auto bailout

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South Short on Sympathy for Detroit's Woes

Dixie welcomes foreign automakers and disses Big 3 bailout

(Newser) - West Point, Georgia, looks a lot like Main Street USA but its people aren't overflowing with pity for the struggling American auto industry, the Los Angeles Times reports. Kia Motors is building a plant in the town and residents are looking forward to new jobs and learning to love Korean...

GM Board Would Consider Bankruptcy
GM Board
Would Consider Bankruptcy

GM Board Would Consider Bankruptcy

Directors differ with CEO Wagoner as automaker struggles

(Newser) - Some General Motors’ directors are willing to consider bankruptcy protection as an option for the failing automaker, the Wall Street Journal reports, marking an unusual disagreement with CEO Rick Wagoner. Wagoner told Congress repeatedly this week, in seeking an immediate financial bailout, that reorganizing through a Ch. 11 bankruptcy is...

Bailout Wait 'Nerve-Wracking'
 Bailout Wait 'Nerve-Wracking' 

Bailout Wait 'Nerve-Wracking'

Hearings 'more hostile than expected,' says Wagoner

(Newser) - Two grueling days of congressional hearings on a bailout for the auto industry were "hostile" and the wait for an answer is "nerve-wracking," General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner told the Detroit News yesterday. GM is ready now to show Congress detailed restructuring plans to convince lawmakers to...

Auto Execs Hit Turbulence Over Private Jets
 Auto Execs Hit Turbulence Over Private Jets

Auto Execs Hit Turbulence Over Private Jets

Legislators put screws to extra-shiny tin cups

(Newser) - Take three auto execs, add the private jets each took to a Capitol Hill hearing to beg for a federal bailout, and you get a recipe for the heaping helping of humble pie legislators served up, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post. "There's a delicious irony in seeing...

Senate GOP Crafts Own Auto Bailout Package

Plan would repurpose $25B fuel-efficiency carrot already passed

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are crafting legislation that would repurpose an already-approved $25 billion Energy Department initiative to bail out struggling automakers, the Detroit News reports. The plan is at odds with Democratic efforts, which would use money from the $700 billion Wall Street bailout to help Detroit. The Energy money was...

Wagoner: Why the US Should Bail Detroit Out
Wagoner: Why the US Should Bail Detroit Out

Wagoner: Why the US Should Bail Detroit Out

Detroit making better cars—and has broad roots in US economy

(Newser) - An aggressive agenda of cost-cutting combined with research and development of new technologies has reshaped the US auto industry in recent years, General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner writes in the Wall Street Journal. And with the industry’s deep, broad roots in the US economy, government aid will help it...

What a Detroit Bankruptcy + Bailout Should Look Like

And what the bailout might look like

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn’t in the Oval Office yet, but he’s already passed his first presidential test “with flying colors,” in Steven Pearlstein’s book. With Democrats ready to roll over for the not-so-big three, and Republicans stonewalling, Obama broke the stalemate with just the right bankruptcy-then-bailout....

Detroit's Big 3 Plead Their Case in Washington

(Newser) - The CEOs of the Big Three automakers told the Senate today that a $25 billion bailout of the industry is necessary to prevent "catastrophic" effects on the economy, the New York Times reports. “If the domestic industry were allowed to fail,” said GM's Rick Wagoner, it would...

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt: Brooks, Krauthammer
Let Detroit Go Bankrupt:
Brooks, Krauthammer

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt: Brooks, Krauthammer

Auto bailout throws good money after bad, goes against US capitalism itself

(Newser) - American prosperity relies on creative destruction—the failure of nonviable companies and their replacement by defter rivals. The government endeavors to protect the worker in periods of transition, writes David Brooks in the New York Times, but not the firms themselves. That’s why the auto-industry bailout is a bad...

Chrysler Execs to Get $30M in Retention Bonuses

Will auto bailout change that?

(Newser) - Even as nearly bankrupt Detroit automakers beg Congress for a bailout, Chrysler is preparing to pay its top executives $30 million in retention bonuses, the Detroit Free Press reports. Chrysler says the deals were necessary measures to keep top talent in place when they were conceived last year during Daimler's...

Auto Bailout Unlikely Until Obama Takes Office

Detroit automakers warn that next year may be too late for rescue

(Newser) - It’s looking unlikely that a new economic stimulus package and a Detroit bailout will happen this year, the Wall Street Journal reports. The proposals are facing stiff resistance from Republicans and may have to wait until the new, more heavily Democratic Congress convenes in January and Barack Obama takes...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Session to Push Auto Bailout

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi plans to convene a lame-duck House session to vote on an expanded rescue of the auto industry, the Wall Street Journal reports. “I am confident Congress can consider emergency assistance legislation next week,” the House Speaker said. Both GM and Ford have said they are cash...

Dems Push Paulson to Fund Big 3 Automakers

Pelosi, Reid want $700B bailout to aid GM, Ford, and Chrysler

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats are urging Henry Paulson to pump funds into the sputtering Big Three automakers, Politico reports. In a letter to the treasury secretary, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid called for a broadening of the $700 billion bailout package to help GM, Ford, and Chrysler qualify for federal aid. A...

Auto Bailout Is a Lemon for Taxpayers
Auto Bailout
Is a Lemon for Taxpayers

Auto Bailout Is a Lemon for Taxpayers

Bankruptcy is just what Detroit needs to straighten itself out

(Newser) - Automakers just got a $25 billion loan from Uncle Sam, but now here GM and Chrysler are again, hat in hand, asking for another $10 billion to facilitate their merger. But the “deal is a lemon,” writes Steven Pearlstein in the Washington Post. Yes, the economy would suffer...

Congress' Big Auto Bailout Mired in Red Tape

Money coming later rather than sooner

(Newser) - Detroit's $25 billion loan is sitting in Washington, the Washington Post reports, and may take more than a year to distribute, despite the auto industry's increasing desperation for the cash. The Energy Department, which was tasked with doling out the money, says various legal and administrative requirements will drag the...

Stories 121 - 135 | << Prev