
Stories 181 - 186 | << Prev 

Computers Master Checkers
Computers Master Checkers

Computers Master Checkers

The best outcome human players can hope for against program is a draw

(Newser) - After 18 years of number-crunching, a checkers-playing computer program has conquered the game. Checkers is the most complicated game computers have mastered, Scientific American reports, beating Connect Four by a factor of a million. "I was a bit obsessed," says the lead researcher. "My wife would say...

EU Universities Could Lose Ground to Asia

Old-world schools hear footsteps from China, India in college rankings

(Newser) - Top-tier European universities like Oxford, Cambridge and the Sorbonne will fall behind competitors in China and India within 10 years, the EU's education commissioner warns. The Times of London reports underfunding and outmoded curricula could cost the mossier Western schools their international reputations, and international enrollments with them.

Ivy League Logjam Trickles Down
Ivy League Logjam
Trickles Down

Ivy League Logjam Trickles Down

Applications—and rejections—up at second-tier colleges

(Newser) - Top-tier colleges are getting more applicants than ever, the Times reports, allowing a new class of schools to court—and reject—the overachievers increasingly turned away from the Ivy League. Universities like Bucknell, Colgate and Lehigh are tightening standards as students with top SATs and grades seek higher learning lower...

Bush Officials Killed Proposal For Student Loan Reform

Education Department under Bush is cozy with the loan industry, critics say

(Newser) - Bush officials killed a proposal to clamp down on sleazy practices in the student loan industry in 2001, the Washington Post reports. The proposals, drafted under Clinton and circulated to the Bush team, was aimed at curbing the kind of abuses now being investigated, in which loan companies pay universities...

Valedictorians Halted At Ivy Gates
Valedictorians Halted At
Ivy Gates

Valedictorians Halted At Ivy Gates

Rejections hit 90% at most prestigious schools

(Newser) -  With competition at top colleges more ferocious than ever, most Ivy League schools accepted under 10% of applicants for the first time, the Times reports. Tony schools like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton turned away valedictorians and students with perfect SAT scores and GPAs, much to the shock of...

College President Disputes Rankings
College President Disputes Rankings

College President Disputes Rankings

U.S. News accused of fabricating average SAT scores

(Newser) - A college president is lobbing allegations of shoddy journalism at U.S. News magazine, accusing its annual college-ranking guide of fabricating data for its upcoming report. Although Sarah Lawrence tossed out its SAT requirement for incoming freshman, president Michele Tolela Myers says U.S. News decided to assign an average...

Stories 181 - 186 | << Prev