feng shui

6 Stories

Attack a Building's Feng Shui at Your Peril in China

Media company ordered to pay $30K over critical post

(Newser) - While it's unclear what a Chinese media company paid a feng shui expert to write a November 2018 blog post, the cost to the company is painfully clear: A Beijing court last week ruled Zhuhai Shengun Internet Technology had to pay almost $30,000 after losing a libel suit...

When Raiding Chinese Tombs, Feng Shui Helps

Police bust the China's biggest black-market antiquities ring

(Newser) - Police in China say they've busted the biggest antiquities trafficking ring in the country's history with the arrest of 175 people and the discovery of more than 1,100 artifacts worth $80 million, reports the BBC . Most are thought to have been dug up illegally around ruins going...

Fortune of Asia's Richest Woman Goes to Charity
Fortune of
Asia's Richest Woman Goes
to Charity
crazy court battles

Fortune of Asia's Richest Woman Goes to Charity

Billions go to trust, not her feng shui lover

(Newser) - Following a twisted series of sometimes bizarre court battles dating back to the '90s, a Hong Kong court today ruled that the $4.2 billion estate of Asia's richest woman will go to a charitable trust—and not to her feng shui master lover. Tony Chan claimed Nina Wang carried...

Battle Over Hong Kong Billionaire's Will Turns Bizarre

(Newser) - The legal battle over the fortune of late billionaire Nina “Little Sweetie” Wang has gotten a little… odd, the Wall Street Journal reports. Tony Chan, a bartender-turned-feng shui master, says he carried on a passionate 15-year-affair with the pigtailed tycoon, and that she left him everything—including her pigtails....

Jittery Investors Seek Direction From Feng Shui Gurus

In Asia, when a feng shui master talks, people listen

(Newser) - Hong Kong investors are invoking feng shui—the ancient Chinese art associated in the Western mind with interior decorating—to guide their depleted portfolios, the Wall Street Journal reports. Two inauspicious lunar eclipses have already predicted a grim year, and masters are warning investors to beware of the land of...

Beijing Rides High Underground
 Beijing Rides High Underground 

Beijing Rides High Underground

City finally digging, in defiance of all geomancy

(Newser) - The days of endless traffic jams are over in Beijing, thanks to an ambitious and suddenly popular new subway network, the Wall Street Journal reports. For decades Beijing’s subway has languished, ineffective and, because digging underground violates the mystic rules of feng shui, controversial. “The city’s surface...

6 Stories
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