required for anyone under 18, and ski areas would be responsible

(Newser) - Two bills making their way through the California legislature would give the state the strictest US regulations governing helmet use while skiing or snowboarding, and dramatically shift responsibility onto resort operators. The first bill would require anyone under 18 to strap on head protection, and subject parents to a $25...

Calif. Pols Vote for 'Cuss-Free Week'

No enforcement plans—just penalty jars at Capitol

(Newser) - Taking a break from slightly more serious measures—$20 billion budget deficit, anyone?—California’s state house today passed a bill that would have the state observing “Cuss-Free Week” effective Sunday. “We’re not going to be calling out the CIA or FBI or CHP to go around...

Arnold Hides Vulgar Message to Legislators in Veto

Bill's author recently told governor to 'kiss my gay ass'

(Newser) - Though all political vetoes send some message, a recent one by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to carry two—with the less-obvious one quite the kiss-off to the Democrat-controlled legislature. In the message accompanying Schwarzenegger’s veto of a financing measure, the San Francisco Bay Guardian found that, in reading...

Calif. Senator to Sue Schwarzenegger Over Budget Cuts

(Newser) - The leader of California's Senate says he'll take Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to court for using line-item vetoes to slash another $500 million from the budget deal he was sent last week, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Democrat Darrell Steinberg accuses Schwarzenegger of overstepping his authority by making the cuts. "...

Plan to Free 27K Inmates Threatens Calif. Budget Deal

(Newser) - A plan to slash the number of inmates by 27,000 could sink California's long-delayed budget deal, the Los Angeles Times reports. Angry Republican state lawmakers threatened to back out of the agreement after learning of the plan, which would give prison officials authority to let any inmate over 60...

Calif. Finally Forges Budget Deal
Calif. Finally Forges
Budget Deal

Calif. Finally Forges Budget Deal

Plan calls for massive cuts to close $26B budget hole

(Newser) - After weeks of wrangling, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has made a deal with state lawmakers to close the $26 billion hole in California's budget, the Sacramento Bee reports. Leaders believe the plan—which involves massive spending cuts and borrowing from city governments—is solid enough to secure billions of dollars in...

Deal Near on Calif. Budget Gap
 Deal Near on Calif. Budget Gap 

Deal Near on Calif. Budget Gap

(Newser) - The California Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger are just steps away from an agreement that would close the state’s $26.3 billion deficit, the Los Angeles Times reports. Talks are expected to conclude today. “I don’t think there is anything that would make negotiations shut down at...

Arnold: Budget Crisis Is Not a Game of Chicken

Gov defends stance amid standoff

(Newser) - Tensions are soaring in California as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger faces off against Democratic lawmakers in the state’s budget crisis. But the governator is keeping calm as he defends his position, the Financial Times reports. He’s calling for welfare reform before he’ll sign off on a budget, but...

Arnold: Make Budget Talks Reality TV

Says he'd like office to be 'glass house'

(Newser) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants another starring role onscreen—and he's looking to bring California’s legislators with him. The governator wants budget meetings televised or streamed online to show the public what gives, reports the Los Angeles Times. “A debate in front of the people” would “expose...

Who Replaces Arnold? 'Entertaining' Race Unfolds

(Newser) - Sure, California's going through a little financial Armageddon, but that's not keeping candidates from lining up to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is prevented by term limits from running in 2010. In the New York Times magazine, Mark Leibovitch takes a look at the eclectic field, which includes Jerry Brown ("...

Arnold Declares Emergency in Calif. Budget Mess

(Newser) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today declared a fiscal emergency and ordered lawmakers to produce a plan to close the state’s $24.3 billion deficit within 45 days, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. To accomplish that, Schwarzenegger called a special session of the legislature, and also ordered 220,000 state...

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