Elena Kagan

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High Court Split in Gay Marriage Questioning

SCOTUSblog predicts a no-decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has finished hearing the arguments in the Proposition 8 case, and prognosticators are busy reading the tea leaves for what it might be thinking. Here's what went down:
  • Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and, perhaps surprisingly, John Roberts, peppered Charles Cooper, the lead attorney

2 in 3 Americans Can't Name One Supreme Court Justice

John Roberts is best-known at 20%

(Newser) - Nine people helped determine the fate of ObamaCare this year—and most Americans can't name a single one. Two-thirds of us are unable to name a Supreme Court justice, according to legal website FindLaw.com's poll of 1,000 people. Chief Justice John Roberts was the most familiar...

Roberts Court Eschews Politics, Rules as One

NYT study shows court moving in unexpected directions

(Newser) - While the Supreme Court has appeared deeply divided along ideological lines in recent years, its latest term reveals a strikingly different court, often unanimous and aggressive in reviewing the other branches of government, reports the New York Times in an analysis of the last nine months of the Roberts Court....

Arizona Immigration Law Headed to Supreme Court

Politically-charged case could echo in November

(Newser) - Just weeks ago, it was the ObamaCare tussle . Now the Supreme Court is moving on to another politically-charged, high-profile case: a battle over Arizona's controversial immigration law. The case centers on whether Arizona overstepped the boundaries of state power with aggressive police checks on suspected illegal immigrants. But "...

Justice Kagan: Scalia Taught Me How to Hunt

It's not a metaphor: 'He's made a huntress out of me,' she says

(Newser) - They may be divided when it comes to judicial philosophy, but off the bench, liberal Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and conservative Antonin Scalia are ... hunting buddies. While visiting Marquette University, Kagan revealed that Scalia, an avid hunter, hosted her many times on trips to shoot pheasant and quail, reports...

Foes Want Kagan, Thomas to Skip Health Care Vote

But don't expect either to do so

(Newser) - Now that the Supreme Court has decided to rule on President Obama's health care law, expect to see pressure from activists on both sides to get Elena Kagan and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves, notes the National Law Journal . Already, the decision has called new attention to a story...

Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You
Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You

Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You

Obama too timid on federal nominees, with big issues coming

(Newser) - With big issues working their way toward the Supreme Court on such vital issues as health care reform, same-sex marriage, affirmative action, and police stops of undocumented immigrants, liberals need to be on guard, writes longtime court-watcher Emily Bazelon for the New York Times . Sure, there are solid progressives, such...

Kagan, Sotomayor Breathe New Wind Into Liberals' Sails

'Passionate' Sotomayor, bridge-building Kagan aren't shy during oral arguments

(Newser) - It's a bit like Mean Girls: Supreme Court Edition: After decades of the conservative tongue-lashings of Antonin Scalia dominating oral arguments as liberal justices sat on their hands, new kids Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan are unabashedly adding their voices to the melee. "Slow down from the rhetoric,"...

Supreme Court Turns Down First ObamaCare Challenge

Kagan may not recuse herself from cases involving health reform

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has turned down the first preliminary challenge to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. The decision to reject an appeal from a former Republican state lawmaker in California was no surprise because a federal appeals court has yet to consider the case. The high court almost never...

Kagan to Miss Half of Supreme Court's Caseload

Solicitor general post presents conflicts of interest

(Newser) - Elena Kagan began her new gig as a Supreme Court justice today, but thanks to her old gig, she'll miss the action in about half the 51 cases the court has agreed to take on this term. As solicitor general, Kagan drafted briefs for the court for 14 months—exposure...

Court Becomes More Diverse—and Partisan

Flurry of recent appointments make court's political split apparent

(Newser) - The Supreme Court that begins its new term tomorrow will be very different than its predecessor. The most striking change may be the presence of three women on the bench, which Ruth Bader Ginsburg thinks will cause a "major" shift in public perception of the court. “When...

Elena Kagan Is Sworn In
 Elena Kagan 
 Is Sworn In 

Elena Kagan Is Sworn In

She becomes the fourth woman to serve on Supreme Court

(Newser) - Elena Kagan is no longer a Supreme Court nominee—she's a Supreme Court justice. Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath to Kagan today, making her the 112th justice and fourth woman ever to serve on the court, reports AP . Kagan took the oath and then smiled broadly as friends...

McConnell Snaps at Franken: 'This Isn't SNL'

Senate minority leader not amused by funny faces

(Newser) - There was too much of the funnyman about Al Franken for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday. The comedian-turned-senator was presiding over the Senate as McConnell made a speech opposing Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Supreme Court . Franken appeared to be shifting in his seat and making faces, which McConnell...

Senate Confirms Elena Kagan
 Senate Confirms Elena Kagan 
63-37 vote

Senate Confirms Elena Kagan

She'll replace Stevens on Supreme Court

(Newser) - The Senate today confirmed Elena Kagan as the 112th justice and fourth woman to serve on the Supreme Court, selecting a scholar with a reputation for brilliance, a dry sense of humor, and a liberal legal bent. The vote was 63-37 for President Obama's nominee to succeed John Paul Stevens....

Senate to Confirm Kagan Today
 Senate to Confirm Kagan Today 

Senate to Confirm Kagan Today

3 women on the high court for the first time

(Newser) - Elena Kagan is on the brink of becoming the fourth woman ever to serve as a Supreme Court justice, with the Senate expected to vote to confirm her nomination today. Her addition to the court will mark the first time three female justices have served concurrently. Nearly all Democrats, the...

GOP's Dick Lugar Endorses Elena Kagan

He's the second Republican to step forward to do so

(Newser) - Looks like Elena Kagan will get confirmed for the high court with one GOP vote to spare: Republican Dick Lugar got on board yesterday, saying he'll back President Obama's nominee. "I have concluded that Solicitor General Elena Kagan is clearly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court" he said....

Senate Panel OKs Kagan
 Senate Panel 
 OKs Kagan 

Senate Panel OKs Kagan

Supreme Court nomination now goes to full Senate

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee voted today to approve Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court. The 13-6 vote sends Kagan's nomination to the full Senate, where she's expected to be confirmed as early as next week to succeed John Paul Stevens. Just one Republican, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, joined...

Why I'm Voting Against Kagan
 Why I'm Voting Against Kagan 
john mccain

Why I'm Voting Against Kagan

Cites treatment of military recruiters at Harvard

(Newser) - It won't derail her near certain confirmation, but John McCain today declares that he's voting against Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. In an op-ed for USA Today , McCain cites her tenure as dean of the Harvard Law School, when "she unmistakably discouraged Harvard students from considering a career...

Stewart Explains GOP's Beef With Kagan: She's a Jew

Daily Show dissects the confirmation hearings

(Newser) - Jon Stewart thinks he's discovered the real reason Republicans don't like Elena Kagan. After poring over clips of her confirmation hearings—in which they made sidelong references to her "background" and "beliefs" and New York upbringing, Stewart cracked, "Let's cut to the chase: You're a Jew! You're...

This Woman Is Actually Having Fun
 This Woman 
 Is Actually 
 Having Fun 

In a confirmation hearing?!

This Woman Is Actually Having Fun

Nobody told Elena Kagan that confirmation hearings are painful, dreary affairs

(Newser) - You can fault her, as the New York Times did, for giving away practically nothing of her judicial philosophy or her views on key issues in her Senate confirmation testimony yesterday, but Dalia Lithwick notes in Slate that it was pretty damn hard not to like the Elena Kagan we...

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