absentee ballots

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Wisconsin Court Flips Decision on Ballot Drop Boxes

Trump had argued they were enabling vote fraud

(Newser) - Two years after the state Supreme Court ruled that many unsupervised drop boxes for absentee ballots are illegal, Wisconsin's voters were told Friday that they can use them again. The decision is a victory for Democrats who maintain that the boxes make voting more accessible, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ...

Milwaukee Fires Official Over False Ballot Requests

Boss suggests Kimberly Zapata was trying to show flaws in the system

(Newser) - A top Milwaukee elections official has been fired after sending falsely obtained military absentee ballots to the home of a Republican state lawmaker who has been an outspoken critic of how the 2020 election was administered, the city's mayor said Thursday. Kimberly Zapata, deputy director of the Milwaukee Election...

GOP Elections Commissioner Charged With Election Fraud

NY's Jason Schofield allegedly filled out, or had others fill out, ballots in other people's names

(Newser) - A local elections official in New York was arrested Tuesday by the FBI, accused in a ballot scheme that allowed him or others to cast votes in other's names. On at least five occasions between May and October 2021—a period in which voters could request absentee ballots online...

Wisconsin Court Angers Democrats on Voting Decision

In 4-3 vote, state's top court bans drop boxes for absentee ballots

(Newser) - Wisconsin's conservative-controlled Supreme Court ruled Friday that absentee ballot drop boxes may be placed only in election offices and that no one other than the voter can return a ballot in person, dealing a defeat to Democrats who said the decision would make it harder to vote in the...

His Mom Voted for Trump. She Died in 2008.

Pa. man gets 5 years of probation for unlawful voting for casting absentee ballot for dead mother

(Newser) - Elizabeth Bartman voted for President Trump in the 2020 election, but there was one problem: She'd been dead since 2008. Now, her son has been sentenced to five years of probation after he confessed to securing an absentee ballot in his mom's name and casting it. The Philadelphia ...

'To Show His Support,' Trump Fan Cast Illegal Ballot

Bruce Bartman, 70, charged with voting as dead mother in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania supporter of President Trump has been charged with perjury and unlawful voting after allegedly casting a vote for his dead mother. Prosecutors say Bruce Bartman actually registered two dead women to vote as Republicans in Nether Providence Township in advance of the presidential election: his mother Elizabeth Bartman,...

Dems: Graham's Call to Georgia Official May Be a Crime

Brad Raffensperger says senator seemed to suggest he should toss legal ballots

(Newser) - As Georgia's hand recount continues , Brad Raffensperger, its secretary of state, has been pushing back on President Trump's claims of voting fraud, as well as saying he's been pressured by fellow Republicans to dump enough ballots to overturn the election that's been called for President-elect Biden....

Mail Carrier's Wrong Turn Earns Him an Arrest
Mail Carrier's Wrong Turn
Earns Him an Arrest
in case you missed it

Mail Carrier's Wrong Turn Earns Him an Arrest

CBP agents say 800 pieces of mail were in trunk of Buffalo USPS worker's car

(Newser) - A US Postal Service mail carrier in Buffalo has been arrested after authorities say Customs and Border Protection officials found 813 pieces of mail in the trunk of his car as he drove back to Buffalo from Canada. Per a criminal complaint filed by Brendan Boone, a special agent with...

After Supreme Court Order on Pa. Ballots, a Trump Tirade

Justice Alito says ballots received after Election Day must be segregated, but count continues

(Newser) - As Joe Biden closes in on a win , Pennsylvania remains a key state that could put him over the top. And per a ruling from Pennsylvania's Supreme Court, ballots postmarked by Tuesday but received by 5pm Friday are allowed in the count. But on Friday, in response to a...

Twitter, Facebook Slap Warnings on This Trump Claim

Trump claims SCOTUS decision on Pennsylvania will lead to 'violence in the streets'

(Newser) - President Trump's latest social media warning comes from both tech giants: Twitter and Facebook have slapped labels on his post about the Supreme Court's decision on Pennsylvania ballots. "The Supreme Court decision on voting in Pennsylvania is a VERY dangerous one," Trump posted Monday night (Twitter...

This Time, SCOTUS Hands Democrats the Victory

Rules that North Carolina can count votes received 9 days after Election Day

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's latest decision on the election is a win for Democrats: North Carolina can count ballots received up to nine days after Election Day, as long as they were postmarked by Nov. 3, the high court ruled Wednesday. Republicans and the Trump campaign filed two separate appeals...

Woman Pays $600, Flies 1K Miles to Vote

Med student Kaela Bynoe flew home to Florida from Baltimore after absentee ballot failed to show

(Newser) - Voters are heading out in record droves to cast their ballots in the 2020 election, but one medical student showed extra determination over the weekend to have her voice heard. Per NBC Miami , Kaela Bynoe, a first-year student at Johns Hopkins University's School of Medicine in Baltimore, became concerned...

Republicans Are Narrowing the Early Voting Gap

As ballots cast hit massive number

(Newser) - More people have now voted than all the early ballots cast in 2016—and the election is still more than a week away. CNN reported on Sunday that more than 58.7 million ballots have so far been cast, citing a survey of election officials it performed alongside Edison Research...

'Overwhelmed' Company Fails to Send Out Ballots

The media spotlight falls on Midwest Direct

(Newser) - A company tasked with supplying absentee ballots to counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania has kinda blown it—at least in some counties, so far. And the company, Midwest Direct, is unabashedly pro-Trump. "We have freedom to vote for who we want and support who we want," co-owner Richard...

Judge Blocks Texas Governor's Order on Ballot Drop-Offs

Greg Abbott had mandated just one ballot drop-off site per county, drawing cries of voter suppression

(Newser) - Last week, cries of voter suppression arose after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order that limited mail-in ballot drop-off locations to just one per county throughout the state. Now, a federal judge has blocked that order, noting that it puts an unacceptable burden on more vulnerable voters in...

50K Ohio Voters Receive Wrong Absentee Ballots

A setting was changed on a machine that stuffs envelopes for mailing

(Newser) - Nearly 50,000 voters received incorrect absentee ballots in the county that is home to Ohio’s capital, elections officials said Friday. With about 240,000 ballots mailed, that meant one in five voters received a wrong ballot, the AP reports. The error happened Saturday when someone changed a setting...

Supreme Court Requires Change in State's Ballots

High court reinstates South Carolina's witness requirement

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Monday reinstated a requirement that South Carolina residents voting by mail in November’s election get a witness to sign their ballots, the AP reports. Democrats had sought to have the requirement put on hold because of the coronavirus pandemic, but Republicans had defended it as...

NYC Scrambles to Remedy Ballot Snafu: 'So Disappointed'

Absentee voters in Brooklyn receive return envelopes with wrong name, address due to printer error

(Newser) - As the election nears and more people than usual are opting for absentee ballots due to the pandemic, voters in one New York City borough have flagged an error that officials are now scrambling to remedy. Per Gothamist , multiple voters in Brooklyn have reported that the absentee ballot they received...

Dems Are Dealt a Blow Over Absentee Ballots

An appeals court halts extension for absentee ballots in Wisconsin

(Newser) - A federal appeals court on Sunday temporarily halted a six-day extension for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin's presidential election, a momentary victory for Republicans and President Trump in the key presidential battleground state, the AP reports. As it stands, ballots will now be due by 8pm on Election Day....

Official: Lawn Toilet Display Is a Crime

A Michigan resident suggested voters put mail-in ballots inside a toilet

(Newser) - A Michigan resident's apparent joke showing disdain for voting by mail is no laughing matter for one election official, the AP reports. The resident put a toilet on their lawn with a sign that says, "Place mail in ballots here." Barb Byrum, the Democratic clerk of Ingham...

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