Paul Ryan

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Ryan: 'Forcible' Rape Was Stock Language

He explains bill he co-authored with Akin

(Newser) - After a week of deflections, Paul Ryan has finally explained the use of the term "forcible rape" in a bill he co-sponsored with controversial Missouri Rep. Todd Akin, reports the Huffington Post . Ryan told Fox that he wasn't trying to redefine rape, but it was "language that...

GOP Opens Convention, Immediately Adjourns

Hurricane may derail more than just first day

(Newser) - Republicans officially kicked off their convention today, but only officially. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus gaveled the convention to order before dozens of delegates in a mostly-empty hall today, the AP reports, but 10 minutes and a giant debt clock later he'd adjourned the proceedings thanks to Tropical Storm Isaac...

Gen-Xers React to Own Paul Ryan: Eh, This Bites

First Gen-Xer on presidential ticket inspires, well, angst

(Newser) - At 42-years-old—and a fan of grunge music, Coen brothers movies, and microbrews—Paul Ryan is the first Gen-X candidate to appear on a presidential ticket. But unlike the pride Baby Boomers felt for sax-playing Bill Clinton, Ryan is generating some very Gen-X angst, irony, and diffidence, reports the New ...

Twisted Sister Not Gonna Take Ryan Using Its Song

Dee Snider denounces use of metal anthem

(Newser) - In yet another campaign music clash, Twisted Sister has told Paul Ryan's campaign that it's not gonna take Ryan's use of its 1984 hit "We're Not Gonna Take It." Frontman Dee Snider has demanded Ryan stop using the heavy metal anthem at rallies, reports...

Romney Plan Would Bankrupt Medicare By '16

Experts say restoring reimbursements would hasten its decline

(Newser) - Mitt Romney often promises to restore $716 billion in Medicare funding cut by the Affordable Care Act, but many experts say that pledge is, in the words of one economist, "both puzzling and bogus." That's because what Romney would be "restoring" wouldn't be funds but...

Paul Ryan: I'm Happy to Cling to Guns, Religion

VP candidate talks 2008 Obama gaffe on campaign trail

(Newser) - Paul Ryan reminded voters at a Pennsylvania steel plant today of President Obama's campaign-trail gaffes—from 2008. "Remember this other time when he said people want to cling to their guns and religion ?" said Ryan, who has frequently brought up his Catholic faith on the campaign trail....

Ryan&#39;s Plan Is a Deficit-Hiking &#39;Con Game&#39;
 Ryan's Plan Is a 
 'Con Game' 
paul krugman

Ryan's Plan Is a Deficit-Hiking 'Con Game'

Paul Krugman: He's 'style over substance'

(Newser) - Paul Ryan is a media darling: Pundits can't stop praising his "seriousness." But the truth is that "Ryanomics is and always has been a con game," scoffs Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Ryan claims to be a deficit-slasher, but let's crunch the...

Romney: Akin's Rape Comment 'Inexcusable'

As DNC rushes to bash GOP with the controversy

(Newser) - Democrats rushed today to milk maximum value out of Todd Akin's assertion that some mysterious biological process protected victims of "legitimate rape" from getting pregnant. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement trying to tie Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to Akin. "They've been trying...

Giuliani on Biden Gaffe: He&#39;s a &#39;Joke&#39;

 Giuliani on 
 Biden Gaffe: 
 He's a 'Joke' 

Giuliani on Biden Gaffe: He's a 'Joke'

Obama camp dismisses controversy as a 'distraction'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's "chains" gaffe rippled all the way to the Sunday talk show dial, Politico reports, with Rudy Giuliani backing off his earlier charge that the veep is "not that bright," but very much questioning whether he's got what it takes. "I don'...

Ryan Lobbied Hard to Save Wisconsin Auto Plants

Despite free-market credo, pushed for local car plants

(Newser) - Not only did deficit-hawk Paul Ryan vote for Detroit's $14 billion emergency bailout, he also spearheaded two lavish incentive plans that gave hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks and benefits to keep a large GM plant in his hometown, reports the Los Angeles Times . That plant closed...

Paul Ryan's Mom Helps Him Push Medicare Plan

Program is a promise to retirees 'we have to keep,' he says in Florida

(Newser) - Paul Ryan brought out the big guns today to defends his approach to Medicare—his mom and the memory of his grandmother. The VP candidate traveled to Florida to speak before the massive retirement community near Orlando known as the Villages, and he brought along his 78-year-old mother, Betty Douglas,...

Ryan&#39;s 2011 Tax Rate: 20%
 Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20% 

Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20%

VP candidate releases 2 years' worth

(Newser) - Yesterday was Paul Ryan's turn to release his tax returns—just the last two years , of course—and they show that the veep candidate paid 15.9% of his income in taxes in 2010 and 20% last year, according to documents provided to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Ryan, together...

'Rage' Guitarist: Paul Ryan Is the Machine

Tom Morello says famous fan is what he's raging against

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has on occasion cited Rage Against the Machine as one of his favorite bands, which "is amusing," writes guitarist Tom Morello in Rolling Stone , "because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against." Oh, sure, Ryan has some...

And Now: Shirtless Paul Ryan Photo Emerges

TMZ digs one up

(Newser) - The world has been clamoring to see a shirtless photo of the famously buff Paul Ryan, at least according to Google searches of the subject, notes AFP . Now TMZ is the first to deliver, but you'll have to go to the site to see the exclusive pic. The photo...

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

 Ryan Could Be 
 Face of GOP 
 for Decades 
charles krauthammer

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

Charles Krauthammer sees good things for nation's 'conservative future'

(Newser) - Assuming Paul Ryan doesn't flop over the next three months, then, win or lose, "he could well become the face of Republicanism for a generation," declares a happy Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Ryan is the natural leader of a "new constitutional conservatism" in America,...

Ryan Not Exactly a Cash Cow for Romney

He may have inspired a lot of new donors, but they haven't given much: analysis

(Newser) - The Romney campaign would like you to believe that picking Paul Ryan as the VP candidate has resulted in a flurry of enthusiastic donations to his cause. The campaign today announced that Romney has raised $10,157,947 online since unveiling his running mate, Politico reports. But Alexander Abad-Santos writes...

Obama Ad Focuses on Ryan, Not Romney

Defends president's Medicare record

(Newser) - A new ad from the Obama campaign slams his opponents on Medicare—but it barely mentions Mitt Romney. The ad, called "Facts," defends the president against Team Romney's claims that ObamaCare guts the program to the tune of $700 billion. Meanwhile, it attacks the GOP vision for...

Ryan: I Asked for Stimulus Money by Accident

VP candidate has repeatedly denied asking for funds for Wisconsin businesses

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has repeatedly denied that he requested funds for Wisconsin businesses from Barack Obama's signature stimulus bill, despite documented evidence to the contrary. Yesterday he finally admitted he had—but said he hadn't realized he was doing it. Ryan's stimulating ways first came to light in...

Ron Paul Supporter Hawking

'This site, much like Mitt Romney himself, is for sale to the highest bidder'

(Newser) - Surf over to , and you'll pretty quickly realize that it's not a Romney campaign site. It features a link to Romney's tax returns, a link to a list of his top contributors, and the message, "This site, much like Mitt Romney himself, is for...

Romney Gets No Bounce in Polls From Ryan Pick

McCain and Obama didn't do so well, either, in 2008

(Newser) - For all the hullaboo over Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan, voters seem to have greeted the news with a shrug. The Gallup Daily tracking poll finds that Romney's support among registered voters edged up all of one point in the four days after the announcement. Romney was...

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