
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Teachers Now Backing ... the GOP

Republicans see more union dollars roll in

(Newser) - Talk about strange bedfellows: Some American teachers' unions, bruised by struggles with Democrats like Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel , are lending their support to ... Republicans, the New York Times reports. Reaching across the aisle in states like Illiinois, Ohio, and Texas, teachers' groups gave $1.2 million to GOP state candidates...

Wall Street Has Plenty of Democrat Pals, Too
Wall Street Has Plenty
of Democrat Pals, Too

Wall Street Has Plenty of Democrat Pals, Too

They know how to 'tow the line,' too: Gary Weiss

(Newser) - Yes, Wall Street would love to see Mitt Romney win in November, writes Gary Weiss at TheStreet , but Weiss wants to debunk the "conventional wisdom" that the financial services industry and Democrats don't get along. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is a case in point. She's a...

Oops: House Candidate Withdraws, May Have Voted in 2 States

Maryland's Wendy Rosen is registered in Florida, too

(Newser) - A congressional candidate in Maryland is dropping out of her race for a doozy of a reason: She allegedly voted in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008, reports the Baltimore Sun . Democrat Wendy Rosen was a longshot challenger for the House anyway, and now her party is scrambling...

Campaigns Plunge Reporters Into Depression

It's loathing and loathing on the campaign trail

(Newser) - You think you're depressed by this political campaign season? Pity the poor reporters, some of whom are facing a career crisis as they stare into the abyss of their jobs. The rattling revelations started with New York Times Magazine reporter Mark Leibovich, who bemoaned the soul-destroying "joylessness" of...

Eastwood Was Either 'Delusional' ... or 'Terrific'

Count Michael Moore as voting for 'delusional'

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood's peculiar speech at the Republican convention has left prominent liberals and conservatives smiling, albeit for very different reasons. Writing for the Daily Beast , Michael Moore thanked the actor for making his night by casting the GOP as "delusional and detached from reality." He added that...

Clint Headed to Tampa for RNC: Sources

Hollywood icon may be tonight's mystery speaker

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood is on his way to Tampa where he could make Mitt Romney's day at the Republican National Convention, reports Townhall , citing a "well-placed Republican source." The Hollywood icon is among those rumored to be the convention's "mystery speaker" tonight. Other names being mention...

Hollywood's 13 Hottest Republicans

It's not just the old fogies like Clint Eastwood who lean to the right

(Newser) - Think all the hottest celebrities are Democrats? (Hello, George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker .) Well, you're wrong: E! rounds up 13 sexy Hollywood Republicans:
  • Nick Lachey: Like his former wife , he swings Republican.
  • Britney Spears: The GOP once held a fundraiser at one of her DC concerts.
  • Hilary

So Who Is the GOP Mystery Speaker?

Palin? Limbaugh? Tebow? Whoever it is gets a plum spot on Thursday

(Newser) - GOP convention planners have political bloggers humming with their best guesses on the "to be announced" mystery speaker slotted for about 10pm Thursday. It's a primo spot: Only Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney himself will follow. At the National Review , one name among Republicans who aren't currently...

GOP Cancels Monday Convention Events

They'll get rolling Tuesday because of storm

(Newser) - Republicans aren't taking any chances with Tropical Storm Isaac , soon to be Hurricane Isaac. The party has effectively postponed the start of its convention in Tampa from Monday to Tuesday, reports Politico . RNC chief Reince Priebus announced that the convention would convene Monday but recess immediately until the following...

I&#39;d Be Happy to Vote Republican, But ...
I'd Be Happy to Vote Republican, But ...

I'd Be Happy to Vote Republican, But ...

Henry Blodget: We need fiscal conservatives, not 'religious aggressives'

(Newser) - Henry Blodget would dearly love to vote for a genuine fiscal conservative because he says the country needs one to fix the deficit. He doesn't care whether it's a Democrat or a Republican, but generally speaking, that label applies to Republicans these days. Which would be fine, except...

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

 Ryan Could Be 
 Face of GOP 
 for Decades 
charles krauthammer

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

Charles Krauthammer sees good things for nation's 'conservative future'

(Newser) - Assuming Paul Ryan doesn't flop over the next three months, then, win or lose, "he could well become the face of Republicanism for a generation," declares a happy Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Ryan is the natural leader of a "new constitutional conservatism" in America,...

Boehner: Let's Play 'Offense' on Medicare

He has conference call to ease concerns on Paul Ryan pick

(Newser) - House GOP leader John Boehner orchestrated a conference call last night to settle the nerves of members of his party worried over a recent barrage of Democratic attacks tying them to Paul Ryan's controversial plan to reshape Medicare, reports Politico . Boehner told his colleagues that Democrats were already planning...

GOP Activist Accused of Multiple Rapes

Utah conservative Gregory Peterson faces life in prison

(Newser) - A Republican activist is accused of multiple rapes, and faces up to life in prison if convicted. Gregory Peterson, 37, was a frequent host of barbecues and gatherings for GOP power players in his home state of Utah, which included the likes of Senator Orrin Hatch and Governor Gary Herbert....

House on ObamaCare Vote: Now We're Repealing a Tax

GOP gleefully bandying about 'T' word in 31st vote

(Newser) - House Republicans will vote to repeal the health care reform law today, and if that sounds familiar, it's because they've done it 30 times already . But this time House leaders are gleefully bandying about the "T" word in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that...

GOP Record: Romney Raises $100M in June

Amount breaks party mark for monthly campaign donations

(Newser) - Mitt Romney had a very good June: His campaign raised more than $100 million in the month to set a Republican fundraising record, reports Mike Allen at Politico . President Obama's camp hasn't released numbers yet, but it's a safe bet that Romney will end up on top...

Prefer Dunkin Donuts? You Might Be a Republican
 Prefer Dunkin Donuts? 
 You Might Be a Republican 
in case you missed it

Prefer Dunkin Donuts? You Might Be a Republican

Are you Team Subway or Team Wendy's?

(Newser) - If you love BMWs, Dunkin' Donuts, and Subway, you just might be a Republican. Democrats, meanwhile, prefer Jeeps, Starbucks, and Wendy's, a study finds. Researchers clocked 4,000 people's reactions to various brands to the millisecond, and found a divide between left and right, ABC News reports. "...

Big GOP Donor Creates Super PAC for Gay Rights
Big GOP Donor Creates
Super PAC for Gay Rights
frank bruni

Big GOP Donor Creates Super PAC for Gay Rights

Billionaire Paul Singer wants to sway Republican candidates

(Newser) - Frank Bruni breaks some news in his latest New York Times column: One of the GOP's most influential donors tells Bruni that he is creating a Super PAC for the express purpose of getting Republican candidates to support gay marriage. Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer is starting the...

US Partisan Chasm Growing
 US Partisan Chasm Growing 

US Partisan Chasm Growing

Political polarization has surged over last 10 years, poll finds

(Newser) - Politics, not race or sex or class, is the big divider in the US today, according to a Pew Research Center poll which finds the partisan gap wider than at any time in the 25 years it has been polling on the subject. In 1987, the gap between Democrats and...

GOP Plans to Drop $1B Ad Bomb on 2012

Super PACs and other outside groups plan a huge blitz for 2012 elections

(Newser) - Republican groups plan to spend a record $1 billion on the November elections, and could outspend Democrats by a margin of 2-to-1. Politico has the details on the spending plans of super PACs and other outside groups: The Koch brothers plan to spend $400 million; Karl Rove's groups are...

Obama's Gay Marriage Stand: 60% Don't Care

40% say they'll change their vote over gay nuptials

(Newser) - President Obama's stand in favor of gay marriage is no game-changer for six out of ten US voters, a new Gallup poll says. For those who may change their vote over it, 26% are less likely to vote for Obama, and 13% more likely. The numbers among all-important independents...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>