health insurance exchange

Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev 

Dem Governor: ObamaCare Tempts Firms to Dump Plans

Tennessee's Bredesen foresees exodus to federally-subsidized insurance

(Newser) - If you crunch the numbers, President Obama’s health care plan is a great incentive for employers to stop providing coverage and put their workers in the hands of government-subsidized plans, meaning “much greater cost” for the US, writes Democratic Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen in the Wall Street Journal...

Oops: Congress Might Have Killed Its Own Health Care

Health bill error may leave lawmakers, aides without coverage

(Newser) - If you know exactly how the health care reform bill will impact your coverage, you may be a step ahead of your member of Congress, according to the New York Times . A report from the Congressional Research Service found that—because of imprecise language and a possible drafting error in...

How to Combine the 2 Bills and Improve on Both
How to Combine the 2 Bills and Improve on Both
health care

How to Combine the 2 Bills and Improve on Both

Sacrifices in store for Pelosi and Co.—and maybe for the industry

(Newser) - The House will need to make a lot of last-minute sacrifices when combining its health care bill with the Senate’s, but if legislators play their cards right, the final bill could be a stronger beast. The Senate must stand by its strong cost control mechanisms, writes David Leonhardt of...

Senate Deal Includes 'Triggered' Public Option

Option will be revived if insurers fail to provide nonprofit plans

(Newser) - The Senate compromise on health care reform means the public option is dormant but not dead, according to an aide party to negotiations. The tentative deal reached last night will give insurance companies the option of creating nonprofit insurance plans to be offered on exchanges, but a federal public option...

Reid Rolls Out Senate Health Bill for Sat. Showdown

Public option weaker than House's, abortion restriction less severe

(Newser) - Harry Reid rolled out the Senate’s combined health care reform bill last night, earning oohs and ahhs from fellow Democrats, particularly over the price tag, and setting the stage for a cloture vote Saturday. The bill would cost a svelte $849 billion over 10 years while reducing the deficit...

Obama, Dems Are Free Market Crusaders
Obama, Dems Are Free Market Crusaders

Obama, Dems Are Free Market Crusaders

Wall Street, health industry are the ones opposed to competition

(Newser) - The champions of the free market are on the march, but it's not who you think. It’s the Democrats who want to put health insurance on open exchanges where consumers can easily compare them, with a public option to inject competition into an “oligopolistic market,” points out...

Health Reform Could Mean More Treatment Denials

None of the current bills force insurers to actually treat patients

(Newser) - Health care reform would force insurers to accept everyone, even those with pre-existing conditions; but it wouldn’t actually force them to treat those patients. None of the reform bills pending on Capitol Hill would restrict insurers’ ability to deny procedures for their customers, the LA Times reports. In fact,...

Maybe Baucus Bill Is Better Than Nothing
Maybe Baucus Bill Is Better Than Nothing

Maybe Baucus Bill Is Better Than Nothing

David Brooks wishes Congress had listened to Ron Wyden

(Newser) - Even David Brooks has become convinced that the health care system needs a fundamental overhaul—and unfortunately, it’s not going to get one. The best option, Democrat Ron Wyden’s proposal to let employees take their employer’s contribution and spend it on an open health care exchange, was...

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market
Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

But it's a scary idea, to consumers and politicians alike: Klein

(Newser) - America’s best shot for a new, better health care system lies in a strong health care exchange, argues Ezra Klein in the Washington Post. “Compared with the crazy-quilt system we have now, the idea is weirdly simple:” A single market where consumers can shop for plans and...

Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev