Berea College

2 Stories

Niche Colleges, Priced Right
 Niche Colleges, Priced Right 

Niche Colleges, Priced Right

(Newser) - Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to college. Mother Jones runs down 10 schools that “may not bother to juke their stats to make US News' short lists, but they still have plenty to offer—and for a lot less dough.”
  • Berea College, Kentucky: The price

One College Snags Students With Free Tuition

(Newser) - While many schools struggle to entice new students in hard times, one is receiving more applications and higher-caliber resumes. How does Berea College in Kentucky do it? By offering free tuition, Time reports. Founded in 1855, Berea demands that all 1,530 students work 10 hours a week or more...

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