Fort Hood shooting

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Judge Orders Hasan Held 'Til Court Martial

Ft. Hood suspect likely to move from hospital to jail

(Newser) - The Army psychiatrist charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood will be confined until his military trial, initially staying in a hospital where he is recovering from gunshot wounds, his attorney said yesterday. A magistrate ruled there was probable cause that Maj. Nidal Hasan committed the Nov. 5 shooting...

Hasan Asked Cleric When Jihad Was OK
Hasan Asked Cleric When Jihad Was OK

Hasan Asked Cleric When Jihad Was OK

'I can't wait to join you' in the afterlife, accused shooter wrote in email

(Newser) - Before he allegedly opened fire at Fort Hood, Nidal Hasan told a radical Islamic cleric that he couldn’t wait to drink nonalcoholic wine with him in the afterlife, according to one US official. Hasan exchanged 18 emails with Anwar al-Awlaki, who authorities believe is an al-Qaeda recruiter. In them,...

Fort Hood Suspect Feared He Had HIV

Hasan was worried about recent test

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan took an HIV test just a week before the Fort Hood shooting spree and was worried about the results, federal investigators tell ABC . Though there’s no evidence that Hasan was HIV-positive, the drug Combivir, which is often used to treat HIV patients, was found in his apartment,...

Boss Warned of 'Serious' Hasan Concerns 2 Years Ago

2007 memo outlines supervisor's 'serious concerns'

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan's supervisor at the Walter Reed Medical Center warned that the psychiatrist was unprofessional and lazy in a harshly critical performance evaluation in 2007. Hasan "demonstrates a pattern of poor judgment and a lack of professionalism," the report states, noting that he proselytized to his patients and...

Diversity Isn't a Strength
 Diversity Isn't a Strength 

Diversity Isn't a Strength

'Irritating cliché' should be ditched in wake of Fort Hood

(Newser) - "Diversity is a strength" has become the most irritating cliché in America, and was used to ludicrous effect after the Fort Hood shootings, argues Ann Coulter. Diversity "has never been anything but a problem" throughout history, Coulter writes in Human Events , pointing to Israel, China, Canada, Rwanda, and...

GOP Reps. Pin Fort Hood on Obama

Hoekstra hints at administration missteps, wants probe

(Newser) - Hinting that Obama administration’s restrictions on how the government fights terrorism led to the Fort Hood shooting, two Republican Congressman today called for an immediate probe of the incident. Congress has been asked to wait until a military investigation is complete, but, Pete Hoekstra says , “It has to...

Hasan Sought to Turn in Patients for 'War Crimes'

Senate committee delays briefing on Fort Hood rampage

(Newser) - Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan repeatedly tried to have his patients prosecuted for “war crimes,” raising the issue with Army authorities a final time on Nov. 2—just 3 days before the Fort Hood massacre. In a breach of doctor-patient confidentiality, Hasan asked superiors if he could legally pass...

Hasan Wrote Imam of Anger With US

Link went beyond sermons; Aulaqi says Hasan 'trusted' him

(Newser) - Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan revealed his growing disapproval of the US military in email correspondence with a radical imam who once counseled 9/11 terrorists, the cleric has revealed. “I speak with you about issues that I never speak with anyone else," the imam said Hasan wrote in...

Fort Hood Victims Laid to Rest
 Fort Hood Victims Laid to Rest 

Fort Hood Victims Laid to Rest

Funerals take place across the country

(Newser) - Funerals for several of the 13 victims of the Fort Hood shooting took place today across the nation. Friends, family, and community members laid to rest Staff Sgt. Justin DeCrow, Spc. Jason Dean Hunt, Staff Sgt. Amy Krueger, Pfc. Aaron Thomas Nemelka, Capt. John Gaffaney, and Pfc. Michael Pearson. "...

Army Medicine Failed Hasan, Shooting Victims
 Army Medicine 
 Failed Hasan, 
fort hood shooting

Army Medicine Failed Hasan, Shooting Victims

Shooter wasn't promoted because it was PC; it was necessity

(Newser) - Media coverage of the Fort Hood killings has been factually challenged and quick to jump to conclusions about terrorism and political correctness, but the underlying problem is much bigger, Mark Benjamin argues. The real question: Why was alleged shooter Nidal Malik Hasan an Army psychiatrist in the first place? Given...

Hasan Likely to Be Paralyzed: Lawyer
 Likely to Be 


Hasan Likely to Be Paralyzed: Lawyer

Accused Fort Hood shooter may never regain use of legs

(Newser) - Accused Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan may be paralyzed from the waist down, his lawyer says. The Army major has no feeling in his legs, which doctors say could be permanent. He also has extreme pain in his hands. His lawyer tells CBS that though he was lucid during...

Hasan Will Face 13 Murder Charges
 Hasan Will Face 
 13 Murder Charges 

Hasan Will Face 13 Murder Charges

Fort Hood suspect allegedly violated military law

(Newser) - The Army has charged Nidal Malik Hasan with 13 counts of murder in the "first step in the court-martial process." Hasan, an Army major and psychiatrist, may face additional charges in connection with last week's shooting at Fort Hood. He remains hospitalized in San Antonio and is being...

Home-Grown Islamic Terrorism No Threat
 Home-Grown Islamic 
 Terrorism No Threat 

Home-Grown Islamic Terrorism No Threat

US Muslims well-integrated, 'devout capitalists'

(Newser) - Whatever place religious extremism occupied in the troubled mind of Nidal Hasan, the United States—unlike Europe—has no reason to fear terrorism from its own Muslim population, says Max Fisher . American Muslims are far less vulnerable to al-Qaeda recruitment than their brethren across the pond, Fisher writes in the...

Death Penalty Extremely Rare in Military
Death Penalty Extremely Rare in Military

Death Penalty Extremely Rare in Military

Hasan could become first to be executed by military since 1961

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan could face the death penalty for the Fort Hood shootings, but he will be prosecuted in a military justice system where no one has been executed in nearly 50 years. He may also benefit from protections the military provides defendants that are greater than those offered in civilian...

Witness: Hero Cop's Partner Took Down Hasan

Sgt. Mark Todd's role obscured in Fort Hood aftermath

(Newser) - Kimberly Munley's heroism during the Fort Hood shootings isn't in question but her equally heroic partner deserves the credit for actually stopping Nidal Hasan's rampage, according to an eyewitness. Hasan shot Munley as she appeared from behind a building and was reloading, apparently unharmed, when Sgt. Mark Todd came around...

In Lead-up to Attack, Hasan Hit Strip Club

May have been another sign he was about to snap

(Newser) - Shooter Nidal Hasan repeatedly visited a local strip joint in the days leading up to the Fort Hood rampage, spending six hours at one stretch watching pole dancers, according to investigators. Insiders believe the behavior may have been one more indication that Hasan was about to snap. The 9/11 hijackers...

Fort Hood Hero: It Was 'Confusing and Chaotic'

Cop in good condition despite three gunshot wounds

(Newser) - The police sergeant who brought down the Fort Hood shooter tells Oprah she's “doing well” despite three gunshot wounds. Kimberly Munley, 34, said the call came in as she was washing her patrol car at the end of her shift. "The entire incident was very confusing and chaotic,...

Hasan Didn't Try to Leave Army
 Hasan Didn't Try to Leave Army 

Hasan Didn't Try to Leave Army

Fort Hood shooter didn't file paperwork

(Newser) - Nidal Malik Hasan may have been disgrunted with the military and wanted to get out, as a relative has claimed, but he did not formally apply for a discharge. The suspected Fort Hood shooter might’ve talked to his superiors privately about not wanting to serve in Afghanistan, but he...

O'Reilly: 'We Can't Kill All the Muslims'

Fox host suggests motive for US strategy

(Newser) - Fox News host Bill O'Reilly believes the US wants to win the "hearts and minds" of the world's Muslims because we can't kill all of them, the Huffington Post reports. He let slip last night during a discussion with novelist and retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters about alleged Fort...

Feds Point Fingers in Hasan Missteps

Fort Hood blame game begins

(Newser) - The FBI and the Pentagon are fighting off accusations that someone dropped the ball on Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan. Department of Defense officials say that the FBI never notified them that Hasan had been in contact with extremist imam Anwar al-Aulaqi, while the FBI's defenders say that his...

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