
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama to GOP: Keep Your Word on Taxes

President chides Republicans on payroll taxes

(Newser) - President Obama continued his onslaught on congressional Republicans today, saying that Congress needs to extend a payroll tax cut in light of an economic recovery that's "still fragile" and middle class families who need the money. In a statement given from the White House this afternoon, Obama urged...

Peggy Noonan on GOP Debate: Hawkish Candidates Should Tone It Down
 GOP Hawks 
 Should Tone 
 It Down 
peggy noonan

GOP Hawks Should Tone It Down

Candidates might just scare off the electorate: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - In the latest Republican debate, we saw the candidates showcase their hawkishness, each trying to play it tougher than the next. (Except for Ron Paul, of course.) That may work in “Republo-world,” where theoretical discussions on, say, bombing Iran, are commonplace, but it won’t play well...

We&#39;re Stuck With 2 Minority Parties
 We're Stuck With 
 2 Minority Parties 
David Brooks

We're Stuck With 2 Minority Parties

The public doesn't like either, but they get election wins anyway

(Newser) - Back in 1951, a political analyst came up with the theory that at any time in America there’s a Sun Party, which drives the agenda, and a minority Moon Party that shines by reflecting its rays. But these days, “we are living in the era of two moons...

GOP Offers New Tax Deal, Backs Higher Revenue

Democrats dismiss it, say it hurts middle class

(Newser) - With a Thanksgiving deadline fast approaching, the GOP members of a deficit-reduction supercommittee are pressing a plan to cut the deficit by about $1.5 trillion over the coming decade, showing flexibility on tax revenue increases for the first time while proposing to gradually raise the Medicare eligibility age to...

5 Reasons the Republican Presidential Primary Race Is Unusual
 5 Ways the GOP 
 Race Is Just Weird 
'post' analysis

5 Ways the GOP Race Is Just Weird

Late starts and low fundraising set a different tone in 2012

(Newser) - This year's race for the Republican presidential nomination is rather odd, and not because of sexual harassment allegations or possibly drunken speeches . The Washington Post lists five ways this year is a weird one:
  • Starting late and developing slowly. Republicans lollygagged out of the gate, with Mitt Romney filing

GOP Candidates Reveal Favorite Movies

Rick Perry has one you probably never heard of

(Newser) - Who needs debates? The Washington Times rounds up the GOP candidates' favorite movies:
  • Herman Cain: The Godfather. (Yes, the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza winked when he answered.)
  • Newt Gingrich: "Probably Casablanca."
  • Michele Bachmann: "Braveheart, or maybe Saving Private Ryan."
  • Rick Perry: Immortal Beloved.

Romney, White House Spar Over Iraq Decision

GOP candidate calls lack of new deal an 'astonishing failure'

(Newser) - Republican presidential contenders are railing against President Obama over his decision to bring home all American troops in Iraq by January 1, reports CBS News .
  • Mitt Romney: "President Obama's astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won

Gingrich: Throw Democrats in Jail

 Gingrich: Throw 
 in Jail 
GOP Debate

Gingrich: Throw Democrats in Jail

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank should pay for collapse, not Wall Street bigs: Newt

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has an interesting idea for resolving political conflicts: Jail Democrats. That was the former House speaker's surprising recommendation in last night's GOP debate . The suggestion came up as he expressed sympathy for the Occupy Wall Street movement, saying protesters have every right to be angry. But...

If You Like Sean Penn Films, You're Probably a Democrat

If you're more partial to Mel Gibson films, you might be a Republican

(Newser) - Not only are lefties and righties split on their politics and what kind of food they like —they're split on their entertainment choices as well. A recent poll for the Hollywood Reporter finds that a whopping 45% of Tea Partiers consider a celebrity's politics before paying to...

Perry Has N-Word Problem, but GOP Bloggers Slam ... Cain?

Conservatives engage in 'anti-anti-racism': analysis

(Newser) - Herman Cain has just run "head first into the brick wall of conservative anti-anti-racism," writes Adam Serwer at Mother Jones . To recap: Rick Perry spent yesterday dodging bullets over his family's ill-named hunting camp, "n-----head"; Herman Cain rebuked Perry on TV for "a lack of...

Racially Charged Bake Sale Sparks Student Outrage

UC Berkeley Republicans get snarky about student admissions

(Newser) - "White/Caucasian" pastries: $2. "Black/African American" pastries: 75 cents. "Native American" pastries: only a quarter. Such is the pricing scheme for a sarcastic "Increase Diversity Bake Sale" posted on Facebook by a Republican group at UC Berkeley, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . Planned for Tuesday, the sale...

Krugman: Conservatism Turns &#39;Deeply Radical&#39;
Krugman: Conservatism
Turns 'Deeply Radical'

Krugman: Conservatism Turns 'Deeply Radical'

Debate cheers over 'freedom to die' prove the point

(Newser) - The cheers in the last GOP debate during a question about health insurance—should society let a sick person who has opted out of coverage just die?—illustrate a point that Paul Krugman thinks has not been "fully absorbed" yet: "At this point, American politics is fundamentally about...

Look Out Democrats, 2012 Is Looking Like 2010
Look Out Democrats,
2012 Is Looking Like 2010
nate silver

Look Out Democrats, 2012 Is Looking Like 2010

That could be bad news in the Senate: Nate Silver

(Newser) - It can be dangerous to draw broad conclusions from special elections, but last night's results from New York and Nevada make it safe to say that "the special election scorecard is starting to look pretty ominous for Democrats," writes Nate Silver at the New York Times . Coming...

GOP&#39;s Anti-Government View Misses Full Picture
GOP's Anti-Government
View Misses Full Picture
David Brooks

GOP's Anti-Government View Misses Full Picture

David Brooks: We need government to solve systemic problems

(Newser) - Republicans such as Rick Perry make the case that government needs to be drastically scaled back if we are to reverse our "national decline," writes David Brooks in the New York Times . They have a point—but only to a certain degree, he adds. "As great as...

Boehner to Give Jobs Speech of His Own

His address comes one week after President Obama's

(Newser) - John Boehner was still jockeying with the scheduling of economic speeches today, but this time it's his own: The House speaker will give a major address on jobs and the recovery one week after President Obama addresses Congress, reports the Hill . Boehner will speak at the Economic Club of...

Texas GOP Candidate Tries to Reason With Donkeys

Finally, a fun political ad: Kirsten Boyd Johnson

(Newser) - Even if you’re not a member of the Grand Ol’ Party, you will probably enjoy this political ad from Republican Texas congressional candidate Roger Williams, in which he attempts to talk sense with donkeys. “Get it?” asks Kirsten Boyd Johnson on Wonkette . Sure, the “horde of dim,...

Obama to GOP: 'Stop Drawing Lines in the Sand'

President winds up bus tour, says Republicans blocking economic growth

(Newser) - President Obama accused Republicans of keeping a politically motivated stranglehold on the US economy as his three-day bus tour of the Midwest wrapped up today, the Los Angeles Times reports. "I need you to send a message to folks in Washington," he told voters at a seed-production facility...

Rick Perry to Announce Run in SC

May not be formal launch, but will make intentions clear

(Newser) - Fresh off his weekend prayer rally, Rick Perry will head to South Carolina on Saturday to make clear he's going to toss his hat into the 2012 presidential race, reports Politico. In so doing, the Texas governor will upend the current field of Republicans seeking the nomination, as well...

Dear GOP, You Won, Let&#39;s End the Fight
 Dear GOP, 
 You Won, 
 Let's End 
 the Fight 
Fred Thompson

Dear GOP, You Won, Let's End the Fight

Fred Thompson: It's time to declare victory and move on

(Newser) - Republicans already have wrung impressive concessions from President Obama in the debt ceiling talks, writes former senator and one-time presidential candidate Fred Thompson. Might they get more? Possibly, but it's not the worth the risk of default to find out. "I respectfully suggest that you rake in your...

McConnell: Big Deficit Deal Is Dead

Top Republican blames White House insistence on tax hikes

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is jumping right on John Boehner's pronouncement last night that a broad deal on the deficit is impossible, reports Politico. Appearing on Fox News Sunday this morning, the Senate's top Republican said the White House's insistence that a $4 trillion deal be accompanied by tax...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>