Islamic militants

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Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts
Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts

Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts

(Newser) - A "ball of fire" turned a Karachi street from a scene of celebration into one of "absolute horror and carnage" early this morning after two explosions killed at least 136 people gathered to hail the return of former Pakistan Prime Minster Benazir Bhutto, reports the BBC. The Pakistan...

European Militants Find Training in Pakistan

Fighters wary of Iraq are groomed for terror ops on Afghan border

(Newser) - Renewed Al-Qaeda strength on the Pakistan-Afghan border is wooing European militants to train in Pakistan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Fighters who are wary of Iraq—where they may have to strap on a bomb on short notice—can enjoy being groomed for missions in Pakistan. “Pakistan worries me...

Danish Police Arrest 8, Foil Terror Plot

Officials say the men, with Mideastern backgrounds, are tied to Al Qaeda

(Newser) - Danish police have arrested eight men they say were plotting a terror attack and were tied to Al Qaeda. The arrest comes after months of surveillance, an intelligence official told a press conference in Copenhagen today, but he declined to say what country was the target of the attack. "...

Hamas Launches Navy in Gaza
Hamas Launches Navy in Gaza

Hamas Launches Navy in Gaza

Palestinian faction is recruiting sailors; now all they need is a ship

(Newser) - Hamas, the Palestinian faction that seized power in the Gaza Strip in June, is launching a naval defense force, reports the Times. They're busy recruiting sailors—even though they don't have any ships.  “The requirements to join are that you have to be a good soldier, be fit,...

Death Toll in Red Mosque Siege Tops 80

Commandos clear compound after 8-day standoff, 35-hour battle

(Newser) - Soldiers completed the takeover of the Red Mosque early today, removing the final militants who had occupied the Islamabad compound during an 8-day siege. At least 80 were killed and 33 wounded in the past week, including 50 radicals and 10 soldiers in the climactic 35-hour final assault. "Now...

Radicals Kill Pakistani Colonel
Radicals Kill Pakistani Colonel

Radicals Kill Pakistani Colonel

Mosque crisis continues, as Islamic students remain barricaded inside

(Newser) - A Pakistani colonel leading an attempt to breach the walls of a mosque where Islamic students are holed up has been shot and killed, the BBC reports. Since last Tuesday, when the standoff began, 20 people are believed to have died. Pakistan's President Musharraf has said the Islamic fighters "...

CIA Uses Spies From Sudan to Infiltrate Iraq

Secret cooperation said to undercut Bush actions against genocide

(Newser) - The CIA is secretly working with the Sudanese government to send spies into Iraq, even as the US condemns the regime's role in the Darfur genocide, the LA Times reports. Sudan's position as a gateway for Islamic militants heading for Iraq and Pakistan makes it ideal for sending spies into...

Militant Website Says It Has Video of Troop Abduction

Two GIs remain missing after ambush in Iraq

(Newser) - A militant Islamic website says it will release a video showing the capture last month of three American soldiers. The video shows the kidnapping as well as the ID cards of the two soldiers who are still missing, says an organization that monitors militant websites. The third soldier was later...

US Rushes to Aid Lebanon
US Rushes to
Aid Lebanon

US Rushes to Aid Lebanon

Troops surround refugee camp, prepare siege or incursion to rout out militants

(Newser) - The US has rushed military aid to Beruit, as the Lebanese army continues to battle Islamist militants holed up in a Palestinian refugee camp. The first shipment arrived today. Condoleeza Rice expressed support for Lebanon's government, if not confidence: "I certainly hope that the Lebanese government will be able...

Pakistan Deserves Democracy
Pakistan Deserves Democracy

Pakistan Deserves Democracy

Novelist calls for transition from Musharraf's rule

(Newser) - A Pakistani novelist who's seen many benefits from Musharraf's rule concludes that it's time for the embattled leader to go. "By prolonging his rule, the general risks taking Pakistan backward and undermining much of the considerable good that he has been able to achieve," writes Mohsin Hamid. 

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