4G wireless networks

4 Stories

Introducing the Planet's Worst Cell Phone

Everything about the 'truly dreadful' Samsung Craft is a 'nightmare'

(Newser) - MetroPCS is a cell phone carrier known mostly for its low cost—so when it announced plans to offer 4G coverage, for a cheaper price than most other carriers charge for 3G, and introduced a 4G phone, it "sounded too good to be true" to Farhad Manjoo. "And,...

Verizon to Launch 4G Network on Sunday

Though it's not technically 4G

(Newser) - Verizon will debut its high-speed wireless network on Sunday, making it available to devices in major cities such as New York, LA, and Chicago, reports CNET . (The company has coverage details here .) Though Verizon is referring to the network as "4G" in advertisements, it does not meet the...

Epic 4G May Put Sprint on Top
 Epic 4G May Put Sprint on Top 
Tech Review

Epic 4G May Put Sprint on Top

Reviewers loving hefty, feature-packed Sprint device

(Newser) - Sprint has been the punching bag of the mobile world for a while now, but that may be changing thanks to its lightning-fast 4G WiMax network—and the spiffy new Android smartphones that use it. First there was the HTC EVO, and now comes the Epic, part of Samsung’s...

As Telecoms Hype 4G, Recall How Long 3G Was in Coming

(Newser) - 3G landed in the US in 2003. But it wasn’t until the iPhone came around five years later that “consumers finally had a device that showed them the power of mobile broadband networks,” Stephanie N. Mehta writes in Fortune. In fact, "a few executives at US...

4 Stories
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