abortion debate

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Ocasio-Cortez Urges Biden to Ignore Ruling on Abortion Pill

DOJ Appeals
Ruling on
Abortion Pill

DOJ Appeals Ruling on Abortion Pill

HHS secretary has said he wants Texas judge's decision overturned

(Newser) - On the first business day after a Texas judge blocked Federal Drug Administration approval of an abortion pill, the Justice Department lodged an appeal. The filing in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals asks that Judge Matthew Kascmaryk's ruling not take effect while the appeal is being decided, the...

Sanders OKs Anti-Abortion Monument Near State Capitol

Private groups will have input on design

(Newser) - Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed a new law that will allow a monument near the state Capitol marking the number of abortions performed in Arkansas before the US Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. Sanders' office said Friday night that the Republican governor signed the bill that...

On Abortion Rights, an &#39;Eyebrow-Raising Hypothetical&#39; From Judge
On Roe v. Wade,
Federal Judge
Sees a 'Loophole'

On Roe v. Wade, Federal Judge Sees a 'Loophole'

Judge in criminal case says 13th Amendment could provide a national right to abortion

(Newser) - In a pending criminal case against anti-abortion activists, a federal judge on Monday raised what CNBC is calling an "eyebrow-raising hypothetical" on the issue of a constitutional right to abortion. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said that when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with its ruling last year in...

Marches Across US Mark Roe as Battle Shifts to States

Demonstrations follow gathering of abortion opponents in Washington

(Newser) - Women's marches demanding abortion rights drew thousands of people across the country on Sunday, the 50th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that established federal protections for the procedure. Organizers focused on states after the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe in June unleashed abortion restrictions...

Michigan Supreme Court Puts Abortion Amendment on Ballot

Elections board had deadlocked along party lines

(Newser) - Voters will decide whether to place abortion rights in the Michigan Constitution, the state Supreme Court declared Thursday, settling the issue a day before the fall ballot must be completed. Abortion rights would be guaranteed if the amendment passes on Nov. 8. A 1931 state law makes it a crime...

Senate Hopeful Welcomes Ruckus Over Diversity Tweet
Diversity Tweet
a Ruckus
the rundown

Sarcastic Diversity Tweet Causes a Ruckus

Blake Masters in Arizona declares US is done with Biden's 'affirmative action regime'

(Newser) - The conservative Senate candidate looking to unseat Democrat Mark Kelly in Arizona is making all kinds of headlines this week in the close, and closely watched, race:
  • Diversity: Over the weekend, Blake Masters fired off a sarcastic tweet about an AP story that detailed how diverse the Federal Reserve's

Kansas Abortion Opponents Run Up Some Credit Card Debt

Statewide measure passed by 18 percentage points, but they're going to get partial recount

(Newser) - Update: Kansas will indeed carry out a partial hand recount that won't change the outcome of this month's decisive vote in favor of abortion rights after abortion opponents charged almost $120,000 to credit cards Monday to cover the cost, reports the AP . The Kansas secretary of state'...

Vote Suggests Strong Support for Abortion Rights Nationwide

'NYT' analysis says Kansas vote likely would have gone the same way in all but 7 states

(Newser) - Most analysts expected a narrow victory at best for abortion rights supporters in a vote in Kansas on Tuesday. Instead, they had an overwhelming win in the conservative state, which has energized the movement and upended predictions about this year's midterm elections. A ballot measure that would have removed...

'Nobody Wants to Impregnate You': Gaetz

Republican lawmaker mocks appearance of abortion rights supporters to student convention

(Newser) - Appearing before a Florida convention of young people, Rep. Matt Gaetz said Saturday that women demonstrating for access to legal abortions are too unattractive to become pregnant. "Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions?" Gaetz...

Texas Takes Administration to Court Over Abortion Rule
Texas Sues US
Over Abortion Rule

Texas Sues US Over Abortion Rule

Lawsuit would block requirement that doctors provide access in emergencies

(Newser) - Three days after the federal government told doctors and hospitals they're still required to provide abortions when a patient's health is at risk—regardless of state laws or US Supreme Court rulings—Texas has sued the administration. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told health care providers...

Senator Explains How Roe Decision Will Make GOP Stronger
Josh Hawley:
Roe Will Give
GOP More
the rundown

Josh Hawley: Roe Will Give GOP More Electoral Strength

Senator says Democrats will head for blue states

(Newser) - With Roe v. Wade overturned, social media has been flooded with posts by pro-choice US residents considering a move to another state. According to Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, that's exactly what the GOP needs to happen. His prediction: "More and more red states are going to...

Abortion Rallies Display Painful Divide
Abortion Rallies
Display Painful Divide
the rundown

Abortion Rallies Display Painful Divide

Clinics cancel appointments as patients try to rebook in other states

(Newser) - Thousands of people protesting the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade returned to the streets of dozens of cities on Saturday. Smaller crowds turned out in many places to celebrate the ruling, CNN reports, and the two sides sometimes got in each other's faces to argue the...

Roe Opponent Has Prayers Answered
Roe Opponent Has
Prayers Answered

Roe Opponent Has Prayers Answered

Tanya Britton has worked for decades to overturn 1973 abortion ruling

(Newser) - There is a prayer Tanya Britton has said in the hazy first moments of morning and in the stillness of the night. The words have morphed, but one way or another, they've been repeated, decade after decade. "Whatever I do, let it be for the end of abortion,...

Study Explored What Happens When Abortions Are Denied

Among other things, women tended to end up in tougher financial straits, according to Turnaway Study

(Newser) - In a 2007 abortion case, then-Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote: “While we find no reliable data to measure the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice. … Severe depression and loss of esteem can follow.” Per NPR, those words caught demographer Diana Greene...

&#39;Bans Off our Bodies&#39; Events Draw Thousands
'Bans Off our Bodies'
Events Draw Thousands

'Bans Off our Bodies' Events Draw Thousands

Abortion rights activists stress the need for quick action

(Newser) - Abortion rights supporters demonstrating at hundreds of marches and rallies Saturday expressed their outrage that the US Supreme Court will soon scrap the constitutional right to abortion that has endured for nearly a half-century and their fear about what that could mean for women's reproductive choices. Incensed after a...

After Protests at Judges' Homes, Biden Speaks Out

They 'must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety'

(Newser) - President Biden on Monday expressed his support for judges after protesters converged on the private homes of two Supreme Court justices in the DC area over the weekend. "Judges perform an incredibly important function in our society, and they must be able to do their jobs without concern for...

Demonstrations Move to Homes of Justices

Roe supporters take issue to Roberts, Kavanaugh

(Newser) - Demonstrators met outside the Washington-area homes of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend to voice their opposition to overturning Roe v. Wade. "You don’t get to take away my bodily autonomy and get enjoy your Saturday at home," one protester said. "...

Antiabortion Groups Prepare Push for Nationwide Ban

Upcoming SCOTUS ruling is expected to weaken or overturn Roe v. Wade

(Newser) - With the Supreme Court widely expect to weaken or outright overturn Roe v. Wade in an upcoming decision, antiabortion activists who have long called for the issue to be left up to the states are now pushing for a nationwide law. Activists and some GOP lawmakers tell the Washington Post...

Across US, Women March for Abortion Rights
Across US, Women
March for Abortion Rights

Across US, Women March for Abortion Rights

Demonstrators take their message to the Supreme Court

(Newser) - The first Women's March of the Biden administration headed straight for the steps of the Supreme Court on Saturday, part of nationwide protests demanding continued access to abortion in a year when lawmakers and judges have put it in jeopardy. Thousands filled the streets surrounding the court, shouting "...

TikTokers Target Texas Abortion Whistleblower Site

'Shrek porn' has been weaponized

(Newser) - The most restrictive abortion law in the nation took effect in Texas Wednesday—and opponents have stepped up efforts to troll a site that encourages people to report violations. The site, prolifewhistleblower.com, has a form that allows people to anonymously report alleged violators, who can be sued for $10,...

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