Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

COVID Jumped From Bats to Animal to Humans: WHO

Joint report with China finds that virus likely didn't originate in a lab

(Newser) - A joint China-World Health Organization study on the origins of COVID-19 says that transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal is the most likely scenario and that a lab leak is "extremely unlikely," according to a draft obtained by the AP . The findings offer...

CDC Looks at 3-Foot Rule
CDC Looks at 3-Foot Rule
new study

CDC Looks at 3-Foot Rule

Research finds no difference in infection rates in schools that don't maintain 6-foot distance

(Newser) - One restriction that complicates reopening schools could be eased soon. New research has found that schools might be able to safely welcome students back in person as long as they wear masks and follow other pandemic guidelines—even if they maintain only 3 feet of social distancing instead of the...

WHO Team Out of Quarantine, Starts Digging on COVID Mystery

Experts are on fact-finding mission in China on the origins of the coronavirus

(Newser) - A World Health Organization team emerged from quarantine in the Chinese city of Wuhan on Thursday to start field work in a fact-finding mission on the origins of the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers, who were required to isolate for 14 days after arriving in China, left...

Fauci, WHO Issue 2 Bleak Warnings
Fauci, WHO
Issue 2

Fauci, WHO Issue 2 Bleak Warnings

Fauci fears January will be worse than December; WHO says COVID may not be 'the big one'

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci delivered some not-so-comforting words Tuesday on the state of COVID in the US, telling CNN that the current surge "has just gotten ... out of control in many respects." While December has been record-setting in terms of deaths, Fauci said he feared January will be worse, in...

Fauci Moves Goal Posts on Herd Immunity

No one knows what's needed, but the original targets might have been too low

(Newser) - The nation is just beginning its coronavirus vaccination campaign, and already it sounds like herd immunity is getting harder to reach. The World Health Organization puts the population share that needs to have achieved resistance through having the virus or receiving a vaccination at 60% to 70%. Early on, Dr....

On Marijuana, a 'Huge, Historic Victory'

UN committee takes cannabis for medical use off of list of most dangerous drugs

(Newser) - Drug policy advocates are celebrating a win this week after a United Nations commission voted to remove marijuana for medical use from a list of the world's most dangerous drugs. In a 27-25 vote, with only Ukraine abstaining, the 53 member states of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs...

Biden Plans Fast Reversals of Trump Policies

US won't leave WHO or the Paris climate agreement after all

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden's plan is to waste little time after he takes office overturning a series of policies enacted by President Trump, chief among them keeping the US in the Paris climate accords and the World Health Organization. The "dreamers" program will also return, allowing people brought to...

On Sunday, a Grim COVID Number for Earth

WHO announces highest-ever 24-hour increase in coronavirus infections

(Newser) - On Sunday, the World Health Organization made a grim announcement: The daily rise in new COVID-19 infections was the world's highest ever. There were 307,930 new cases recorded over 24 hours, higher than the record 306,857 reported a week prior, on Sept. 6, the BBC reports. The...

Hydroxycholorquine Trial Bites the Dust
COVID-19 Drug Trial
Bites the Dust

COVID-19 Drug Trial Bites the Dust

The World Health Organization abandons testing of hydroxycholorquine

(Newser) - The World Health Organization says it is ending a trial into whether anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the AP reports. WHO said Saturday it has "accepted the recommendation" from the committee overseeing the trial to discontinue testing of hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, a drug combination used to...

European Union Makes a Big Ask of Trump

EU wants president to reconsider cutting US funds to World Health Organization amid pandemic

(Newser) - The European Union on Saturday urged President Trump to rethink his decision to cut American funding for the World Health Organization amid global criticism of the move, as spiking infection rates in India and elsewhere served as a reminder the global pandemic is far from contained. European Commission President Ursula...

China Just Opened Its Wallet Wide in Fight Against the Virus

President Xi announces $2B in aid for pandemic battle, as EU bloc seeks to probe WHO response

(Newser) - China will provide $2 billion over two years to fight the coronavirus pandemic and the economic fallout from it, President Xi Jinping said Monday, rallying around the World Health Organization even as the United States has slashed funding for the UN health agency. The $2 billion over the next two...

WHO: Report on Phone Call Was 'Unfounded and Untrue'

The World Health Organization fires back over 'Der Spiegel' article

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has dismissed as "false allegations" a media report that it withheld information about the new coronavirus following pressure from China, the AP reports. The UN agency said in a statement late Saturday that a German magazine’s report about a telephone conversation between WHO chief...

Criticism of Trump&#39;s WHO Move Swells
Criticism of Trump's
WHO Move Swells 

Criticism of Trump's WHO Move Swells

Pelosi says it will be 'swiftly challenged'

(Newser) - President Trump is taking an increasing amount of flak for his decision to cut off US funding to the World Health Organization , with even those who agree with some of his criticisms of the UN health agency's handing of the pandemic saying now is not the time to deprive...

'19, 20 States' Could Be Ready to Reopen May 1

So says CDC Director Robert Redfield

(Newser) - If you're living in one of 19 or 20 states, good news: CDC Director Robert Redfield thinks you may be ready to reopen by May 1. The less great news: He didn't name which ones during his interview on Good Morning America . Reuters reports Redfield explained that we'...

A 'Crime Against Humanity:' Trump's WHO Move Slammed

Public health experts blast US president for cutting off health organization in middle of pandemic

(Newser) - President Trump announced Tuesday he was cutting off payments to the World Health Organization for now, accusing the United Nations health agency of promoting Chinese "misinformation" about the coronavirus. Public health experts are lashing out at the US president, with some saying Trump is trying to deflect attention from...

Trump Cuts Off US Payments to WHO
Trump Cuts Off
US Payments to WHO

Trump Cuts Off US Payments to WHO

He says agency 'severely mismanaged' outbreak

(Newser) - President Trump says the US is halting payments to the World Health Organization while his administration investigates the UN health agency's failure to carry out its "basic duty." In his Tuesday briefing, Trump accused the WHO of "severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the...

WHO Makes It Official: It&#39;s a Pandemic
WHO Says the
P-Word Now Applies

WHO Says the P-Word Now Applies

Declares the novel coronavirus crisis is now a pandemic

(Newser) - Expressing alarm both about mounting infections and inadequate government responses, the World Health Organization declared Wednesday that the global coronavirus crisis is now a pandemic but added that it's not too late for countries to act. By reversing course and using the charged word "pandemic" that it had...

Trump: WHO's Coronavirus Stat Is a 'False Number'

President says 3.4% death rate is way too high

(Newser) - Earlier this week, the World Health Organization estimated the death rate from COVID-19 to be 3.4%, higher than initial estimates and far worse than the seasonal flu, notes CNBC . President Trump, for one, disagrees. In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, the president dismissed the...

WHO Says It Isn't Ready to Use the P-Word Yet

There's no coronavirus pandemic, but we should be in a 'phase of preparedness'

(Newser) - The World Health Organization isn't ready to use the p-word, but it thinks the world should ready itself for a potential coronavirus pandemic all the same. On Monday the WHO instructed countries to be "in a phase of preparedness," saying that while its assessment remains that COVID-19...

Coronavirus Gets a Name
Now Has
a Name

Coronavirus Now Has a Name

WHO labels it COVID-19

(Newser) - You don't have to call it "coronavirus" anymore. The World Health Organization has bestowed an official name on the fast-spreading illness: COVID-19. The "COVI" stands for coronavirus, the "D" stands for disease, and "19" reflects the year it was discovered, explains NPR . The health agency'...

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