17 Stories

2010 FBI Crime Data: Violent Crime Drops 5% Nationwide

 Violent Crime 
 Drops 5.5% 
2010 stats

Violent Crime Drops 5.5% Nationwide

FBI reports crime dropped almost across the board in 2010

(Newser) - America just got a little safer. The number of violent crimes in the US dropped 5.5% last year compared to 2009, and the number of property crimes sank 2.8%, the FBI announced today. In fact, 2010 saw declines in all four categories of violent crime—murder, rape, robbery,...

News Fail: The Year's Most Misunderstood Stories

Time to stop blaming Jay

(Newser) - This year, we hated Jay, pitied Mark Zuckerberg, and were sure the Tea Partiers were insane. But we were wrong, says Cracked . Some accepted myths, followed by the truth:
  • Jay Leno stole Conan's job. Actually, “Leno had nearly nothing to do with Conan getting fired.” It all came

2010: The Year We Stopped Talking to Each Other

Being in the room with someone doesn't mean they have your attention

(Newser) - In the seemingly unending onslaught of "best" and "worst" of 2010 stories, a declaration that's a mix. Writing for USA Today , Sharon Jayson dubs 2010 "the Year We Stopped Talking to One Another." The upside: We're Facebook BFFs with Kimmy from high school. The downside: We...

These Predictions for 2010 Were Way Off

They said iPads wouldn't make it, but Google Wave would

(Newser) - The media gave us plenty of predictions for 2010, and plenty of them simply didn’t come true. AOL News lists some of the most glaring:
  • Job growth will begin again. Newsweek predicted it unemployment would fall “below 9%,” but it was never less than 9.5%.
  • Republicans

Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year: Austerity
Word of the Year: Austerity
best of 2010

Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year: Austerity

Runners-up include 'socialism,' 'bigot'

(Newser) - Austerity measures announced by governments across Europe this year sparked a surge in civil unrest, and a surge in people trying to find out exactly what the word means. Merriam-Webster says that, based on search trends, the noun—meaning "enforced or extreme economy"—is its word of 2010....

2010's Least Amazing Big Deals
 2010's Least Amazing Big Deals

2010's Least Amazing Big Deals

10 most overrated things of the year

(Newser) - We're officially in that always-fun time of year: The season for "best of" lists. And while Newser is sure to present plenty of lists that round up the best of 2010 , we can't help but slip in a few that focus on the worst. Courtesy of Mark Juddery, author...

52% Think Obama Doesn't Deserve 2nd Term

Support even weaker for Congress, with 34% liking most incumbents

(Newser) - Lucky for Obama he's not up for reelection this year: 52% of Americans polled by CNN recently don't think the president deserves a second term, with just 44% saying he does. The anti-incumbent sentiment burns even brighter when it comes to Congress, with just 34% of those polled saying that...

Loss of Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter Stings Democrats
Loss of Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter Stings Democrats

Loss of Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter Stings Democrats

North Dakota Senator the most devastating departure

(Newser) - Democrats are feeling sick to their stomachs today in the wake of the stunning announcements that Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, and Bill Ritter would all abandon their reelection bids. Dorgan is the real loss here, Politico reports; Republicans stand a strong chance of picking up the North Dakota senator’s...

Ahmadinejad's Website Hacked
 Ahmadinejad's Website Hacked 
'Dear God, please take Mahmoud'

Ahmadinejad's Website Hacked

Will it be blamed on Western devils lurking on the Internet?

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who charmingly once declared that Iran is free of gays, must be fixing to make sure it's free of hackers, as well. Gawker reports that the Iranian prez's website , which is currently down, was hacked by someone who posted a message asking God if he might take Mahmoud...

Sydney Starts Off 2010 With a Bang

Australian city gets drop on New Zealand with early display

(Newser) - Sydney welcomed 2010 a little early this year, with a 9pm fireworks display over the harbor for the family crowd. That hour in Australia happens to fall at midnight in Auckland, New Zealand, which usually lays claim to the first big celebration of the New Year, but appears to have...

Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009, Make 2010 Predictions
Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009,
Make 2010 Predictions
keep one eye on iran

Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009, Make 2010 Predictions

China ascendant, Pakistan dangerous, Iran is one to watch

(Newser) - Foreign Policy asked 100 luminaries—from Bill Clinton to Francis Fukuyama to David Petraeus—to weigh in on just what happened in the past year, and what the future holds. Some of their opinions and predictions:
  • Obama's doing all right: The average rating for Obama's first year in office

Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care
Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care
Nate Silver

Most Red State Dems Can Vote for Health Care

Only Blanche Lincoln faces 2010 fight, and she'll be a tough sell

(Newser) - The main reason Senate Democrats have a prayer of passing health care reform is that not many of them are up for reelection next year, says Nate Silver. Only a third of the Senate is up for re-election in 2010, and most of the Democrats in that group come from...

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010
 Lieberman: I'll Back 
 in 2010 

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010

Sort-of Democrat says he'll 'call them as I see them'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman says he “probably will support some Republicans in 2010” and may not seek the Democratic nomination in his own 2012 reelection campaign. “I’m going to call them as I see them,” he tells ABC News , saying he’s weary of “partisan, passionate, hardcore”...

Palin 2012 'Catastrophic' for GOP: McCain Insider

Ex-gov has no centrist appeal: strategist

(Newser) - If Sarah Palin is the 2012 presidential nominee, the Republican Party "would have a catastrophic election result,” the top strategist for the McCain campaign said today. Steve Schmidt foresees the 2012 election being won by the party that can sway the independents who backed Barack Obama in 2008....

Cavs Swing Trade for Shaq
 Cavs Swing Trade for Shaq 

Cavs Swing Trade for Shaq

(Newser) - LeBron James is about to get some big help—literally. The Suns and Cavaliers have agreed in principle to a deal to send Shaquille O’Neal to Cleveland in exchange for Ben Wallace, Sasha Pavlovic, and the 46th pick in today's draft, multiple team execs tell the Plain Dealer. The...

Next Year's Census Will Be Biggest, Most Costly Ever

New methods, standards as expenses soar

(Newser) - Next year’s US census will be the largest and costliest ever, requiring 140,000 workers and $15 billion, the Chicago Tribune reports. Thousands of employees have already hit the field to confirm addresses in an effort to ensure oft-underrepresented renters, minorities, and the homeless are accurately counted. Other census...

Gregg Flap Sheds Light on Perennial Census Battle

(Newser) - Judd Gregg’s flirtation with the top job at Commerce has brought the partisan battle over the US Census to the fore with just a year to go before before the official count, the New York Times reports. Most Americans may not think of the census as a political tool,...

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