midterm elections

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McMahon Wins in Conn.; Bennet Survives in Colo.
 McMahon Wins in Conn.; 
 Bennet Survives in Colo.
primary night

McMahon Wins in Conn.; Bennet Survives in Colo.

Former WWE exec will be GOP candidate for Senate

(Newser) - Linda McMahon easily won the GOP nomination tonight to run for Senate in Connecticut. The former World Wrestling Entertainment exec bested two rivals—including former congressman (and onetime favorite) Rob Simmons—and will face Democrat Richard Blumenthal in the fall to succeed the retiring Chris Dodd. McMahon will be the...

Bill Clinton Is Back as a Political Force

He may be more influential than Obama this fall

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's political stock dropped while he was on the campaign trail with Hillary in 2008, but he's clearly resurrected it, writes Joshua Green in the Boston Globe . In fact, with President Obama's approval rating on the downswing, Clinton "has emerged as the surrogate of choice for embattled Democrats....

Democrats, Blaming This Guy Won't Help
 Democrats, Blaming 
 This Guy Won't Help 

Democrats, Blaming This Guy Won't Help

Angry voters are going to blame the guy in charge

(Newser) - President Obama and Democrats are harping on a new theme as the midterm elections approach: voting for Republicans is the same as voting for a return of the ruinous policies of George W. Bush. They're wasting their breath, writes Steve Kornacki for Salon . Democrats will get trounced no matter what...

Beware Lame-Duck Dems' Dirty Tricks
 Beware Lame-Duck 
 Dems' Dirty Tricks 
Charles Krauthammer

Beware Lame-Duck Dems' Dirty Tricks

With nothing to lose, they could jam through legislation

(Newser) - It's looking more certain by the day that Democrats will lose lots of congressional seats in November, and that's precisely why Republicans have reason to worry, writes Charles Krauthammer. Consider this scenario: Democrats call a lame-duck Congress into session after the midterm elections and pass a slew of controversial measures—...

GOP Lays Out Strategy to Retake Senate

(Newser) - With all the focus on the House, the GOP has been quietly laying the groundwork to take back the Senate and stun the Democrats. The GOP needs to win 10 Democratic Senate seats while not losing any of their own. A tall order in anybody's book, but tossup races in...

'Don't Underestimate Barack Obama'
'Don't Underestimate
Barack Obama'
Charles Krauthammer

'Don't Underestimate Barack Obama'

He's seeing the big picture (2012), unlike members of both parties

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer has a warning for his colleagues on the right who have all but declared this presidency to be politically dead: "Don't underestimate Barack Obama." He's already achieved a "historic" presidency through Obamacare alone, not to mention financial reform, and the stimulus. In short, he's finished...

Pelosi: Dems 'Will Keep Control of the House. Period'

House speaker is optimistic (in fundraising letter)

(Newser) - Whatever Robert Gibbs may think , Nancy Pelosi isues a defiant prediction about the midterms: "Here is what will happen in November. Democrats will keep control of the House. Period." Of course, it wouldn't hurt if Democratic supporters opened their wallets, she adds in a fundraising letter . She helpfully...

Pelosi Calls Robert Gibbs 'Politically Inept'

Speaker slams press chief for saying GOP could retake House

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi isn't happy with Robert Gibbs' forecast about the midterms. At a House Democratic Caucus meeting this week, she described him as "politically inept" for acknowledging that Republicans could regain the House in November, reports CQ Politics . “It was bad,” said one source. “She was...

Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate
 'Seminal' Town Halls 
 of 2009 Still Resonate 
peggy noonan

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate

Consequences will be felt in November midterm elections

(Newser) - The midterm elections are poised to shake up the political landscape, a consequence that Peggy Noonan traces directly back to the volatile town hall meetings of last summer. "Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats saw it coming," she writes of the movement. "But it was a seminal...

Baby Boomers Turning Their Backs on Obama
Baby Boomers Turning
Their Backs on Obama

Baby Boomers Turning Their Backs on Obama

They're leaning Republican after voting for him in 2008

(Newser) - Potentially big trouble for President Obama and the Democrats, writes Doyle McManus: They're losing the baby boomers. Polling shows the over-50 set "leaning increasingly Republican," even though they generally voted for Obama in 2008 and for congressional Democrats in 2006. Assuming they hold, the defections will likely hurt...

Democrats, Obama Have Lost Will to Fight
Democrats, Obama Have
Lost Will to Fight
EJ Dionne

Democrats, Obama Have Lost Will to Fight

Where's the passion of that candidate in 2008?

(Newser) - Democrats are on their way to getting rolled in the midterm elections, and EJ Dionne says it's because the party and the president have lost their passion. "It might help if voters saw President Obama and his party in Congress fighting for something going into these elections (including their...

Rahm Emanuel to Quit White House

No one's happy with his job

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is expected to quit later this year after growing weary of the "idealism" of Obama staffers who are just as frustrated with him, according to sources. He'll likely step down after midterm elections, reports the Telegraph . Emanuel still maintains a good relationship...

Dems Cough Up $50M to Lure Obama Voters Back to Polls

Party zeroes in again on young, minorities

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom says the 15 million first-time voters who pushed President Obama to his 2008 victory won't turn out for this year's midterm elections. But $50 million say they will. That's the gamble the Democratic Party is making: Instead of focusing on turning out the base, traditionally the only people...

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'
 Democrats, Snap Out 
 of Your 'Malaise' 
EJ dionne

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'

They've accomplished much but are losing all the arguments

(Newser) - EJ Dionne raises the dreaded specter of "malaise" afflicting Democrats, with a quick qualification: "President Obama is not Jimmy Carter, not even close," he writes in the Washington Post . His speech was "good and sensible" but not a "home run." And that's Dionne's point—...

Sarah Palin Endorsements Are Winners

She got 3 of 4 yesterday, is 8-3 overall

(Newser) - It could be a whole different ballgame in the general election, but one thing has become clear in the primaries: Candidates endorsed by Sarah Palin tend to win. Three of the four she backed yesterday won or advanced to a runoff, bringing her overall record to 8-3 in this year's...

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!
 Memo to Boasting 
 Republicans: Shut Up! 
Ann Coulter

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!

You're raising expectations way too high

(Newser) - Ann Coulter lays off the left for once and instead turns her fire on the right: Republicans are raising such "sky-high expectations" for the midterms that even if they do well, "it will look like a defeat," she writes at Human Events . "John Boehner is ludicrously...

There's One Reason for GOP's Rise: Rush Limbaugh

He's the 'brains and spirit' behind conservative resurgence

(Newser) - There's all kinds of theories for why conservative Republicans are on the rise, but for Zev Chafets, it "can be boiled down to two words: Rush Limbaugh." The radio host is not just the "mouthpiece" of the resurgence but the "brains and spirit" behind it. He...

Democrats Retain Murtha Seat in Congress

Mark Critz defeats Republican Tim Burns in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Democrats will retain control of the seat held for decades by the late Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha after winning a special election to fill the final months of his term. Both parties viewed the contest as a test for the fall. Murtha aide Mark Critz defeated businessman Tim Burns. The...

Rand Paul Wins in Kentucky
 Rand Paul Wins in Kentucky 

Rand Paul Wins in Kentucky

Tea party favorite easily takes GOP primary for Senate

(Newser) - Political novice Rand Paul rode support from tea party activists to victory in Kentucky's Republican Senate primary tonight, delivering a jolt to the GOP establishment and providing fresh evidence of widespread voter discontent in a turbulent midterm election season. "We've come to take our government back," said Paul—...

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