midterm elections

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Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount
 9 Lessons for the 
 Inevitable Recount  
midterm elections

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount

First of all, if you don't have a lawyer ready ... it's too late

(Newser) - With at least six Senate races too close to call, and even more in the House, at least one recount is inevitable this Election Day. In the Washington Post , Jay Weiner offers up nine lessons from the high-profile recounts of 2000 (Bush-Gore) and 2008 (Franken-Coleman):
  • Lawyer up—yesterday: Al Franken

Sharron Angle's Advice Applies to GOP, Too: Man Up

William Kristol: It's a two-word mantra for our times

(Newser) - Sharron Angle's admonition in their debate that Harry Reid "man up" could not have been more appropriate this election season, writes William Kristol. "As a leader of his party, and the leader of the Senate, Reid has come to embody a proclivity among our elected officials to flee...

Did Chatty Michelle Break Voting Laws?

Conservative watchdog slams first lady's 'technical violation'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois election laws by seeking support for her husband’s agenda at a Chicago polling station, holds the Daily Caller . The first lady was talking with voters, and reportedly urged them to support said agenda—but state laws ban political discussion near polling places, the...

Sizeable Tea Party Caucus On the Way
Tea Party Set to Have Real Pull in Congress

Tea Party Set to Have Real Pull in Congress

But movement may hurt GOP more than it helps

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement looks set to emerge from next month's election with enough members of Congress to be able to advance its agenda, a New York Times analysis finds. Eight Tea-Party backed Senate candidates and 33 House candidates stand a good or better chance of winning and the caucus...

Bill Clinton, Palin Join W. Va Battle

Race for Byrd's seat pits Comeback Kid against Mama Grizzly

(Newser) - Big guns from both sides have joined the fray as the Senate race in West Virginia tightens up. The state hasn't sent a Republican to the Senate since 1958 but Gov. Joe Manchin, running for the seat left open by Sen. Robert Byrd's death, is facing a tough challenge from...

New Midterm Campaign Strategy: Blame China!
New Midterm Campaign Strategy: Blame China!
elections 2010

New Midterm Campaign Strategy: Blame China!

Candidates on both sides accuse each other of letting jobs go overseas

(Newser) - As midterm election battles are waged, a new campaign strategy is emerging: Blame the lack of jobs in the US on … China! Or, in a few cases, India or Mexico. Over the past week or so, at least 29 candidates from both sides of the fence have run ads...

Tea Party Enthusiasm Is Trouble for Democrats
 Tea Party Enthusiasm 
 Is Trouble for Democrats 
midterm polls

Tea Party Enthusiasm Is Trouble for Democrats

They're far more enthused about voting in November

(Newser) - The so-called enthusiasm gap remains a problem for Democrats a month away from the November election. A series of polls by the Washington Post produces results with a familiar ring: Democrats are lukewarm about voting, Republicans are fairly enthused, and Tea Partiers cannot wait to get to the polls. They're...

Hispanic Voters May Sit Out Midterms

They favor Democrats but aren't eager to vote this year

(Newser) - A new poll of Hispanic voters brings a serious dose of good news/bad news for Democrats. The good: Latino voters overwhelmingly favor Democrats over Republicans, 65% to 22%. The bad: It doesn't matter because they probably won't vote. Only 51% or registered Hispanics tell the Pew Hispanic Center that they...

Poll: Democrats Gain on GOP
 Poll: Democrats 
 Gain on GOP

Poll: Democrats Gain on GOP

But they're still way behind

(Newser) - After taking a pounding in the polls for months, Democrats are gaining ground ahead of the 2010 election. Over the last month, they’ve cut the GOP lead in half on the question of which party’s candidates voters support, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll , and Democratic...

Midterms Set to Be History's Most Expensive Elections

Spending on course to top $5B, totally dwarfing the 2008 presidential election

(Newser) - This year's midterm elections are on course to become the most expensive in American history. Experts predict that campaign spending will top $5 billion by the time voters go to the polls, dwarfing the $1 billion spent on the 2008 presidential campaign and the $2.8 billion spent on 2006's...

5 Things Democrats Must Do
 5 Things Democrats Must Do 
Michael Moore

5 Things Democrats Must Do

Michael Moore: It's not too late to stop midterm disaster

(Newser) - Michael Moore lays out 5 things in the Daily Beast that Democrats can do between now and November 2 to help their prospects in the midterms:
  • Lay the blame: They need "wall-to-wall" ads, videos, and whatever else works to tell Americans that Republicans and George W. Bush got us

Move Over PACs, Here Come Super PACs

New weapon allows virtually unlimited spending on campaigns

(Newser) - Expect to hear the term "Super PAC" a lot between now and the midterms. As the Washington Post explains today, these fundraising committees are quickly becoming the norm in how modern campaigns are financed by interest groups. Thanks in part to the Citizens United court ruling, Super PACs are...

Longshot Murkowski a Write-In With an Actual Shot

Meet the Senate's new 'maverick' candidate

(Newser) - If history is any indication, Lisa Murkowski has a snowball's chance in hell of keeping her seat: The only write-in candidate ever elected to the US Senate was Strom Thurmond, in 1954. Which makes it fairly remarkable that plenty of people—from analysts to Alaska Republicans—think she could pull...

Democrats Are in 'Meltdown'
 Democrats Are in 'Meltdown' 
William Kristol

Democrats Are in 'Meltdown'

William Kristol: And the Republicans for once aren't 'blowing it'

(Newser) - William Kristol can barely contain his glee with his declaration in the new Weekly Standard that the "Democrat party is in meltdown." They're afraid to vote on the Bush tax cuts before the midterms, he writes, and just look at all those senior staffers in the White House...

Obama Calls GOP Pledge 'Worn-Out Philosophy'

He again singles out John Boehner

(Newser) - President Obama called out his new favorite target by name today in belittling the Republicans' Pledge to America , reports Politico . Obama singled out House Minority leader John Boehner in complaining that Republicans put forth "the very same policies that led to the economic crisis in the first place, which...

California Rep: 'The Vietnamese' Want Me Out

Democrat Loretta Sanchez accuses opponent of being 'anti-Hispanic'

(Newser) - A Democratic congresswoman from California is taking heat today after telling Univision “the Vietnamese” are after her seat. “The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, trying to take this seat from which we have done so much for the community,” Loretta Sanchez said in the...

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Poll Numbers

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More

But Republican backers are more likely to vote

(Newser) - It's good news/bad news time, Democrats. Bad news: The public doesn’t much like you. In fact, a whopping 60% disapprove of the job you’re doing in the latest AP poll. Good news: They dislike Republicans even more; 68% disapprove of them, and Sarah Palin and George W. Bush...

Senate Democrats Postpone Fight Over Tax Cuts

No vote until after the November election

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have decided to delay a vote on the volatile issue of the Bush tax cuts until after the November election, the Washington Post reports. The move avoids a pre-election showdown in the chamber between Republicans, who want to extend all the expiring cuts, and Democrats, who want to...

Clinton to Obama: Fight Back!
 Clinton to Obama: Fight Back! 

Clinton to Obama: Fight Back!

Forty-two thinks 44 is letting the Republicans knock him around

(Newser) - Bill Clinton thinks Barack Obama and the Democrats need to more forcefully refute Republican attacks if they want to avoid a midterm meltdown. “He’s being criticized for being too disengaged, for not caring,” Clinton told Politico yesterday. “So he needs to turn into it.” Referring...

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