Wilkins Ice Shelf

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Antarctic Ice Shelf Crumbles
 Antarctic Ice Shelf Crumbles 

Antarctic Ice Shelf Crumbles

Scientists say global warming has made huge Wilkins Ice Shelf unstable

(Newser) - A huge ice shelf in the western Antarctic has become unstable and is beginning to fracture into icebergs, the Telegraph reports. Images from space show that the Jamaica-sized Wilkins ice shelf has lost 270 square miles of ice in recent weeks. Scientists expect the "fragile and vulnerable" shelf to...

Snapped Antarctica Ice Bridge Stokes Warming Alarm

First break for massive, retreating shelf

(Newser) - A massive 25-mile-long Antarctic ice bridge between a Jamaica-sized ice shelf and an island has broken in what scientists are calling an alarming sign of runaway global warming, the BBC reports. It was the first time the shelf, which has been retreating for years, has lost a link holding it...

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