
9 Stories

48% Chance You're Overqualified for Your Job
48% Chance You're
Overqualified for Your Job
study says

48% Chance You're Overqualified for Your Job

Assuming you have your bachelor's degree, says new study

(Newser) - Next month's college loan payment might be even more of a bitter pill to swallow: A new study out today finds that almost half of all working Americans with college degrees are overqualified for their jobs. In 2010, 5% of all janitors, 15% of cab drivers, and 25% of...

Young Men Face Soaring Unemployment
Now Is an Awful Time to Be
a Young Man in America
in case you missed it

Now Is an Awful Time to Be a Young Man in America

Some 14.4% of 25- to 34-year-olds jobless; many living at home

(Newser) - Few Americans were immune to the recession, but the plight of young men continues to be particularly dire. The unemployment rate for male high-school grads ages 25 to 34 is 14.4%, far above the 9% national average; the figure also marks a huge jump from the 6.1% jobless...

Nicholas Kristof: Get Real About Creating Jobs
 It's the Jobs, Stupid 

It's the Jobs, Stupid

Nothing else is going to pull us out, so get real about creating jobs

(Newser) - Washington policy wonks may enjoy obsessing about the debt and political intrigue, but with 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, it's the jobs, stupid, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Polls show people's biggest worry is work, by a two-to-one margin over federal spending. "I...

Almost 20% of US Underemployed
 Almost 20% of US 
Poll Numbers

Almost 20% of US Underemployed

Actual job picture much worse than official statistics indicate

(Newser) - Roughly 30 million Americans, almost 20% of the workforce, are either unemployed or able to find only part-time work, according to a new poll. The Gallup survey, which tallied 20,000 respondents and has a 1% margin of error, paints a far darker picture of the economic landscape than official...

Forget the Rosy Stats: The Little Guy Is in Bad Shape
Forget the Rosy Stats:
The Little Guy Is in Bad Shape
Nouriel Roubini

Forget the Rosy Stats: The Little Guy Is in Bad Shape

Economy far worse off than statistics indicate

(Newser) - Don’t believe the rosy official statistics; for most Americans, the economy is in incredibly bad shape, according to the economist some call “Dr. Doom.” We’re looking at a tale of two economies, Nouriel Roubini writes in the Globe and Mail . For top businesses, it’s recovering...

Unemployment Jumps to 10.2%
 Unemployment Jumps to 10.2% 

Unemployment Jumps to 10.2%

Companies cut 190,000 jobs last month

(Newser) - Unemployment cracked the 10% barrier last month, as 190,000 workers lost their jobs, according to Labor Department figures released today. The bigger-than-expected losses bring the rate to 10.2%, a 26-year high. And the underemployment rate, which includes would-be full-timers working part time and those who've given up looking...

In Recovery, Business Will Profit at Workers' Expense

Short-term outlook 'great for business, terrible for households'

(Newser) - The economy is slowly improving, but companies will see the benefits long before the unemployed and underemployed will, Bloomberg reports. A Department of Labor report released yesterday found that the average workweek is at a near-record low of 33.1 hours. The lack of uptick in part-time hours is an...

Broader Jobless Rate Near 15%
 Broader Jobless 
 Rate Near 15% 

Broader Jobless Rate Near 15%

Economy shedding jobs at fastest rate in 50 years

(Newser) - The February job numbers released today bring the country close to the employment nadir it reached in 1982, David Leonhardt writes for the New York Times. The 651,000 lost jobs, along with 161,000 added in revisions to previous months, still bring a depressing milestone: Since the start of...

US Economy Isn't as Bad as 1982 ... Just Yet
US Economy Isn't as Bad
as 1982 ... Just Yet

US Economy Isn't as Bad as 1982 ... Just Yet

But downturn will definitely get worse, and only big stimulus will limit its depth

(Newser) - We’ve heard a lot lately about how this recession is the worst since the 1980s, or even since the Great Depression, so David Leonhardt, in the New York Times, tries to get some perspective. Using jobs data as his main metric, Leonhardt finds things aren’t nearly as bad...

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