Neil Armstrong

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Moon Landing Anniversary Is Upon Us
Moon Landing Anniversary
Is Upon Us

Moon Landing Anniversary Is Upon Us

NASA, museums have plenty of ways to celebrate

(Newser) - The cosmos is providing a full moon for the 55th anniversary of the first lunar landing this weekend, and plenty of other events honor Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's giant leap. Aldrin, 94, the last surviving member of the Apollo 11 crew, headlines a gala at the San Diego...

We Still Haven't Solved the Space Poop Problem
We Still Haven't Solved
the Space Poop Problem

We Still Haven't Solved the Space Poop Problem

Wired digs into the surprisingly challenging issue as moon expeditions intensify

(Newser) - Neil Armstrong left more than his footprints on the moon. As Becky Ferreira writes in Wired , he and his fellow Apollo astronauts also left nearly 100 bags of poop up there over various missions, where they remain to this day. For one thing, this raises the prospect of humans contaminating...

At Auction: Moon Dust Collected by Neil Armstrong

It'll be quite a payday for Illinois collector Nancy Lee Carlson

(Newser) - A rare piece—or rather pieces—of space history are about to go to the highest bidder. Five samples of moon dust collected by Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission will be sold at a Bonhams auction on Wednesday. Thought...

Neil Armstrong's Death Holds a Darker Backstory

Family settled with hospital where he died in 2012 for $6M over alleged wrongful death

(Newser) - Neil Armstrong's family received $6 million to settle a wrongful death claim after experts said the astronaut's Aug. 25, 2012 death may have been preventable. The news is only now being reported by the New York Times , which received documents relating to the settlement from an anonymous sender,...

4 Things Armstrong and Aldrin Left Behind

Some of it is nice (messages of hope!), some not so much (human waste)

(Newser) - When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin departed the moon, they left more than 100 things behind. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing this weekend, Florida Today has a list of seven of the most interesting. A sampling:
  • Tributes: A patch from the Apollo 1

Neil Armstrong's Spacecraft ID Fetches $465K

Memorabilia auction made $7.4M

(Newser) - Memorabilia that belonged to the first man to set foot on the moon has fetched more than $7.4 million at auction. Dallas-based Heritage Auctions says the item that sold for the highest price, $468,500, was Neil Armstrong's spacecraft ID plate from Apollo 11's lunar module Eagle....

Lifting Veil on Neil Armstrong, Gosling 'Seriously Impresses'
First Man Gets It Right

First Man Gets It Right

Ryan Gosling is great as Neil Armstrong

(Newser) - Ryan Gosling is back under the direction of La La Land's Damien Chazelle, this time as Neil Armstrong in First Man , based on James R. Hansen's biography of the astronaut. Also starring The Crown's Claire Foy, the film has won over critics, who give it an 90%...

The Lunar Rocks Vanished. He Has Found All but 2

Rocks scooped up by Neil Armstrong were given to all 50 states

(Newser) - A strange thing happened after Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 crew returned from the moon with lunar rocks: Many of the mementos given to every US state vanished. Now, after years of sleuthing, a former NASA investigator is closing in on his goal of locating the whereabouts of all...

Woman Preemptively Sues NASA to Keep Her Treasure

Owner of presumed lunar material says space agency has history of seizing such items

(Newser) - Call it one small step for lunar dust owners. A Tennessee woman is suing NASA preemptively to keep a vial of what she believes is moon dust that was given to the family by Neil Armstrong. Filed in federal court, the suit is an attempt to prevent NASA—which says...

Thieves Swipe Gold Model of Armstrong's Apollo Capsule

They were likely after a 'quick buck,' says ex-NASA agent

(Newser) - It was one small model for Neil Armstrong, but one giant heist for thieves: Police in Ohio are searching for a rare solid gold replica of the first vehicle to land on the moon that was stolen from the Armstrong Air and Space Museum late Friday, NPR reports. An alarm...

Buzz Aldrin Recalls 'Iconic' Moon Landing Photo

'It was very spontaneous'

(Newser) - It's "one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th century," according to Mashable . And on Thursday—the 48th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing—Buzz Aldrin took to Twitter to give a small behind-the-scenes glimpse of how it happened. "It was very spontaneous,"...

Thanks to NASA Inventory Error, Illinois Woman $1.8M Richer

Seller acquired moon dust bag, auctioned Thursday, for just $995

(Newser) - One small inventory error has led to a giant payday for Illinois woman Nancy Lee Carlson. A moon dust collection bag that Carlson bought for just $995 in an online government auction in 2015 sold for $1.8 million at a Sotheby's auction in New York Thursday, the BBC...

Moon Dust Collected by Neil Armstrong to Be Auctioned Off

It's valued at $4M

(Newser) - Moon dust that Neil Armstrong collected during the first lunar landing was displayed Thursday at a New York auction house—a symbol of America's glory days in space now valued at $2 million to $4 million. The late astronaut brought the dust and some tiny rocks back to Earth...

Bag of Moon Dust That NASA Lost Could Fetch $4M
NASA's Goof Could Mean $4M
Windfall for Illinois Woman
in case you missed it

NASA's Goof Could Mean $4M Windfall for Illinois Woman

Bag from Apollo 11 will be auctioned July 20, ending the drama

(Newser) - Only one man was able to be the very first to walk on the moon. Now, an auction that's just as singular. On July 20, Sotheby's will auction a bag containing traces of moon dust, which a Chicago-area woman picked up for $995 and which is expected to...

Priceless Space Artifact Accidentally Sold at Government Auction

It's now the center of a legal fight

(Newser) - A priceless bag used during the first moon walk was accidentally sold at a government auction, and is now the center of a legal dispute, the AP reports. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin tucked moon rocks into the white sack they took with them during the Apollo 11 mission in...

Traveling in Deep Space Is Bad for Your Heart

Apollo astronauts are much more likely to die of cardiovascular disease

(Newser) - Planning a trip to the moon? You might want to think about heart health first. According to a study published in Scientific Reports , travel in deep space dramatically raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. Florida State University researchers looked at America's Apollo astronauts, who are the only people ever...

Smithsonian Launches $500K Kickstarter for Famous Suit

They'll leave lunar dust on Neil Armstrong's moonwalk getup, though

(Newser) - "Reboot the Suit" is the slogan for the Smithsonian Institution's new campaign to restore Neil Armstrong's famous moonwalk spacesuit—and the museum group has launched its first-ever Kickstarter campaign to reach its $500,000 goal, Smithsonian reports. Funds raised will go toward conserving the spacesuit so it...

Neil Armstrong Brought Back 'Purse' From the Moon

Full of 'odds and ends' from Apollo 11

(Newser) - After Neil Armstrong's death, his widow, Carol, found something unexpected in a closet: a white bag full of parts from the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle. The spacecraft parts were originally thought to have been left on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission, the New York Daily News...

For Sale: Neil Armstrong's Moon Heartbeat

EKG shows he remained calm during descent

(Newser) - A unique piece of space memorabilia is hitting the auction block later this month—the first heartbeat on the moon. The electrocardiogram taken as Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon is among 85 Apollo 11-related items being auctioned, including the joystick used to control the module's landing, PC ...

Neil Armstrong 'Was No Liar'

 Neil Armstrong, 
 a 'Liar'? Please 

Neil Armstrong, a 'Liar'? Please

Astronaut didn't fib about his famous quotation: Andrew Chaikin

(Newser) - Neil Armstrong not only made history, he gave us one of the 20th century's most famous quotes—but did he lie about it for years after? At , Andrew Chaikin is ready to fire that "outrageous accusation" into the stratosphere: "Let’s get one thing straight...

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