Ian Paisley

4 Stories

Top N. Ireland Minister Will Step Down

Paisley played key role in power-sharing, peace agreements

(Newser) - Northern Ireland’s influential first minister, Ian Paisley, will step down in May, Reuters reports. The Protestant evangelist, 81, helped soothe religious strife in the province when he agreed to share power with Catholics last year after decades of fueling the conflict, the AP reports. "I've achieved my aims,...

Northern Ireland Launches Historic Power Share

Power-sharing government ends decades of sectarian violence

(Newser) - Protestant and Catholic leaders pledged to cooperate as Northern Ireland inaugurated a power-sharing government today, ending a deadly decades-long conflict. Protestant leader Ian Paisley and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness will serve as first minister and deputy first minister, respectively. Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams hailed "a new era of...

Ian Paisley Does the Unthinkable
Ian Paisley Does the Unthinkable

Ian Paisley Does the Unthinkable

Middle East Can Learn From Northern Ireland

(Newser) - "Watching this stooped white-haired man reverse a lifetime's course made one feel that change might be possible in other intractable situations," writes Trudy Rubin of Ian Paisley's meeting with Gerry Adams to agree on power sharing in Northern Ireland. The "other situation" Rubin has in mind is ...

Irish Rivals Unite for Self-Rule
Irish Rivals Unite for Self-Rule

Irish Rivals Unite for Self-Rule

Powersharing agreement in Northern Ireland will allow continuation of self-rule

(Newser) - Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams sat down together yesterday and agreed  to a power sharing deal for Northern Ireland that would include their rival parties. A British deadline to disband the national assembly if a pact wasn't forthcoming jump-started the negotiations, after four years of stalled talks.  The coalition...

4 Stories
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