
Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Ramps Up Attacks on AARP Over Health Care

Republicans see 'backroom deals' over reform

(Newser) - The "right-wing commentariat" has a new villain to replace ACORN, and it has a far more familiar acronym: AARP. The basic line of attack is that the AARP has struck "backroom deals" with Democrats on health care reform to steer insurance business its way, writes Evan McMorris. The...

Why Post Poll Matters &mdash;and Why It Doesn't
 Why Post Poll Matters 
 —and Why It Doesn't 
pundit roundup

Why Post Poll Matters —and Why It Doesn't

New survey shows more support for public option

(Newser) - A new Washington Post/ABC poll showing an uptick in support for the public option—it stands at 57%—has pundits weighing in on the impact:
  • George Stephanopoulos, ABC: It's likely "those numbers aren't strong enough—at least not yet—to shake enough swing senators off their opposition to the

Is Palin Seeking Job on LinkedIn?
 Is Palin Seeking 
 Job on LinkedIn? 


Is Palin Seeking Job on LinkedIn?

Poster's also open to 'business deals'

(Newser) - Guess who's joined LinkedIn and is eager for gainful employment? A poster identified as always-surprising GOP rogue Sarah Palin is actively seeking "job inquiries" on the Internet network for professionals. Anyone interested can peruse the posted resume, which touts "Governor, State of Alaska" as the most recent gig....

Flood of Bush Memoirs May Trip Up GOP

Six administration figures to release books before midterm elections

(Newser) - The 2010 elections offer Republicans the first chance in a long time to run without the handicap of the unpopular Bush administration. Or not. Bush may be out of office, but the period between now and next November could see the release of five Bush-era memoirs—from Hank Paulson, Laura...

After Initial Flurry, GOP Mutes Criticism of Nobel

(Newser) - Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh quickly heaped scorn on President Obama's Nobel win yesterday morning, but criticism from the rest of the GOP has been notably lacking since. Nothing from Palin, Newt, Romney, et al., perhaps taking Mike Huckabee's advice to heart about "right-wing whining" on the subject. Tim...

Republicans Can Retake House in a 2010 'Landslide'

If trends continue, Republicans could gain 40 seats

(Newser) - Fred Barnes surveys the political landscape and sees the possibility of Republicans gaining up to 40 House seats—and thus regaining control of the chamber—in the 2010 elections. "A landslide of that dimension is quite possible," he writes. Democrats have time to reverse the trend, but they're...

Outside DC, Palin's Still a Star

VP candidate popular, but she may have goofed with resignation

(Newser) - Call her a quitter or a laughingstock, but Sarah Palin is still one of the most popular figures in the Republican Party—as admired by local leaders as she is doubted in Washington. A Politico survey of grassroots GOP members nationwide found particular support for her among Westerners, many of...

How the Crazies Took Over
 How the Crazies Took Over 

How the Crazies Took Over

Birthers, Limbaugh, Beck fill vacuum as Obama tries to stay above the fray

(Newser) - As recently as this spring, the Tea Party movement seemed anemic and wonky. But in the months that followed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others whipped the right-wing fringe into such a frenzy that a “separate reality grew like a second head on the American polity,” Philip Weiss...

Sorry, Jimmy: Race Ain't the Only Card in the Deck

Obama anger not just about skin color: Rich

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter and other Obama defenders playing the race card must remember that it’s just one in a deck that’s driving the I’ve-had-it-up-to-here rhetoric of Joe Wilson and Glenn Beck, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. “There is a national conversation we must have...

Wilson YouTube Video Sparks $200K Haul

But 'You lie' rep's foe raises $750K, leads in poll

(Newser) - Joe Wilson has raised more than $200,000 since he shouted "you lie" during President Obama's speech Wednesday—but his Democratic opponent has pulled in more than three times as much, CNN reports. Even worse for the Republican, opponent Rob Miller leads the incumbent, 44%-43%, in a poll conducted...

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson Heckles Obama: You Lie!

Congressman heckles president on claim about illegal immigrants

(Newser) - The man who yelled “You lie!” in response to President Obama’s claim that his health-reform plan won’t include illegal immigrants was South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, Politico reports. “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too,...

Dems' Colo. Dream Win Begins to Look Shaky

Anxiety over recession, deficit quiets Obama supporters

(Newser) - Democrats won a huge symbolic victory by winning over conservative Colorado in last year's elections, but nervous state voters may be yearning for the GOP again, the Washington Post reports. Strategists are feeling it on the ground and incumbents in the halls of power: President Obama's supporters have grown quiet...

Red Sox Hero Schilling Won't Nix Run for Kennedy Seat

Retired pitcher has been vocal Republican supporter in recent elections

(Newser) - Curt Schilling, the volubly Republican All-Star pitcher who helped the Boston Red Sox end their 86-year World Series drought, has “been contacted” about a run to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, he tells NECN. “I do have some interest in the possibility,” Schilling, 42, writes on...

Why So Many Football Coaches Love the GOP

Gave big bucks to McCain team last election—and little to Obama

(Newser) - Though Obama outraised McCain 5-1, 20 college and NFL head coaches gave to Republication candidates in 2008—and only 3 gave to Democrats. One coach led the Pledge of Allegiance at a Sarah Palin rally; another spoke at the GOP convention. The scales are clearly tipped to the right, reports...

Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races
Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races

Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races

Latest trends show even Reid, Spector, Dodd in trouble: Silver

(Newser) - Things are looking brighter for Republicans in the Senate, writes Nate Silver of In his monthly ranking of which seats are most likely to switch parties in 2010, Republicans have made a big move. Of the 10 seats that look more likely to switch hands, seven favor Republicans....

Kristol: Conservatives 'Impressive' in Opposition

(Newser) - Bill Kristol says Republicans and conservatives should be bursting with pride at how they've handled themselves as the opposition. They have been "impressive," "principled," and "savvy and sensible," he writes in the Weekly Standard. Among other things, he gives a pat on the back...

Ambinder: Town Halls Backfiring on Conservatives

(Newser) - Only a week ago, it seemed that conservatives had all the momentum in the fight against health care reform. Now, it's clear "they ramped up too quickly," writes Marc Ambinder in the Atlantic. The first town hall activists were "itching for a fight," and "the...

Add Santorum's Name to 2012 List

(Newser) - The list of Republican presidential hopefuls just keeps getting longer. Former Sen. Rick Santorum will make the first of several scheduled trips to Iowa in October, reports Politico. The conservative Santorum, of course, isn't explicitly calling it a scouting trip for 2012, but he acknowledged he wants a bigger role...

GOP Health Care 'Victory' Would Be Disastrous
GOP Health Care 'Victory' Would Be Disastrous

GOP Health Care 'Victory' Would Be Disastrous

Frum scolds fellow GOPers for seeking 'triumph of inertia'

(Newser) - If Republicans topple Barack Obama’s attempts to reform health care, they will have reason to celebrate—if they like plummeting wages, skyrocketing Medicaid and Medicare costs, and angry entrepreneurs, David Frum writes for New Majority, scolding fellow conservatives for naysaying reform. “We’ll have entrenched and perpetuated some...

Death Panels? Really, Sarah?


Death Panels? Really, Sarah?

(Newser) - So now Sarah Palin alleges that President Obama's "death panels" might have killed Trig had they been in place. "Where to start?" wonders Joan Walsh in Salon. "Palin's entire statement is so ignorant, so bollixed rhetorically and morally, it hurts to read it." Most "health...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>