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White House Tells Colleges How to Deal With Rape

Task force presents university guidelines, launches website

(Newser) - The White House has pulled together its two cents on how US colleges should step up their fight against rape, with an Obama administration task force yesterday issuing guidelines for action. Among them: survey students anonymously on sexual assault, do a better job of keeping reported assaults confidential, and teach...

College Is Still a Great Investment
College Is Still
a Great Investment

College Is Still a Great Investment

Catherine Rampell: Let's not over-react to all this 'college bubble' worry

(Newser) - It's common these days to hear people complaining about a "college bubble," the idea that way too many kids are wasting money on a diploma that ends up being worthless. Don't buy into that simplified notion, writes Catherine Rampell at the Washington Post . "College is...

Bad Behavior Ruining Dartmouth, Says Its President

Philip Hanlon: Sex assaults, drinking, racism, sexism call for big changes

(Newser) - Dartmouth College's president has offered a stinging critique of his own school, saying that its future "is being hijacked by extreme behavior." In a speech last night, Philip Hanlon said sex assaults, rampant "dangerous drinking," and parties featuring "racist and sexist undertones" are undermining...

Yes, We Should Tell Kids If College Will Make Them Poor

It's perfectly fair to rate colleges on their ROI, Jordan Weissmann argues

(Newser) - A lot of academics get awfully defensive when it comes to PayScale's annual report ranking colleges based, essentially, on how much money their grads make compared to the cost of their educations. "Saying that a mineral engineer makes twice what an artist does, and therefore this particular art...

Hey Colleges: Stop Asking Broke Grads for Money

Schools have a lot of nerve given recent grad unemployment, Alexander Aciman writes

(Newser) - At the end of senior year, Alexander Aciman made the mistake of donating $25 to his college's alumni fund. Now, he knows that's "a lot like inviting a vampire into one's home," he writes at the New Republic . He's now constantly bombarded by calls...

Ladies, It&#39;s Time to Get Over &#39;B-Phobia&#39;
 Ladies, It's Time 
 to Get Over 'B-Phobia' 

Ladies, It's Time to Get Over 'B-Phobia'

Catherine Rampell: Female college students tend to drop out of science courses

(Newser) - Catherine Rampell has some advice for female college students that sounds a little odd at first: "Stop trying to be a straight-A students," she writes in the Washington Post . The reason is twofold: Science professors tend to give lower grades than humanities professors, and women are more likely...

SAT Scores: Not So Hot at Predicting College Success
SAT Scores: Not So Hot at Predicting College Success

SAT Scores: Not So Hot at Predicting College Success

High school grades a much better indicator of likely college success: study

(Newser) - The SATs were created to offer a way to help less-privileged students show their skills—but these days, the stressful tests "serve more to truncate access than to open it," says William Hiss, a former dean at Bates College. He and his team have conducted what could be...

Things You Can't Buy With a Credit Card (Like Pot)

MarketWatch rounds up 10 examples where plastic is forbidden

(Newser) - Don't give up on cash just yet: There are plenty of items that remain difficult or impossible to get with your credit card, MarketWatch reports. Ten reasons you may want to keep going to the ATM:
  • Neither Visa, MasterCard, nor American Express will let you buy marijuana with plastic,

Princeton Students to Get Vaccine FDA Hasn't OKed

Bexsero hasn't been approved by FDA, but FDA gave CDC OK to import it

(Newser) - Princeton University has seen seven people hospitalized in the last eight months with bacterial meningitis—specifically, a strain of the disease that the vaccine commonly administered in the US doesn't fight. And now the school is taking the unusual step of offering its students a European- and Australian-approved vaccine,...

Obama: Make Law School 2 Years, Not 3

President makes the case during town hall on college costs

(Newser) - As President Obama continued his swing through upstate New York yesterday to talk about college debt , he offered a concrete suggestion to the nation's law schools: Ditch the traditional third year. “This is probably controversial to say, but, what the heck, I’m in my second term, so...

Obama&#39;s College Plan Is Smart, but Maybe Doomed
Obama's College Plan Is Smart, but Maybe Doomed

Obama's College Plan Is Smart, but Maybe Doomed

Congress would have to go along with ranking system: Jordan Weissmann

(Newser) - President Obama's plan to ease the student debt problem is "simple, powerful, and long overdue," writes Jordan Weissmann at the Atlantic . It's also probably doomed. As he spelled out yesterday , Obama wants to help students figure out which schools give them the best value, factoring in...

Class of 2017 Has Never Needed to Ask Directions
Class of 2017 Has Never Needed to Ask Directions
mindset list

Class of 2017 Has Never Needed to Ask Directions

Beloit's annual exercise in making everyone over 18 feel archaic is out

(Newser) - If you've never asked directions, never had chicken pox, and tend to share everything, you could probably impersonate a member of the Class of 2017, according to Beloit College's annual Mindset List . Class members were mostly born in 1995, and they're very tech-savvy; indeed, "a third...

To Guys, a Drunk Is 'Tanked' —To Women, Just 'Tipsy'

There are differences in the way the sexes view drunkenness, says study

(Newser) - Just how drunk you think a person is depends on if you're a man or a woman, according to a study published in the journal Alcoholism . While men throw out words like "hammered" and "tanked" when faced with an intoxicated person, women tend to use more moderate...

College Grads: Both Record High and 'Distressingly Low'

Yes, both things at once

(Newser) - The number of American college graduates has been surging in recent years to a record high—which is probably a fair bit lower than you'd expect. As of last year, 33.5% of Americans aged 25 to 29 had at least a bachelor's degree, according to federal data....

Beer Pong Balls Teeming With Germs

 Beer Pong Balls 
 Teeming With Germs 

Beer Pong Balls Teeming With Germs

Clemson students uncover the gross truth

(Newser) - It turns out that college kids aren’t the only party animals that show up for games of beer pong: Bacteria such as salmonella, listeria, staph, and e. Coli get in on the fun, too. Those are the findings from a group of Clemson University students who studied the pingpong...

New Student Cost: Colleges' Sly Fees

Those $2.25 "free HIV testing" fees can really rack up

(Newser) - As college tuition costs skyrocket , a second, sneakier bill is also on the rise, and students may not even see it coming. Many colleges across the country are increasing their mandatory student fees, and although individual charges might look small (and a little silly) on paper—Howard University has...

Frats Won't Pay Up When Members Get Killed, Injured

Bloomberg: National groups insulate themselves from lawsuits

(Newser) - College fraternities are famous for their hard-partying ways, but when the party gets rough, the frats get going. Fifty-seven people have been killed or paralyzed in accidents linked to fraternities since 2005, but many national bodies are refusing to take any responsibility, financial or otherwise, for what happens during hazing...

College Students, It's Time to End Hookup Culture

Donna Freitas says most are tired of it anway

(Newser) - The hookup culture that makes casual sex so common on college campuses these days might well disappear—if only the students themselves were honest with each other about it, writes Donna Freitas in the Washington Post . After eight years of research, she argues that most students either don't like...

Boston College: Students Can't Give Out Condoms

Catholic university threatens disciplinary action

(Newser) - Attending a Catholic university and distributing condoms on campus apparently don't mix. Boston College is threatening disciplinary action against a group of students who are giving away more than 1,000 condoms a semester, the Boston Globe reports. BC says the student-run "Safe Sites" program is violating the...

Top Low-Income Students Blow Off the Best Colleges

Strivers feel no connection to far-off schools

(Newser) - The majority of high-achieving, low-income students never even apply to America's top colleges—despite financial aid that could make it affordable, according to a new study. The analysis, by two education researchers, found that just 34% of successful but low-income students went to one of America's 238 best...

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