Saddam Hussein

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Saddam's Last Days Revealed
 Saddam's Last Days Revealed 

Saddam's Last Days Revealed

CNN tours the former dictator's US detention cell

(Newser) - The dictator who ruled with a murderous fist spent his time writing in his journal and tending to a small garden his captors allowed him in the prison courtyard. And on his execution day, the man known as "Vic" told guards to tell his daughter he was going to...

Saddam Paid for Lawmakers' Trip to Iraq

Three congressmen unaware he financed visit in 2002

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein secretly paid for a trip made by three congressmen to Iraq in 2002  just ahead of the US invasion, the AP reports. The congressmen, all of whom opposed the war, did not know Saddam financed the trip because he funneled the money through a nonprofit group in Michigan....

Security Comes to Fallujah With Saddam-Like Iron Fist

US hails progress, but top cop relies on brutal tactics, says democracy not for Iraq

(Newser) - Fallujah, a hotbed of violence that has shown signs of stability, is trumpeted by the US as a success story of the Iraq war effort. But the security achieved there, largely the work of Faial Ismail al-Zobaie, the city’s police chief and a former insurgent, is the result of...

Saddam's Files Provide No 'Smoking Gun'

Iraqi docs cast doubt on al-Qaeda link and Bush, Sr. murder plot

(Newser) - The Pentagon has rifled through 600,000 pages of Iraqi intelligence docs and found no sign of:
  • a plot to kill George Bush, Sr. in 1993.
  • a Saddam Hussein-al-Qaeda link.
  • a connection between Baghdad and Abdul Rahman Yasin, an alleged Sept. 11 plotter.
In fact, Hussein and his ministers are...

Information Age an Uneasy Time in Baghdad

City residents free to surf the Web but scared to leave their homes

(Newser) - The electronics business is booming in Baghdad five years after the US-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein's regime, the LA Times reports. Repressive controls on foreign TV and Internet access are gone and shoppers are free to buy DVDs of the latest Hollywood movies—but too often, they are investing in...

Bush Sees Success as Iraq War Turns 5

Bush says the war must be won

(Newser) - On the fifth anniversary of launching the shock-and-awe assault that toppled Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, President Bush will make a major speech at the Pentagon today, CNN reports. In excerpts from the speech he acknowledges that "the fight in Iraq was faltering," but praises the progress in...

Saddam Had No Links to Al-Qaeda: Pentagon Study

Iraq invasion justification again called into question

(Newser) - A Pentagon-sponsored study of captured Iraqi intelligence archives has been unable to find a single operational link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden or his al-Qaeda network, reports the McClatchy newspapers. The study will be released this week and is expected to refuel debate over the US justification for...

Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq
Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq

Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq

Ahmadinejad visit deepens ties with neighbor

(Newser) - In an historic visit, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Iraq today predicting “a new chapter” for relations between the two countries, despite a tense history and a feud with Baghdad’s American allies. Ahmadinejad, who won’t be protected by US forces during his two-day trip, met...

'Chemical Ali' Slated to Hang
'Chemical Ali' Slated to Hang

'Chemical Ali' Slated to Hang

Convicted of genocide, cousin of Saddam has death sentence approved

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein's cousin "Chemical Ali" will be hanged now that the last legal obstacle to his execution has been eliminated by the Iraqi presidency council, Reuters reports. The execution of Ali Hassan al-Majid will take place in a matter of days, according to a spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister...

Saddam Faked Nukes to Scare Iran, Not US: Agent

Did not believe US would invade over weapons of mass destruction

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein revealed in FBI interrogations that he had no nuclear or biological weapons of mass destruction, but hid that fact to avoid invasion by Iran—and was stunned when the US invaded. "For him, it was critical that he was seen as the strong, defiant Saddam to prevent...

Iraq Ends Ban on Saddam-Era Baath Officials

Will allow thousands of civil servants to reapply for jobs, pensions

(Newser) - The Iraqi parliament today cleared the way for former members of Saddam's Baath party to rejoin the government and military, the BBC reports. The move is seen as a way to smooth tensions between Shiites, who control the new government, and Sunnis, who ruled under Saddam and dominated the Baath...

Iraqis Mark Saddam's Death
Iraqis Mark Saddam's Death

Iraqis Mark Saddam's Death

Heightened security greets first anniversary of Hussein's execution

(Newser) - "There is no life without the sun and no dignity without Saddam," read graffiti in the former Iraqi leader’s hometown of Tikrit today, the first anniversary of his execution. Small groups of mourners came to his tomb to praise Saddam Hussein’s accomplishments, reports Reuters, amid tightened...

Saddam's Love Boat Sets Sale
Saddam's Love Boat Sets Sale

Saddam's Love Boat Sets Sale

Iraqi ruler had a thing for luxurious, bulletproof cruise ships

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein’s secret pleasure super-yacht can be yours—yes, yours!—for just $34 million. Moored off the French Riviera, away from the pesky bombers that destroyed the late dictator's other yacht, the Ocean Breeze was put up for sale last week by a British brokerage firm, the New ...

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace
Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

'Unilateralism' tarnishes American prestige, Ahmadinejad writes

(Newser) - Writing in Newsweek, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the US has forsaken its “proper role in eliminating tyranny and violence” in the international arena, instead acting unilaterally to disrupt a peaceful world. Ahmadinejad says Iran has every right to develop nuclear fuel “for peaceful purposes,” and the...

Iraq Disarms Female Cops
Iraq Disarms Female Cops

Iraq Disarms Female Cops

Rising conservatism undoes US push for more women in law enforcement

(Newser) - The female officers the US worked so hard to bring into the Iraqi police force are being undercut by the Interior Ministry, the Los Angeles Times reports. Policewomen have been ordered to turn in their guns or go without pay, a move a US liaison says will undermine pat-down searches...

Iraq Vet Faces Life Over Suicide Try

Shrinks say she's mentally ill, but Army calls it 'psychobabble'

(Newser) - First Lt. Elizabeth Whiteside faces possible life in prison. Her crime? Attempting suicide in Iraq. At a military hearing this week, her diagnosed mental illness was spurned by superiors as an "excuse” and labeled “psychobabble." Suicide tries remain illegal in a military culture that scorns mental disorder,...

Shiites Shout Down Iraqi Law
Shiites Shout Down Iraqi Law

Shiites Shout Down Iraqi Law

Bill to let Baathists in government gets shelved after uproar; Bush calls law vital

(Newser) - Iraqi lawmakers shouted down a bill today that would let members of Saddam's Baath party return to public posts, AFP reports. Shiite lawmakers heckled the first reading of the measure, which Bush has touted as a benchmark of Iraqi progress. Now the bill goes to a legal body for changes,...

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions
Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Says 'Chemical Ali', 2 others should be handed over to hang

(Newser) - US forces have yet to hand over three prominent figures in Saddam Hussein's regime sentenced to death in September, and Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is accusing the US of dragging its feet—not to mention violating the constitution.  Though "Chemical Ali" is the star of the three, the...

US Halts Hanging of Convicted Saddam Chief

Official says his work 'saved American lives'

(Newser) - The US stopped Saddam's defense chief from hanging last month, claiming Iraqi outrage inspired the pardon — but insiders say that Sultan Hashem earned his reprieve by thwarting Iraqi attacks during the 2003 US-led invasion. Officials tell Time that Hashem’s execution would be a “gross miscarriage of justice”...

Hillary Holds Tight to Tainted Cash
Hillary Holds Tight to
Tainted Cash

Hillary Holds Tight to Tainted Cash

Others pledge to re-gift alleged oil-for-food profiteer’s donations

(Newser) - While some politicians pledged to dump contributions from a Texas oilman whose trial for paying kickbacks to Saddam Hussein opens this week, Hillary Clinton offered no promises. The presidential frontrunner off-loaded $23,000 from frequent fugitive Norman Hsu recently and returned $850,000 he raised for her, but she’s...

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