Universal Music Group

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Record Labels Sue Chinese Sites to Block Illegal Music

Industry takes on huge world of downloads

(Newser) - Major record labels are suing two Chinese websites that allegedly allow illegal music downloads in a case that could have a huge impact on the way the Chinese obtain music.  The groundbreaking multi-million dollar case over copyright infringement could pave the way for even larger claims, the Wall Street ...

MySpace Music Takes On iTunes
 MySpace Music Takes On iTunes

MySpace Music Takes On iTunes

Joint venture with record companies aims to create competition

(Newser) - The world of online music buying looks set for a shakeup with the launch of MySpace Music, announced today. The joint venture between MySpace and three of the big four record labels aims to compete head-to-head with iTunes, CNET News reports. Music industry bigwigs are said to have long felt...

Meet China's First Global Pop Star

Or at least, that's what Sa Dingding hopes to become

(Newser) - China may be storming the world right now, but it’s never had good luck with pop starts. That could change with Sa Dingding, a half-Mongolian singer/songwriter, who sings entirely in Tibetan over a velvety mix of traditional instruments like the zither and modern electronica. Universal’s hoping the whole...

Austrian Monks Nab Record Deal
 Austrian Monks Nab Record Deal

Austrian Monks Nab Record Deal

Austrian monks to record Gregorian chant album

(Newser) - Amy Winehouse and Cistercian monks wouldn't seem to have much in common, but now they've got the same record label, the BBC reports. Universal Music's search for "sacred singers" to record a Gregorian chant album turned up an Austrian monastery dating back to 1133. "It was beautiful, beautiful...

MySpace Makes Music Overtures
MySpace Makes Music Overtures

MySpace Makes Music Overtures

Social networking site turns to recording labels in effort to broaden appeal

(Newser) - MySpace has spent the past few weeks approaching major record labels, trying to hammer out a deal for a new online music service, the Wall Street Journal reports. The deal—tentatively MySpace Music—would likely let users stream unlimited music for free, and buy downloads that could be played on...

Qtrax Hits Snags
Qtrax Hits Snags

Qtrax Hits Snags

Startup promised free, legal, iPod-compatible downloads rom all the major labels

(Newser) - Startup Qtrax has been promising free, legal music downloads from all the major labels via an ad-supported site that was supposed to launch this morning. Too good to be true? Maybe. On the eve of its debut, things started to unravel, with Warner, Universal and EMI all denying agreements with...

Universal, Last of Majors, Signs On to Imeem

Imeem will distribute all four major label's music on social network

(Newser) - Universal Music Group is the last of the major record label groups, and the largest, to sign a deal with social-networking site Imeem. The site allows users to upload songs to their pages, but not download or store them on computers or iPods, reports the Wall Street Journal. Every time...

Pepsi, Amazon Could Spark Digital Music Revolution

Promotion deal pushing music companies to switch to DRM-free MP3 format

(Newser) - Pepsi and Amazon aren’t music producers, but they may inspire large-scale changes in the industry, Reuters says. The two companies will launch a music download promotion of MP3 songs during the Super Bowl next year, a deal pushing music titans like Warner Music and Sony BMG to consider distributing...

New Trend May Have Fans Shout, 'I Want My ITV!'

'Interactive video' changing way users view music videos online, experts say

(Newser) - MTV just may become a thing of the past, thanks to a new wave sweeping the Net called “interactive video.” Encouraged by the popularity of music videos online, but frustrated by poor web quality, producers are allowing users to create their own video-viewing experience. Indie favorite Arcade Fire...

Sony Ericsson Hums New Tune
Sony Ericsson Hums New Tune

Sony Ericsson Hums New Tune

Under pressure from rivals, mobile phone maker plans new music portal

(Newser) - London mobile-phone maker Sony Ericsson has unveiled plans for its own online music store for computers and mobile phones. The service will roll out next spring, and claims it will add millions of new music tracks from major record labels. The move comes as Sony Ericsson is facing increasing competition...

No Warner Content for Nokia Music Site

Music withheld over illegal download concerns

(Newser) - The latest music copyright battle has pitted Warner Music against Nokia. Warner refuses to sell its tunes through the new Nokia Music Store website, on grounds that another Nokia service, the file-sharing site Mosh, enables swapping of copyrighted material, the Wall Street Journal reports. Music from Universal, Sony BMG, and...

Dancin' Toddler Takes On Prince
Dancin' Toddler Takes On Prince

Dancin' Toddler Takes On Prince

Legal battle ensues over YouTube home video, copyright claim

(Newser) - Baby's got moves. And now he's got a lawyer, too. A YouTube video of an 18-month-old rocking out to the Prince song "Let's Go Crazy" has ignited a legal fight involving the music industry, a ticked-off mom and Prince himself. The lawsuit—prompted when YouTube pulled the video at...

YouTubers Call Takedown Notices Abusive

Corporations misusing copyright laws with demands, citizens say

(Newser) - YouTube has long been on the forefront of citizen filmmaking, but now it’s hitting the vanguard of citizen litigation. Many are crying foul at the frequency of takedown notices—warnings of infringement by copyright holders. Said one user who sued Universal after video of her baby performing over a...

Labels Team Up to Bruise iTunes
Labels Team Up to Bruise iTunes

Labels Team Up to Bruise iTunes

Universal leads effort against Apple's control of prices; new store part of plan

(Newser) - Universal Music is acting on industry-wide anger toward iTunes’ policies, teaming with Sony and potentially Warner on a new subscription service that could make music essentially free. Still a prototype, Total Music would charge makers of music players $5 a month, PC World reports; they would then offer unlimited downloads...

Universal Thumbs Nose at Apple
Universal Thumbs Nose
at Apple

Universal Thumbs Nose at Apple

Label to lift piracy protection—except on iTunes downloads

(Newser) - Universal Music will ditch the anti-piracy software on music it sells through most outlets, making it easy—but still illegal—to copy its tunes. In what one analyst calls “a bold-faced move to blunt Apple’s influence,” the plan conspicuously excludes iTunes. The company says Apple is a...

Apple Shoots Down Report of Trouble With Universal

iTunes talks with major label said to be ongoing

(Newser) - iTunes and the Universal Music group are still at the bargaining table, and reports that the online retainer and the megalabel have changed the terms of their agreement are "just not true," Apple says. The tech giant contradicted a report in yesterday's New York Times, saying through a...

Universal's iTunes Deal Hits Sour Note

Major music vendor will pull out of long-term contract with Apple

(Newser) - In the latest volley in the escalating war between the music industry and Apple's iTunes, Universal Music Group will not renew its contract with the online music seller, the New York Times reports. The digital retailer will still feature artists signed by Universal, the largest music company in the world,...

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