bird strike

15 Stories

964 Birds Fatally Strike Chicago Building in One Night

The sheer amount of migrating birds to die in a single night is called an 'outlier'

(Newser) - On a typical morning, as many as 15 birds might be found dead outside Chicago's McCormick Place Lakeside Center, having fatally struck the building the night prior. On Thursday morning, a nearly unimaginable 964 of them were found dead, and another 80 were found stunned but still alive, according...

This Airport's Secret Weapon Against Bird Strikes? Pigs

Officials hope the pigs will eat enough sugar beet near Amsterdam's Schiphol hub to fend off geese

(Newser) - No one wants their plane to fly into a flock of birds during takeoff, and at one of the Netherlands' busiest hubs, they've come up with a most creative approach to try to prevent such an event. A six-week project has been launched that has stuck pigs on a...

Plane 'Encountered' Bird, Burst Into Flames at Takeoff

Spirit Airlines passengers and crew are fine after bird strike Saturday evening

(Newser) - Everyone says the hard part is landing. Well, some people say the hard part is the time spent shoeless in the TSA line. But nobody ever says the hard part is when you’re almost off the ground when a bird strikes the planes engine, which catches fire, ends your...

It's Supposed to Fly in Nuclear War. A Bird Took It Down
It's Supposed to Fly in Nuclear
War. A Bird Took It Down
in case you missed it

It's Supposed to Fly in Nuclear War. A Bird Took It Down

'Hulking' E-6B Mercury aircraft temporarily grounded after bird gets sucked into engine

(Newser) - A military "doomsday" aircraft that's supposed to serve as a command post during nuclear war got brought down by something much simpler than a nuke earlier this month: a bird. Per the Navy Times , an E-6B Mercury was trying to land at Maryland's Naval Air Station Patuxent...

Bird Strike Rips Hole in Plane
 Bird Strike Rips Hole in Plane 

Bird Strike Rips Hole in Plane

United flight lands safely in Denver

(Newser) - A United Airlines plane struck a bird as it was about to land in Denver yesterday, ripping a large hole in the nose. The plane landed safely and none of the 151 passengers or crew was injured. The pilots declared an emergency the instant the bird was hit. The bird'...

Kill Geese to Protect Jets: Sen. Gillibrand

Birds involved in pair of air emergencies this week

(Newser) - Jets' collisions with birds have caused two emergency landings in New York in the past week , and geese in the engine prompted the near-disaster before the miracle landing on the Hudson in 2009 . Now, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says it's time to let wildlife officials cull the goose population near...

Bird Strike Forces Emergency Landing at JFK

Sucked-up bird claims right engine

(Newser) - Another bird strike over New York City, but this time, the pilot didn't have to attempt to land in the Hudson River. A Delta Air Lines flight to Los Angeles made an emergency landing back at JFK airport after a bird was sucked into the engine soon after takeoff...

San Francisco Considers Bird-Safe Buildings

Board of Supervisors votes next week on plan to require safer windows

(Newser) - San Francisco lawmakers are looking out for the animals again . A Board of Supervisors committee has approved a plan to require new buildings to have treated glass or other measures to keep birds from banging into them, reports KCBS . The full board votes next week, with architects and developers complaining...

NYC to Kill 2K Geese Near Main Airports

Bird strike that brought down Flight 1549 inspires hunt to kill 2K Canada geese

(Newser) - Sully's revenge: Authorities are going to round up and kill up to 2,000 Canada geese near JFK and LaGuardia airports, reports the New York Post. A bird strike led to pilot Chesley Sullenberger's unexpected detour on the Hudson in January, and the city and Port Authority want to lower...

One in 3 Airports Hasn't Studied Bird-Strike Risk: FAA

150 haven't taken required steps

(Newser) - A third of US airports haven't completed a mandated study of their bird-strike risk, USA Today reports. "This problem has been ignored and shuffled to the side by the aviation community," said an airport wildlife-control expert. The 150 airports won't be named until the FAA has contacted each...

Airport Hires 'Bird Collie'
 Airport Hires 'Bird Collie' 

Airport Hires 'Bird Collie'

'Wildlife management canine' better than horns, whistles at preventing bird strikes

(Newser) - An Oregon airport's specialist is doing a better job at scaring away birds than the horns, whistles and propane cannons she replaced, officials tell the Los Angeles Times. Border collie Filly—official title "wildlife management canine"—is employed to shoo flocks of geese and other winged hazards away...

Flights at Calif., Fla. Airports Most Likely to Hit Birds

Sacramento has highest US strike rate

(Newser) - Airplanes using airports in Sacramento, Calif., Kansas City, Mo., and Denver are the most likely to hit birds while landing or taking off. NPR used the Federal Aviation Administration’s recently released bird-strike data to calculate airports’ “strike rate”—the percentage of planes that collided with birds relative...

Plane-Bird Collisions Up: FAA
 Plane-Bird Collisions Up: FAA 

Plane-Bird Collisions Up: FAA

Agency compelled to release statistics after Flight 1549

(Newser) - Collisions between airplanes and birds have increased dramatically since 2000, with the number of instances at 13 major US airports doubling. New York’s JFK topped the list with the most avian accidents—30—since 2000, with California’s Sacramento International the runner-up at 28, the AP reports. Both are...

To Promote Reporting, FAA Wants Bird Strike Info Secret

(Newser) - The FAA wants bird strike information kept confidential to encourage accurate reporting by airlines, ABC News reports. “There is a serious potential that information related to bird strikes will not be submitted because of fear that the disclosure of raw data could unfairly cast unfounded aspersions on the submitter,...

Both Engines Missing From US Airways Plane

Search continues in Hudson; investigators plan to fish jet out tomorrow

(Newser) - The US Airways plane that ditched in the Hudson River yesterday is missing both engines, crucial clues in the investigation, the New York Times reports. Police divers aided by sonar are searching for them even as officials prepare to hoist the plane out of the water tomorrow. Investigators needs them...

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