nuclear reactor

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Video Links North Korea to Syrian Reactor

Design similar to North Korean nuke technology

(Newser) - Video showing a nuclear reactor under construction in Syria is expected to be released today by the White House, the New York Times reports. The video, shot before the reactor was obliterated by Israeli air strikes, confirms that Syrians had North Korean technological help. The design is similar to one...

Israel, Feeling Isolated, 'More Likely' to Attack Iran

Latest NIE signals to some Israelis a US 'retreat'

(Newser) - Israel feels newly isolated and no less threatened by the US intelligence community's conclusion that Iran ended its weapons program in 2003, Newsweek reports. The atmosphere, says a former CIA official, makes it likely Israel will soon attack Iran. "Israel is not going to allow its nuclear monopoly to...

Isotope Shortage Delays Medical Tests

Reactor closure causes shortages in US, Canada

(Newser) - Shortages of a radioactive substance are endangering thousands of medical tests in hospitals across the US and Canada, the AP reports. The development is the result of a longer-than-anticipated shutdown of a nuclear reactor in Canada, the main supplier in North America. Technetium-99 is injected into patients to check for...

Iran Closer to Fueling Nuke Reactor, VP Claims

First time Iran has made claim

(Newser) - Iran claims to have made nuclear fuel pellets of uranium oxide, a major step in its quest to fuel a heavy water reactor, the AP reports. It also claims to be making pellets for light water reactors, like the one Russia is helping it build on the Persian Gulf coast—...

Nuke Worker Didn't Know He Had Pipe Bomb

Arizona power plant back to normal after lockdown

(Newser) - Roger W. Hurd, a nuclear plant engineer detained yesterday after a pipe bomb was found in the bed of his truck, told Arizona police that he doesn't know how the 6-inch-long device got there. The discovery of the bomb sparked a lockdown of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, the...

Israeli Strike on Syria Hit Nuke Reactor

Partly-built facility based on North Korean model

(Newser) - Israel's air strike on Syria last month was aimed at a nuclear reactor, US and Israeli intelligence analysts say. The partly-built facility was based on a North Korean model—a link that could harm Pyonyang's new denuclearization deal if Israel can prove that Kim Jong Il helped mount the reactor....

Ukraine to Cover Chernobyl in Steel
Ukraine to Cover Chernobyl in Steel

Ukraine to Cover Chernobyl in Steel

Radioactive site still contains 95% of its nuclear material

(Newser) - The crumbling concrete that has encased Chernobyl for over 20 years is about to be replaced. In a deal worth $1.4 billion, a French firm will cover the aging nuclear reactor with steel, the BBC reports. Ukraine president Viktor Yushchenko declared today the day "a solution to the...

N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes
N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes

N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes

Move could lead to friendlier relations with US

(Newser) - North Korea has promised to disable all of its nuclear facilities by the end of this year, the BBC reports, possibly paving the way for warmer relations between the US and a country it now lists as a supporter of terror. After meeting with representatives from the North, US negotiator...

Fred’s Closet Has a Big Gov't Skeleton

Thompson lobbied for reactor that leeched taxpayer dollars

(Newser) - Fred Thompson, would-be president, bills himself as a small-government hero, but the southerner once had a way with spending taxpayer bucks. A nuclear breeder reactor planned for the banks of a Tennessee river ran through $1.7 billion in government funds between 1970 and 1983 without ever getting built; Thompson...

Libya Clinches European Arms Deal
Libya Clinches European
Arms Deal

Libya Clinches European Arms Deal

Sarkozy yields to probe of ties to Gadhafi, Belgian nurses

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy submitted yesterday to calls for an inquiry over the weapons and  nuclear technology deal just finalized with Libya, says the Financial Times. Sarkozy flew to Tripoli to shake on the deal last week, just days after Libya's release of six Bulgarian nurses. Under the agreement, Libya will buy...

Quake Triggers Wave of Nuke Plant Fears

Japanese disaster boosts movement for tighter control of power sources

(Newser) - New fears about the safety of nuclear power are rattling Japan after radioactive material leaked from a reactor damaged in this week's magnitude 6.8 earthquake. Plants must be built to withstand a 6.5, but stronger quakes are common on the Pacific Rim, and this year all 12 of...

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor
North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

UN nuclear inspectors to confirm claim; first fuel oil shipment arrives

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have shut down the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon today, just hours after a ship arrived bearing the first installment of the fuel oil that  was promised in exchange for closing the reactor. UN inspectors are headed to the site to confirm the shutdown, the first major...

North Korea Agrees to Fold Nuke Factories

Wins political concessions, economic aid for shutdown

(Newser) - North Korea reached a promising accord with the UN today, pledging to shut its main nuclear reactor in exchange for economic aid and political compromise from the US and its allies. IAEA inspectors returned today from the Yongbyon nuclear complex—the first visit since monitors were expelled in 2002—and...

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