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Dean: I Wanted to Be Health Sec

But ex-DNC chair says Obama's choice will do 'fine'

(Newser) - Former DNC Chairman Howard Dean says he made no secret of his desire to be in Barack Obama's Cabinet. "I was pretty clear that I would have liked to have been Secretary of Health and Human Services," he tells the Huffington Post. As for the president's pick,...

Democrat Governor May Reject Stimulus Funds

Bredesen of Tenn. joins GOP critics

(Newser) - A Democrat has joined the ranks of GOP governors who may turn down stimulus funds. Gov. Phil Bredesen of Tennessee says the state may reject $143 million for unemployed workers because it won't be able to afford the long-term budget repercussions, reports the Tennessean. Six other governors, all of them...

Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus
 Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus 

Obama Blasts GOP on Stimulus

President ditches teleprompter; comes out swinging against critics

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech to Democratic lawmakers last night sounded more like a campaign rally than a presidential address as he ditched his teleprompter to lay into the GOP, Politico reports. The president slammed Republican criticism of spending in his stimulus plan. "What do you think a stimulus is?" he...

Rahm Eyes Future Return to Congress

He warns contender he may be back one day

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel may be enjoying his new White House gig, but he hasn't written off a return to Congress, reports the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel told Illinois State Representative John Fritchey—one of 11 Democrats bidding for his vacated  Chicago post—that "he may...

Dem Lobbyists Leave K Street For Capitol
Dem Lobbyists Leave K Street For Capitol

Dem Lobbyists Leave K Street For Capitol

Obama's new rules have some seeking 'cleanse' on Hill first

(Newser) - President Obama’s tough anti-lobbying policies have Democrats headed for Capitol Hill, Politico reports. “Any Democrat worth their salt in this town wants to go work for the administration,” one lobbyist says. “But they’re just not talking to us.” Because Obama has strict policies against...

Obama Turning to McCain for Advice

Former rival is honored guest at inauguration party

(Newser) - Not only is John McCain in town for Barack Obama's inauguration, he's the guest of honor at an event celebrating it, reports the New York Times. In fact, the president-elect has been discreetly consulting his former rival—the one Obama said America can't trust on the Iraq war—on Iraq,...

Obama Inspires Young Black Pols to Take Risks for 2010

Candidates to abandon sure wins for ambitious positions

(Newser) - Young black politicians inspired by Barack Obama’s astonishingly quick ascent are pursuing riskier, more ambitious strategies for the 2010 elections, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. Florida Rep. Kendrick Meek, for example, a 42-year-old African-American, is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Mel Martinez, though Meek...

'Lockstep' Support of Israel Doesn't Represent US

(Newser) - You wouldn't know it to hear our political leaders talk, but the country is deeply divided over Israel’s attacks on Gaza, writes Glenn Greenwald on Salon. Most Republican voters support the action, while most Democratic ones do not. Yet Democratic bigwigs such as Pelosi and Reid offer "blind,...

Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties
Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties

Paterson Should Say No to Caroline, Dynasties

(Newser) - Should Gov. David Paterson give Caroline Kennedy a chance to serve New York in the Senate? No! “Dynasties suck,” reasons Alex Pareene of Gawker, and we should take the opportunity to quash this one. Although it’s not fair, Caroline has become the left’s Sarah Palin, and...

Waxman Unseats Dingell to Chair Key House Committee

Energy and Commerce Committee will see much legislation from Obama

(Newser) - House Democrats elected Californian Henry Waxman to chair the House Energy and Commerce Committee today, the Hill reports. Waxman’s new post will hold considerable influence over how the next administration will effect its legislative agenda; his selection over Michigan’s John Dingell, who has served on the committee for...

Emanuel Agrees to Become Obama's Chief of Staff

House GOP leader Boehner critical of choice

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel will be Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff, CNN reports. The Democratic congressman accepted Obama’s offer this afternoon, aides said. Emanuel, whose aggressive, take-no-prisoners political style has earned him the nickname “Rahmbo,” has been close to his fellow Chicagoan since Obama arrived in...

Obama Eyes RFK Jr. for EPA Post

High-profile head could please liberals, New England senators

(Newser) - Barack Obama is considering environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection Agency, Mike Allen notes on Politico. The shrewd move would raise the EPA's profile—pleasing liberals Obama may otherwise disappoint during the budget crunch—and pay back the Kennedys for their crucial support during the...

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England
GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

Himes' victory over Shays in Conn. completes Republican rout

(Newser) - With the defeat of Rep. Christopher Shays in Connecticut, the GOP has been completely routed from New England. The Republicans’ expulsion from the Northeast derives from losses in centrist districts, those where moderate Republicans like Shays could be expected to win, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard.

Ignore Those Exit Polls!
 Ignore Those Exit Polls! 

Ignore Those Exit Polls!

Sample sizes and enthusiasm gaps can skew results

(Newser) - Exit polls can be addictive for those who can't take Election Day suspense, but poll analyst Nate Silver recommends you resist the temptation. Here's why:
  1. Exit polls have high margins of error because they are taken at only a few precincts in a state.
  2. Exit polls overstated Democratic support in

Nov. 5 Will Feel Like Dec. 26
 Nov. 5 Will Feel Like Dec. 26 

Nov. 5 Will Feel Like Dec. 26

Uncertainty ahead for pros and amateurs, participants and observers.

(Newser) - After two years of high drama, the curtain is about to fall. Letdown, writes Steven Winn in the San Francisco Chronicle, may be inevitable. Tomorrow will usher in a lull like those that sandwiched between seasons of the Sopranos, says one professor: “This has been the greatest series on...

Obama Court Would Threaten Foundation of US Democracy

'Left-wing ideologue' threatens representative governance if elected

(Newser) - Before electing a “left-wing ideologue,” Americans should reconsider who “moderate-posing” Barack Obama would put on the Supreme Court, Edward Whelan writes in the National Review. The Democrat will select ultra-liberals for a bench already “markedly to the left of the American public,” he cautions: “...

Economy Is Democrats' Fault, But Media Turn Blind Eye

Newspapers aren't being honest about what caused crisis: Card

(Newser) - Mainstream media—aka the Democrats’ “public relations machine”—have fed Americans a “big fat lie” by ignoring the fact that this economic mess can be traced directly to Democratic policies, writes Orson Scott Card in Meridian. The crisis is “not a vague emanation of the evil...

Chicago Bar Hangs Nude Palin Portrait

Painting of armed Alaska gov. baring all a Windy City hit

(Newser) - Perhaps the most revealing depiction of Sarah Palin is the one hanging at a Chicago tavern: A naked, smiling, high-heeled Palin holds a shotgun in front of an Alaskan landscape in a portrait displayed at the North Side bar, the Tribune reports. The owner's husband, who is crushing on Alaska's...

Out of the Spotlight, Biden Battles On

The other No. 2 has been pulverizing McCain with gusto in swing states

(Newser) - He may be getting less press attention than Sarah Palin's pets but there's another vice-presidential candidate in this race and he's been blasting John McCain all across the Rust Belt, the New York Times reports. Joe Biden barely mentions Palin in his fiery speeches to crowds of varying size, but...

Franken Wins Minn. Primary
 Franken Wins Minn. Primary 

Franken Wins Minn. Primary

Funnyman sees off challenger who turned his own jokes against him

(Newser) - Al Franken won Minnesota's Democratic Senate primary last night, the Hill reports. The former funnyman had almost 70% of the vote with two-thirds of precincts reporting. The state party-endorsed Franken saw off a late challenge from attorney Priscilla Lord Faris, who used some of Franken's crude jokes of the past...

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