Dana Milbank

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Obama Leads From Behind on Gay Marriage, Too
Obama Leads From Behind on Gay Marriage, Too
Dana Milbank

Obama Leads From Behind on Gay Marriage, Too

His position makes no sense, and isn't changing: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton fell over herself congratulating her home state on its “historic vote” in favor of gay marriage this week. “I’ve always believed that we would make progress because we were on the right side of equality and justice,” she declared. “Clinton left out one...

Speech Was Obama&#39;s &#39;Mission Accomplished&#39;
 Speech Was Obama's 
 'Mission Accomplished' 
Dana Milbank

Speech Was Obama's 'Mission Accomplished'

All he needed was a flight suit

(Newser) - He may not have unfurled a banner or donned a flight suit, “but make no mistake: President Obama gave his own version of a ‘mission accomplished’ speech last night,” writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Last night the president declared—“perhaps prematurely”—that the...

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere
 Jon Huntsman  
 on High Road  
 to Nowhere 
Dana Milbank

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere

Playing nice doesn't win elections, Dana Milbank warns

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman’s campaign did not get off to an auspicious start yesterday. Before his announcement speech , staffers were passing out materials that misspelled his name (“John” instead of “Jon”), notes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , and when the actual speech kicked off, all the major...

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

 Scott Walker 
 Big on Slogans, 
 So-So on Jobs 
Dana Milbank

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

Dana Milbank says the governor has proved he has no silver bullet

(Newser) - Scott Walker loves talking about his “powerful” job-creating policies. “The very first day I was elected, I put up a sign that said, ‘Wisconsin is open for business,’” Walker said at a US Chamber of Commerce summit yesterday, waving a bumper sticker bearing the same...

Why Mitch Daniels Is Either Smart or a Fink, or Both
Why Mitch Daniels Is Either Smart or a Fink, or Both
Milbank, Collins

Why Mitch Daniels Is Either Smart or a Fink, or Both

Indiana governor generating buzz with potential candidacy

(Newser) - Two different views today on Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels as a potential presidential candidate:
  • Dana Milbank, Washington Post : He praises Daniels as a "shrewd tactician" who is wisely "portraying himself to moderates as a non-threatening choice" and as the "grown-up in the room" who avoids fringe issues.

Shutdown Charade Was Bad Theater
Shutdown Charade Was
Bad Theater

Shutdown Charade Was Bad Theater

Brinkmanship game disingenuous, reckless

(Newser) - Last night’s “needless, reckless, game of shutdown chicken” was a sham, with both sides drawing out the drama, complains Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Sure, Barack Obama, John Boehner and Harry Reid all said they wanted to reach a resolution. But “If that were so, a...

Dana Milbank: Anthony Weiner Is the Only Democrat Fighting for Health Care
 Weiner's the 
 Only Dem in 
 Health Brawl 

Dana Milbank

Weiner's the Only Dem in Health Brawl

Dana Milbank: Only he is standing up to Republican attacks on law

(Newser) - Republicans keep attacking health care reform, and with one loud exception, Democrats have been "passive to the point of wimpy" in defending it, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . That exception? "Brooklyn-born streetfighter" Anthony Weiner. "I don't represent the hide-under-the-desk wing of the Democratic Party,"...

Dana Milbank: Bradley Manning No Hero, But He Deserves Pants
 Even Bradley Manning 
 Deserves Underwear 
Dana Milbank

Even Bradley Manning Deserves Underwear

Dana Milbank doesn't think Manning is a hero, but pants are still in order

(Newser) - A group of mostly naked men and other protesters gathered outside the State Department yesterday to decry the treatment of Bradley Manning, who’s been forced to remove his boxers every night lest he kill himself with them. “This is ridiculous,” writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post...

Dana Milbank: Sarah Palin Wasn't Missed in February
 Good News: 
 You Can Live 
 Without Palin! 
Dana Milbank

Good News: You Can Live Without Palin!

This woman will never make news, Dana Milbank says

(Newser) - As you might recall, Dana Milbank heroically confronted his Sarah Palin addiction last month, by swearing off mentioning everyone’s favorite maverick hockey mom for all of February. How did it go? “The tremors and sweats were manageable,” he reports in the Washington Post . "I used Michele...

Let's Make February a Palin-Free Month
 Let's Make February 
 a Palin-Free Month 
dana milbank

Let's Make February a Palin-Free Month

Post columnist Milbank promises not to write or speak about her

(Newser) - Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank has a promise sure to please many: "I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin—in print, online or on television—for one month," he writes in today's column . What's more, he wants everyone else in...

Glenn Beck Now Owns Civil Rights
 Glenn Beck Now 
 Owns Civil Rights 

Glenn Beck Now Owns Civil Rights

Mostly because he says so

(Newser) - It's the dawn of Glenn Beck's much-debated Restoring Honor rally on the anniversary of MLK's Dream, and Washington Post scribe Dana Milbank—the author of a forthcoming Beck biography—takes a somewhat incredulous look at the white guy with the borderline racist track record and his bid to co-opt the...

All Hail the Sports Nut-in-Chief
 All Hail the Sports Nut-in-Chief 

All Hail the Sports Nut-in-Chief

Obama's jock-a-riffic weekend riles Dana Milbank

(Newser) - The only difference between the boys and the presidents is the scale of their jockalicious birthday weekends, and Barack Obama just threw himself a doozy, a predictably cranky Dana Milbank writes for the Washington Post. The president kicked it off with a round of golf with the boys, kept the...

Harry Reid Has Lucked Out
 Harry Reid Has Lucked Out  

Harry Reid Has Lucked Out

Tea Party has handed embattled majority leader a 'softball' opponent

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement may have just saved Harry Reid's bacon, writes Dana Milbank. The Senate majority leader was widely seen as a dead man walking not so long ago, but now Nevada's Republican Party has chosen Sharron Angle —whose policies include bringing more nuclear waste to the state,...

Thomas Ruins Her Legacy
 Thomas Ruins Her Legacy 

Thomas Ruins Her Legacy

Antisemitic comments put cloud over crabby glory days

(Newser) - If only Helen Thomas had retired just a couple weeks earlier, then we could remember her for her legendarily combative presidential interrogations, muses Howard Kurtz. But after her “get the hell out of Israel” rant, we’re left instead with today’s column in the Washington Post titled “...

Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite
Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite
Dana Milbank

Mark Souder: Class of '94's Latest Hypocrite

'Republican Revolution' beginning to look like horndog revolution

(Newser) - Mark Souder may be leaving Congress as a disgraced hypocrite, but hey, at least he ought to fit in at the Republican House Class of '94 reunion. He can hang out and talk sex with Mark Foley, or Mark Sanford, or John Ensign, or any of the whopping 15 Republican...

The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights
The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights
Dana Milbank

The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights

We prevent them from flying, but not buying weapons

(Newser) - If you ascribe to George W. Bush's “you're either with us or you're with the terrorists” logic, then the head of the NRA “should be just a few frequent-flier miles short of a free ticket to Gitmo right about now,” argues Dana Milbank of the Washington Post...

Obama Shows Dictators How to Dodge a Free Press
 Obama Shows Dictators 
 How to Dodge a Free Press 

Obama Shows Dictators How to Dodge a Free Press

President's attitude like 'Soviet-era Moscow'

(Newser) - Foreign reporters arriving for President Obama's nuclear summit must have been sorely disappointed if they expected a glimpse of the "vaunted American" freedom of press, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post . What they found—a heavily militarized capitol and a president who shut the press out of almost...

Tea Party Honcho Needs to Bone Up on US History
 Tea Party Honcho Needs to 
 Bone Up on US History 
Dana Milbank

Tea Party Honcho Needs to Bone Up on US History

Dick Armey gets Federalist Papers backward

(Newser) - “The small-government conservative movement,” asserts Dick Armey, “is about the principles of liberty as embodied in the Constitution, the understanding of which is fleshed out if you read things like the Federalist Papers.” The tea party honcho and former House majority leader was, of course, trying...

Post's Broder Criticizes His Paper's Obama 'Fiction'

He takes issue with 'friend' Dana Milbank's columns

(Newser) - David Broder uses his column in the Washington Post today to slam his own paper's role in the "remarkable fiction" now in vogue about the White House: Essentially, Rahm Emanuel is an all-knowing political god, and a wimpy President Obama should have listened to him more. Two columns by...

Obama Should Keep Rahm, Fire Gibbs

 Obama Should 
 Keep Rahm, 
 Fire Gibbs 

Obama Should Keep Rahm, Fire Gibbs

Dana Milbank: President should have listened to Emanuel

(Newser) - President Obama should ignore the rising sentiment to fire Rahm Emanuel, writes Dana Milbank. He needs him desperately. Emanuel has become the whipping boy for the first year's failures mostly because he's good at making enemies. Truth is, if Obama had taken Emanuel's advice on everything from health care (go...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>