Islamic extremists

Stories 121 - 136 | << Prev 

Brit Cafe Bomber 'Preyed On by Extremists'

Radicals took advantage of mentally ill Islamic convert: cops

(Newser) - British police believe a mentally ill man who tried to blow himself up in a restaurant yesterday was taken advantage of by Islamic extremists, the Guardian reports. The recent convert to Islam walked into a busy restaurant in the West Country city of Exeter and exploded a device. The only...

Al-Qaeda Is Still Worst Terrorist Threat: US

Safe havens in Pakistan have helped group recharge

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda remains the terrorist group that most threatens the US, Reuters reports. An annual State Department survey of worldwide terrorist activity, out today, said the group killed 5,400 civilians—50% Muslims—in 2007. Though weaker now than in 2001 due to multilateral anti-terrorism efforts, the group has used the...

US Steps Up Secret Pakistan Air Strikes

Predators hammer al-Qaeda strongholds before Pakistan cracks down

(Newser) - The US is stepping up air strikes on suspected al-Qaeda strongholds in Pakistan, the Washington Post reports. The Predator bombings—which neither the US or Pakistan will officially confirm—aim to rattle terror leaders out of hiding before the country's new leaders are expected to demand the US scale back...

Pakistan's New Leaders Will Open Talks With Militants

New coalition will defy US, open negotiations

(Newser) - Pakistan's new coalition government says it will negotiate with the militants thought to be behind a wave of recent suicide bombings, the New York Times reports. The change in strategy will alarm US officials, who have recently stepped up strikes on suspected al-Qaeda strongholds using pilotless Predator drones. Pakistanis blame...

Face of Jihad Ever More Youthful
Face of Jihad Ever More Youthful

Face of Jihad Ever More Youthful

Teens as young as 15 turn to web to connect with extremists

(Newser) - They’re young, impressionable, disillusioned, and they’re seeking out al-Qaeda: Muslims as young as 15 are connecting with Islamic extremists over the web and becoming radicalized through jihadist videos and literature, the Christian Science Monitor reports. In Morocco and elsewhere, teenagers reinforce an increasingly decentralized al-Qaeda. They have “...

Bin Laden to Issue Message on 'Foiling Plots' in Iraq

May also rip 'Infidel' Arabic news channel Al Jareeza

(Newser) - A new message on "foiling plots" in Iraq from Osama bin Laden is about to be released on an Islamic web site, Reuters reports. The 56-minute recording will address the hardline jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq, according to the site announcing the message. It may also blast the...

208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids
208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids

208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids

Hundreds arrested, oil attack foiled

(Newser) - Saudi Arabian security forces have arrested 208 suspected al-Qaeda militants reportedly plotting an attack on a major oil field, the BBC reports. Those busted included missile experts, assassination squads—and a 16-person "media cell" bent on promoting extremist ideology. The money men behind the militants were also nabbed.

Fear of Iran Driving Push for Peace
Fear of Iran Driving Push for Peace

Fear of Iran Driving Push for Peace

Arab leaders at conference unified by mounting extremist threats in Mideast

(Newser) - Fear of Iran and Islamic extremism is the catalyst that's bringing together delegates at the Mideast peace conference in Annapolis, the New York Times reports. Sunni Arab leaders see their young people becoming radicalized and Iran's influence expanding, and fear the region could be transformed in new and dangerous ways....

40 Taliban Militants Killed in New Pakistan Battle

Area residents continue to flee as militants dig in

(Newser) - Dozens of Taliban militants have been killed in new fighting in northwest Pakistan, reports AP. Pakistani security forces moved into the Swat valley in the latest battle against supporters of hardline Islamic cleric Maulana Fazlullah, who is calling for Islamist rule in the area. Militants from Afghanistan have been crossing...

Holes Emerge in Secret US Shield of Pakistan Nukes

Pakistan refusing to share information

(Newser) - The US has secretly spent $100 million to safeguard Pakistan's nuclear weapons, but some officials fear protections may have been undermined by Pakistan's reluctance to share information. The aid, buried in a secret part of the budget, was intended to improve nuclear safety, reports the New York Times. But Pakistan...

Force May Be Used to Free Korean Hostages

In phone call, female hostage pleads for release

(Newser) - One of the 22 South Korean hostages held in Afghanistan spoke to a Reuters reporter today, saying she and the other remaining hostages are continually moved to different locations. She appealed to both the Taliban and the Afghan government to free them. A senior Afghan official said force “certainly”...

Death Toll in Red Mosque Siege Tops 80

Commandos clear compound after 8-day standoff, 35-hour battle

(Newser) - Soldiers completed the takeover of the Red Mosque early today, removing the final militants who had occupied the Islamabad compound during an 8-day siege. At least 80 were killed and 33 wounded in the past week, including 50 radicals and 10 soldiers in the climactic 35-hour final assault. "Now...

US Must Bolster Fatah to Defeat Hamas

Peace with Israel will have to wait, says columnist

(Newser) - In the wake of Fatah's collapse in Gaza, and the subsequent takeover by Hamas, the US and its Mideast allies should focus on cleaning up corruption-tainted Fatah and making it more responsive to the Palestinian people, argues Dennis Ross in the New Republic. That is the only hope for a...

Some Young American Muslims Take Extreme View

Overall picture looks good, survey reveals

(Newser) - Young American Muslims are more religious and more willing to defend Islamic extremists than are their elders, a new study concludes. One in four US Muslims under 30 say they believe that suicide attacks may be justified, compared to just 6% of those over 30. Overall, American Muslims are more...

Klein: War on Terror Has Hurt Israel
Klein: War on Terror Has Hurt Israel

Klein: War on Terror Has Hurt Israel

Hawks in the Bush administration were pro-Israel, but the results weren't

(Newser) - "As a Jew, I am embarrassed by the role that so many prominent Jews have had in empowering the enemy," Joe Klein writes in a blog from Jerusalem, noting the number of neoconservatives in the Bush  war machine who had close ties to the Israeli government. Klein says...

Musharraf Should Step Down
Musharraf Should Step Down 

Musharraf Should Step Down

Pakistani president is a lame duck who can't control Islamic factions

(Newser) - Pakistani president Musharraf should finally do what he vowed back in 1999, says Ahmed Rashid: return the government to democracy. H e's too weak to salvage his credibility after recent public protests , and if he can't maintain power, Islamic extremists will seize the opportunity instead. He should disavow his own...

Stories 121 - 136 | << Prev