campaign donors

Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev 

Soros: I'm Done Donating to Democrats

Says last 3 elections were 'exceptions,' sees GOP 'avalanche'

(Newser) - Like many Democratic über-donors, liberal billionaire George Soros is sitting this election out, but says throwing money at elections is something he didn’t like to do in the first place. “I made an exception getting involved in 2004,” Soros tells the New York Times . “...

Christine O'Donnell Raises $850K Online

Donations pour in after win

(Newser) - Funny what a little publicity can do. Christine O'Donnell's campaign has raked in $850,000 since Tuesday's win, ABC News reports . "We're at 99% of our $1,000,000 goal," O'Donnell herself tweeted this afternoon. "Help push us over the top." And even if that math...

NY Pol Lists Foe's 'Jewish Money' Donors

Rep. Mike McMahon scrambles to fire staffer, apologize

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman is practicing damage control after his campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors contributing to his GOP challenger. Rep. Mike McMahon's staff didn't exactly try to keep it a secret: They gave the report, subtly titled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," to the New York Observer...

RNC, DNC Pig Out on Donor Bucks

Lavish dinners, digs, fishing guides eat up millions

(Newser) - Nearly two-thirds of donations to the national committees of both the Republican and Democratic Party are spent on staffers and to pay for luxuries like lavish dinners, limousines and mysterious "tips" to lure more donations, reports the Washington Post . In the last spending period, administration and fundraising expenses gobbled...

House Democrats Ban Corporate Earmarks

Parties race to end increasingly unpopular practice

(Newser) - The House erupted in ethical one-upsmanship yesterday as Democrats and Republicans raced to end budget earmarks: House Dems banned earmarks to private industry, and Republicans quickly responded with a call to stop all earmarks, not just those to for-profit companies. The new ban ends a fast-growing practice that has poured...

Donor Stops Checks to RNC Over Fear Campaign

Evangelical 'ashamed' about leaked strategy session

(Newser) - The first of many or just one angry donor? A prominent political contributor says he's going to stop writing checks to the Republican party because he's "ashamed" over the leak of the recent fear-based fundraising campaign . Mark DeMoss, a former RNC "Eagle" because he gave the party $15,...

Toyota Armed With Lobbyists for DC Showdown
Toyota Armed With Lobbyists for DC Showdown
donations won't hurt either

Toyota Armed With Lobbyists for DC Showdown

40% of panel members have taken money from company

(Newser) - Toyota won't be alone as it testifies before Congress: The automaker brings with it an army of lobbyists and the potential goodwill generated by years of targeted political giving. The 32 lobbyists already working on the company's behalf will be joined by experts from two recently hired lobbying firms. They'll...

Gambling Industry Bets on Harry Reid

 Gambling Industry 
 Bets on Harry Reid 


Gambling Industry Bets on Harry Reid

Ties to casinos bring in the campaign cash for Senate majority leader

(Newser) - Harry Reid's poll numbers make him look like an easy mark, but casino owners who have a history of disregarding party and going with the winner in Nevada politics are putting their money on the majority leader's reelection. Reid is counting on decades of close ties with the gambling industry...

Campaign Ruling Is a Bombshell&mdash;or Not
Campaign Ruling Is a Bombshell—or Not
opposing views

Campaign Ruling Is a Bombshell—or Not

Washington is 'hyperventilating,' but the impact may not be that profound

(Newser) - Most of the reaction to the Supreme Court's ruling on campaign spending presents it as a bombshell that will open the spigots of corporate and union coffers and radically change how races are run. Today's New York Times , for instance, notes that the ruling calls into question laws in no...

GOP Set to Cash In On Campaign Spending Ruling

Obama promises 'forceful response' to Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's decision to lift a ban on direct corporate campaign spending will be a bonanza for the Republicans and another blow to the Democrats ahead of this year's elections, analysts say. Business lobbies that had been persuaded to back President Obama's initiatives are now taking stock of the...

Court: Elected Judges Can't Rule on Major Donors

Kennedy gives opinion in 5-4 decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled today that elected judges must recuse themselves from cases when large campaign contributions from interested parties create the appearance of bias. By a 5-4 vote in a case from West Virginia, the court said that a judge who remained involved in a lawsuit filed against his...

Edwards Admits Feds Probing Hush Cash

Candidate may have paid off mistress with campaign donations

(Newser) - John Edwards is being investigated by feds looking to see if he illegally used 2008 campaign funds to hush up mistress Rielle Hunter, the former candidate told the Charlotte Observer, confirming an earlier report in the Edwards-happy National Enquirer. Hunter, hired to film the candidate, was paid $114,000 by...

Flyover 'Red Flags' Get News Orgs Poking Around
Flyover 'Red Flags' Get
News Orgs Poking Around

Flyover 'Red Flags' Get News Orgs Poking Around

(Newser) - At least one news organization may file a Freedom of Information Act request, demanding the manifest for Monday’s Air Force One flight over New York, according to the American Spectator’s anonymous “Prowler”—who relays suspicions that civilians or a high-level administration official was on board. “...

Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev