Scott Brown

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Scott Brown Sworn In
 Scott Brown Sworn In 

Scott Brown Sworn In

It's official: He's the 41st Republican member of the Senate

(Newser) - Scott Brown is now officially a US senator, taking over a seat held for decades by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. The Massachusetts Republican was sworn in by Joe Biden today. Brown's arrival ends the Democrats' Senate supermajority and gives the Republicans 41 votes they can use to block President...

Scott Brown May Be Sworn In Tomorrow

Senator-elect asks governor to speed up certification

(Newser) - A spokesman for Harry Reid says the Senate will aim to swear in Scott Brown tomorrow afternoon. The development comes after Brown sent a letter to Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick today asking that results of the special election be certified immediately. Patrick agreed to have it done by tomorrow morning....

Scott Brown Got Late Push From Wall Street

Financial firms poured $450,000 into his Senate campaign

(Newser) - In the 6 days before the special election for US senator from Massachusetts, employees of financial companies gave a whopping $450,000 to Scott Brown. The donations came just after President Obama proposed a fee on Wall Street’s biggest players to help pay back lost TARP funds. The influx...

Senate Doesn't Need Another Messiah
 Senate Doesn't Need 
 Another Messiah 

Senate Doesn't Need Another Messiah

Scott Brown is part of the problem, writes Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - Victory appears to have gone to Scott Brown's head and that's bad news for Washington, writes Eugene Robinson. The senator—who has already hinted at a 2012 presidential run—is calling himself a Scott Brown Republican and promising to chart his own course, but the last thing the Senate needs...

Meet Scott Brown, Action Figure

Firm makes doll in private, presidential flavors

(Newser) - Scott Brown hasn't been on the national stage for long, but the senator-elect already has three action figures to his name. Choose from "2012 Executive Scott Brown," "Scott Brown Everyman"—sans pickup truck—or the anatomically correct "Scott Brown Cosmo Doll." “He’s...

Scott Brown: Give Ayla Another Shot on Idol

Senator-elect appeals to Simon Cowell on daughter's behalf

(Newser) - Scott Brown thought Simon Cowell's 2006 critique of daughter Ayla's performance on American Idol was "kind of harsh," but he'd still like the Fox impresario to give his offspring another chance. "Ayla actually respects Simon greatly about his critiquing," the senator-elect from Massachusetts told Barbara Walters...

'I'm a Scott Brown Republican'
 'I'm a Scott Brown Republican' 

'I'm a Scott Brown Republican'

Mass. senator emphasizes pro-choice stance, won't toe GOP line

(Newser) - Massachusetts' soon-to-be junior senator Scott Brown made his debut on the Sunday morning talk scene today, Politico reports, emphasizing his pro-choice stance, calling for the health bill to be scrapped, and warning fellow Republicans he'll "make his own decisions in Washington." Asked about his 2012 ambitions on This ...

Scott Brown Is Obama's Cousin
 Scott Brown Is Obama's Cousin 

Scott Brown Is Obama's Cousin

Both their mothers descended from 17th-century Massachusetts man

(Newser) - A genealogy group has discovered that Barack Obama has an unlikely branch on the right wing of his family tree—Massachusetts senator-elect Scott Brown is his 10th cousin through a 17th-century Bay State ancestor from whom both men's mothers descended. The New England Historic Genealogical Society had previously found the...

Scott Brown: I Can Beat Obama at Hoops

... with help from daughter who plays at Boston College

(Newser) - Barely a week after his stunning win in the Massachusetts Senate race, Republican Scott Brown boasted tonight that he can beat President Barack Obama ... at basketball. In an appearance on The Jay Leno Show, the Republican said he challenged noted hoops fanatic Obama to a two-on-two showdown when they talked...

Ayla Brown's Music Video Debuts, 'Cloying Vanilla Pop'

The video for 'Pick It Up' features, mostly, a distraught-looking Brown

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, Ayla Brown’s EP was released Tuesday, a mere week after dad Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat—and months ahead of its original April release. The songs emulate “that cloying strand of '90s soft-pop that emulated '80s soft-pop,” writes Chris Richards for the...

Scott Brown Had 'Excellent Hands:' Rep
Scott Brown
Had 'Excellent Hands:' Rep

Scott Brown Had 'Excellent Hands:' Rep

'Drop-dead gorgeous' senator-elect was also a 'little full of himself'

(Newser) - Some in the male modeling business look back fondly on the career of Senator-elect Scott Brown—his “excellent hands” in particular. “He was drop-dead gorgeous,” says a former rep who, to be fair, now represents Brown’s daughter, Arianna. “He did a lot of hand work,...

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done
 Bishops to Congress: 
 Get Health Reform Done 

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done

Church's role in health debate becomes even more paradoxical

(Newser) - The US Catholic bishops, whose primary role in the health care debate until recently was to voice concern about abortion funding, have changed tack in the wake of Scott Brown's election and are now urging Congress not to abandon the "moral imperative" of universal health coverage. The appeal the...

Edwards a Warning on Celebrity Pols
 Edwards a Warning 
 on Celebrity Pols 

Edwards a Warning on Celebrity Pols

Fame has replaced achievement and the judgment of peers

(Newser) - John Edwards nearly rode a megawatt grin into the Oval Office, and there's a lesson in the wreckage of his political career, writes Richard Cohen. Edwards became the vice presidential nominee because of his "political matinee idol" style, rather than legislative achievement. His rise—along with that of Sarah...

After Brown, GOP Sees More Seats in Play

Republican candidates gain confidence boost for 2010

(Newser) - Scott Brown’s surprise victory in Massachusetts has reinvigorated Republican hopes for making gains in the 2010 elections. The GOP is now inspired to take on long shots, and is fielding candidates for the Wisconsin and Indiana Senate seats, which only weeks ago were assumed to be Democratic locks. In...

GOP to Dems: Start Over on Health Care
 GOP to Dems: 
 Start Over on Health Care 

GOP to Dems: Start Over on Health Care

Not so fast, say top senators as White House pushes ahead

(Newser) - President Obama's elite advisers poured onto the Sunday shows to beat the health reform drum today—and ran right into a wall of Republicans, euphoric from Tuesday's victory in Massachusetts. Even as David Axelrod emphasized that Americans "want Brown to work with us and not be obstructionist," GOP...

Health Reform Hit Partisan 'Buzz Saw': Obama

President says he won't quit trying 'just because it's hard'

(Newser) - President Obama says his health care overhaul has "run into a bit of a buzz saw" and acknowledges the process is looking ugly. Nonetheless he says he'll keep working to finish sweeping legislation. In comments prepared for a town hall meeting in Ohio today, Obama said, "I am...

Mass. Residents Want a Truck Like Scott Brown's

Dealers report rise in inquiries regarding GMC Canyon

(Newser) - Scott Brown not only dismantled the common perception of Massachusetts as a blue state, but he may also have singlehandedly turned the populace on to the Truck. The Truck, if you missed it, is the senator-elect’s 2005 GMC Canyon pickup, featured prominently in campaign ads and now poised to...

Stewart Takes Down Olbermann

 Takes Down 

Stewart Takes Down Olbermann

Jon Stewart rails against MSNBC's Keith Olbermann

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann’s “Special Comments” have gotten so over-the-top that even Jon Stewart thought Olbermann's recent declaration that Scott Brown is “an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against women” was a bit much. Last night on the Daily Show , Stewart offered Olbermann some...

Hoop Star Ayla Brown Loves Singing, Spotlight

Former Idol hopeful thinks dad's Senate win will reignite singing career

(Newser) - Ayla Brown has mostly concentrated on college and basketball since flaming out on American Idol in 2006, but she may be getting another shot at a singing career thanks to her senator-elect dad. “We’ve been getting some incredible opportunities,” Scott Brown's elder daughter tells the Boston Globe...

Okay, GOP, Now the Bad News...
 Okay, GOP, Now the Bad News... 

Okay, GOP, Now the Bad News...

Voters still don't like you, and you're broke

(Newser) - Put away the champagne, conservatives. Scott Brown’s win was certainly positive, but party insiders still see many obstacles between the GOP and a congressional takeover. One biggie: money. In the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has $15 million in the bank, four times the war chest of its...

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