sexually transmitted diseases

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Need an STD Test? There's an App for That

Coming soon, an STD test you can do on your phone

(Newser) - Just pee or spit on a USB-like chip and plug it into your phone or computer: In a few minutes, you'll get a diagnosis on whether you have chlamydia, gonorrhea, or a range of other STDs, according to the Guardian . British health officials are working with seven organizations that have...

More Young Men Get Throat Cancer, Thanks to Oral Sex

Doctors recommend HPV vaccine for boys, not just girls

(Newser) - Oral sex has been linked to throat cancer in baby boomers , but a rising number of cancers of the head and neck in young men is leading doctors to urge boys as well as girls to get the controversial HPV vaccine . “This kind of cancer traditionally affects males who...

Porn Star Tests Positive for HIV

Adult entertainment industry reels after hearing the news

(Newser) - Two of the porn industry's biggest companies have stopped production following the news that an actor has tested positive for HIV. Yesterday's revelation sent the industry—which eschews the use of condoms on porn sets—into a tizzy, as it attempts to track down the people who may have worked...

Sex Survey Bares Gender 'Orgasm Gap'

Shocked? Men and women report different rates of female orgasm

(Newser) - Figures may not lie, but people do—especially, it seems, when it comes to sex. The most comprehensive study of Americans' sex lives since 1994 finds a strange "perception gap" related to orgasm: While 85% of the male respondents said their latest sexual partner had an orgasm, only 64%...

US Intentionally Infected Guatemalans With STDs

Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Sebelius apologize for horrific 1940s experiment

(Newser) - Hundreds of Guatemalans were intentionally infected with gonorrhea and syphilis by US government medical researchers as part of a 1946-1948 study—even worse, it was done without their knowledge or consent, and many were encouraged to pass the STDs on. About one-third of the 696 infected subjects, who included institutionalized...

It's Time Parents Accept Teen Sex

The Dutch do, with good results

(Newser) - When it comes to teen sex, "we need to be paying attention to the Netherlands," writes Tracy Clark-Flory on Salon . Unlike American parents who typically demonize pre-marital sex, Dutch parents commonly allow their teenagers—male and female alike—to have sleepovers with significant others, a new study finds....

Get STD Tested, Then Check in on Foursquare!

MTV's campaign may not work...but if it does, bravo

(Newser) - If you’re as obsessed with location-based services as most people seem to be, you probably love checking in at restaurants, coffee shops, bars…and STD clinics? Maybe not, but that’s what MTV is hoping you’ll do as it launches its “Get Yourself Tested” Foursquare campaign . The...

Viagra Poppers Have Higher STD Risk

Men on Viagra, Cialis may be more likely to engage in unsafe sex

(Newser) - Viagra and Cialis users are far more likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases than men who don't take ED meds, BusinessWeek reports . Using analysis of insurance records for 1.4 million men over 40, researchers found patients on ED drugs were 2.8 times more likely to be treated for...

Circumcision Prevents Sex-Related Injuries
 Circumcision Prevents 
 Sex-Related Injuries
study says

Circumcision Prevents Sex-Related Injuries

Lowered risk of minor cuts may protect against HIV/AIDS

(Newser) - Circumcised men's penises sustain fewer cuts, abrasions, and other minor sex-related injuries during intercourse, a new study finds—which could explain why circumcised men are less likely to get HIV during unprotected sex than uncircumcised men. Researchers analyzed data from an HIV study in Africa that followed 2,800 men,...

Jersey Shore Creator: It's a 'Herpes Nest'

Producers give out Valtrex 'like M&Ms'

(Newser) - The creator of the Jersey Shore says she's constantly worried about STDs, “because I have everybody hooking up.” In a recent reality TV roundtable conducted by the Hollywood Reporter , Dr. Drew Pinsky of Celebrity Rehab fame complained that the network made him give all his patients the herpes...

Health Law Slips in $250M for Abstinence-Only Education

Critics charge approach is ineffective, dangerous

(Newser) - Obama's health care reform includes $250 million for abstinence-only sexual education. To receive the funding, programs must teach that abstinence from sexual activity is "the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems." They must also tell young people that pre-marital...

South Africa Seeks a Billion Condoms for World Cup

Authorities fear major spike in HIV/AIDS

(Newser) - Britain has pledged to supply 42 million condoms in response to South Africa's hunt for a massive billion condoms to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS during this summer's World Cup. Authorities fear a spike in visitor sex and some 40,000 prostitutes expected to travel to Johannesburg to...

DC to Give Out Female Condoms
 DC to 
 Give Out 


DC to Give Out Female Condoms

'Dream project' targets pockets of high-risk sexual behavior

(Newser) - Washington, DC, has given out condoms for almost a decade, but now the capital city is also offering up female condoms to boost its efforts to stem HIV infection rates. Some half-million free female condoms will soon blanket the District's schools, convenience stores, and salons in high-risk areas in a...

Canadian Sex Ed: Capt. Condom Video Game
 Canadian Sex Ed: 
 Capt. Condom 
 Video Game 

yep, this is real

Canadian Sex Ed: Capt. Condom Video Game

Penis-handed villain and heroes like 'Wonder Vag' teach kids

(Newser) - If your kids refuse to listen when you try to sit them down for the sex talk, perhaps you should plop them in front of a new online sex ed game instead…as long as you don’t mind your daughter playing as the character “Wonder Vag.” Gawker...

'Mental HIV' Stumps Chinese
 'Mental HIV' Stumps Chinese 

'Mental HIV' Stumps Chinese

Sufferers claim government is concealing epidemic

(Newser) - A surge in patients who have many of the symptoms of HIV but no trace of the virus is baffling health authorities in China. The condition is the result of a mental, not a physical, problem, doctors insist. But sufferers distrust China's medical authorities and believe the government is covering...

Turns Out Abstinence Ed Does Cut Teen Sex

It beat safe sex program in recent study

(Newser) - Abstinence-only sex education is back on solid scientific ground, with a study showing the method may be more effective than safe sex education in discouraging young teens from taking the plunge. Different groups of 6th- and 7th-graders were given short courses in abstinence, safe sex, or a combination of the...

In War on STDs, NC Tries New Weapon: Bribery

Syphilis outbreak sparks offer of gift card in exchange for test

(Newser) - The incidence of syphilis is spiking in the economically hard-hit South, and health officials have lit on a novel preventative measure, MSNBC reports: Wal-Mart gift cards. Syphilis tends to rebound in tough times, and a program in North Carolina induces patients to submit to a test in exchange for the...

In Brazil, You've Got Mail—and Possibly an STD

(Newser) - The Brazilian Health Ministry has created a website to let people inform partners they've got a sexually transmitted disease via an emailed virtual postcard. The official in charge of the ministry's STD and AIDs programs notes that many have a hard time telling partners they're infected—and that the emails...

DC to Offer STD Tests to All Students

Pilot program found that 13% of youths had chlamydia, gonorrhea

(Newser) - All DC high school students will be offered testing for sexually-transmitted diseases, the Washington Post reports. The move follows a pilot program at eight schools last year in which 13% of 3,000 students tested positive for STDs, mostly chlamydia and gonorrhea. The new plan says students must watch a...

Teen Pregnancies, STDs Increase: CDC

Figures raise concerns after positive trends

(Newser) - After declining in 1991-2005, the US teen birth rate climbed in 2006 and 2007, HealthDay News reports. Crunching numbers from 2002-07, the Centers for Disease Control found a number of trends had flatlined or worsened after a period of improvement.
  • 2004 saw 745,000 pregnancies among females under 20, including

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