
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Stevens Jury Finds Typo; Defense Urges Acquittal

On indictment, feds charged senator checked 'no' box when he checked 'yes'

(Newser) - The jury in Ted Stevens’ corruption trial has uncovered an error in one indictment, and the defense is springing at the chance, the Hill reports. Jurors sent the judge a note today questioning a discrepancy in the prosecution’s allegations regarding the senator’s 2001 financial disclosure. Where the indictment...

Death in Juror's Family Puts Stevens Trial on Hold

Jury sent home as deliberations grind closer to Election Day

(Newser) - Deliberations in the corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens were halted again today when the judge sent the jury home following the death of a juror’s father, Politico reports. The juror flew to California, and it’s unknown whether she’ll return for deliberations. This latest delay pushes...

Stevens Jury Wants Difficult Member Out

Woman's 'violent outbursts' sending deliberations off course

(Newser) - The jury in the Ted Stevens trial today asked that one of its number be removed, the Anchorage Daily News reports. A note from the foreman indicated juror No. 9 “is being rude, disrespectful and unreasonable. She has had violent outbursts with other jurors and that's not helping anyone....

Man Who Lured Boy on Facebook Gets 35 Years

(Newser) - A 25-year-old Chicago stockbroker was sentenced yesterday to 35 years in prison for soliciting sex from minors on Facebook, the Tribune reports. Facebook said this appears to be the first case of a sexual predator using the social networking site. Michael Macalindong posed as a girl to lure a teenage...

Stevens' Fate in Jury's Hands
 Stevens' Fate in Jury's Hands 

Stevens' Fate in Jury's Hands

Deliberations to begin Wednesday

(Newser) - The jury in the corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens will begin deliberating tomorrow, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Prosecutors urged the jury to use common sense to conclude that $250,000 in gifts received by the powerful senator were bribes. His defense counsel told jurors that evidence against...

Stevens Testimony Ends Bitterly

Senator's third day on stand includes usual measure of barbed encounters

(Newser) - The prosecution got tough, and Ted Stevens testy, on the senator’s last day of testimony in his Washington corruption trial, the Hill reports. The prosecution challenged Stevens with emails that seemed to undercut assertions he knew nothing of gifts allegedly given to him by oil boss Bill Allen. At...

Stevens: Wife Was in Charge of House

Sen. testifies that he asked for all renovation bills, and thought he paid for everything

(Newser) - Ted Stevens was out of the loop on his home renovation, preferring to let his wife handle financial details, the Hill reports. In testimony today in Washington, the senator said he was only at the cabin for two days in 2000 while renovations were ongoing. He also said he thought...

Stevens' Wife Denies Impropriety

Catherine Stevens says she thought oil workers were part of construction crew

(Newser) - Ted Stevens’ wife, testifying at the Alaska senator’s Washington corruption trial today, said she didn’t know that two men working on a home renovation were oil-company employees, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Catherine Stevens, herself a lawyer, often spoke directly to the jury as the defense pushed its...

Fritzl Trial Won't Start This Year

Prosecutors still gathering evidence against man accused of raping daughter for 24 years

(Newser) - The trial of the Austrian man accused of imprisoning his daughter in a dungeon and raping her for 24 years likely will not start until early 2009, the Guardian reports. Prosecutors are still collecting evidence against Josef Fritzl, 73, and probably won’t be ready to go to court before...

Black Caucus Has Indicted Rep's Back

La. lawmaker who redefined 'frozen assets' holds support

(Newser) - Bribery charges and $90,000 discovered in a freezer haven't stopped black lawmakers from backing one of their own, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. US Rep. William Jefferson is facing trial and dwindling support in his Katrina-ravaged district, but the Congressional Black Caucus still has his back—and enough Capitol...

OJ Seeks New Trial
 OJ Seeks 
 New Trial 

OJ Seeks New Trial

Lawyers cite errors, possible racial prejudice in filing for appeal

(Newser) - OJ Simpson's lawyers have given seven reasons why he should get a new trial in their motion seeking an appeal, reports the Las Vegas Sun. They cite judicial errors and insufficient evidence in Simpson's conviction for armed robbery and kidnapping, and argue that his rights may have been violated when...

Powell Testifies to Stevens' 'Sterling' Rep

Ex-general, diplomat appears at senator's corruption trial

(Newser) - Colin Powell testified in Ted Stevens' defense today, characterizing the Alaska senator's reputation as "sterling" and saying he "was someone whose word you could rely on." On the stand in Washington as a character witness, the ex-secretary of state impishly said he had "dabbled a bit...

Jurors: Secret Tapes Sank OJ
 Jurors: Secret Tapes Sank OJ 

Jurors: Secret Tapes Sank OJ

Recordings helped prosecution overcome unreliable witnesses, they say

(Newser) - It was OJ Simpson’s own words—caught on secret recording—that sealed his fate, jurors told the media yesterday. The defense succeeded in discrediting the prosecution’s witnesses, they said, but the tapes, on which Simpson can be heard planning and carrying out the robbery, were key in their...

Sen. Stevens Loses His Bid for Mistrial

(Newser) - Ted Stevens' corruption trial will continue despite serious errors by prosecutors, a federal judge in Washington ruled this afternoon. Material that should have been turned over to the senator's defense team much earlier surfaced Wednesday, infuriating Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Anchorage Daily News reports. He declined to dismiss the case...

Oil Exec: Sen. Stevens Wasn't Serious About Paying Bills

Man whose company renovated Republican's home continues testimony

(Newser) - Ted Stevens avoided eye contact with onetime buddy Bill Allen as the former oil exec detailed his company’s renovations on the senator’s home, the Wall Street Journal reports. Allen says he received thank-you notes from Stevens saying, “You owe me a bill. … It just has to...

Friend Fingers Stevens at Trial
 Friend Fingers Stevens at Trial 

Friend Fingers Stevens at Trial

Government's chief witness acknowledges giving inappropriate gifts to Alaska sen.

(Newser) - A longtime friend of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens crossed the powerful lawmaker and testified today as the star witness in the Republican senator's gift-giving trial. The fiercely loyal Stevens did not acknowledge Bill Allen when he entered the courtroom. The two men barely looked at each other as Allen prepared...

OJ Prosecution Rests After Witness Waffles

(Newser) - Prosecutors rested their case in the OJ Simpson robbery-kidnapping trial today after a state witness waffled under cross-examination, AFP reports. Michael McClinton admitted that he had not told police about Simpson's request to bring a gun to rob memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas last year. But he testified last week...

Stevens Denied Mistrial
 Stevens Denied Mistrial 

Stevens Denied Mistrial

Justice Dept. under suspicion of trying to bury evidence that may help senator

(Newser) - A federal judge denied Ted Stevens’ request for a mistrial today, but not before lashing the Department of Justice for withholding a key witness from the defense, the AP reports. “The government is treading in some shallow water here,” Emmet Sullivan declared. Stevens’ lawyers moved for a mistrial...

Judge: Stevens Can Skip Court, But Jury Won't Know Why

Lawyers asked that Senate duty be noted

(Newser) - If Ted Stevens leaves court to attend to the current financial crisis, a federal judge warns he won't relay details to the jury, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Jurors in the corruption trial would simply be notified of the senator's absence and told that there is nothing wrong with it,...

Vegas Cop Thought OJ Heist 'Couldn't Be True'

'It didn't make sense' until he heard tape

(Newser) - The first Las Vegas detective to investigate OJ Simpson’s alleged involvement in an armed robbery last September said he was initially flabbergasted at the idea, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It didn't make sense,” Andy Caldwell testified yesterday at Simpson’s trial. Caldwell was soon swayed by...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>