
7 Stories

What Brings Meaning to Life? Depends Who's Weighing In

Faith is a most popular response in the US, but nowhere else

(Newser) - Try not to underappreciate your family this Thanksgiving. According to Pew Research Center , family is the No. 1 source of meaning among 18,850 adults in 17 advanced economies, who were asked between February and May to rank 17 possible sources of meaning in their lives. Family was the top...

Family Endures Nazi Occupation in Reality Show

'Holiday in the Protectorate' raises eyebrows among critics

(Newser) - Imagine channel-surfing one night and stumbling on a reality show about life in a crushing Nazi regime. Well, that show exists in the Czech Republic—and some people aren't too thrilled to see the Nazis turned into casual entertainment, the Guardian reports. Called Holiday in the Protectorate , the show...

10 Worst Jobs in USA
 10 Worst Jobs in USA 

10 Worst Jobs in USA

Lumberjacks, waitresses make the list

(Newser) - Hunting for a job? It may prove wise to avoid this list of toilsome occupations. Accounting for physical toughness, pay, stress, work environment, and hiring outlook, these are the 10 worst jobs in America, as deemed by career advice website CareerCast, and rounded up by the Huffington Post . Here's...

10 Jobs That Pay Less Than You Think

Family therapists, models generally make under $50K: Forbes

(Newser) - Just because a job sounds interesting, complicated, or intriguing does not mean it pays a fortune. Forbes uses Bureau of Labor stats to round up what it views as the 10 "most surprisingly low-paying jobs," including:

America's Most Promising Jobs
 America's Most Promising Jobs 

America's Most Promising Jobs

Systems engineer rated best job, based on pay, growth, quality of life

(Newser) - Jobs like beer taster and video game tester are nowhere to be seen on CNNMoney's list of the 50 best jobs in America, ranked by pay, job growth, and quality of life. Systems engineer was rated the best overall job, while anesthesiologist—with a median pay of $292,000—topped...

Iraq's Upbeat Mood Angers US Officials

(Newser) - Baghdad's festive mood this weekend has left some Washington officials and military leaders simmering, the Guardian reports. While Iraqis prepare to celebrate US troops' withdrawal from city streets tomorrow, American officials say that local forces have gone untrained, forcing US troops to sustain casualties. Worse, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said...

Thai Troops Prepare to Storm Airport

Government declares state of emergency

(Newser) - The Thai government has declared a state of emergency and is preparing to storm Bangkok's international airport, the Times of London reports. Officials are attempting to negotiate a peaceful solution with representatives of thousands of anti-government protesters who have occupied the city’s two airports since Tuesday—but 30 medical...

7 Stories
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