Inauguration Day

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Obama Grabs Highest TV Ratings Since Reagan

Web audience sends numbers skyrocketing

(Newser) - Barack Obama's inauguration was the most-watched ever but it failed to set a TV ratings record, USA Today reports. Neilsen estimates 37.8 million television viewers tuned in for the ceremony, while 41.8 million watched Ronald Reagan's 1981 inauguration. But internet viewership broke records and sent figures through the...

'Just to Be Safe,' Obama Should Redo Oath: Experts

Lawyers advise he retake fudged oath to avoid controversy

(Newser) - OK, it's probably not going to come up in court, but some constitutional lawyers tell the San Francisco Chronicle that Barack Obama should retake his flubbed oath just to be on the safe side. Presidents Coolidge and Arthur did after similar gaffes. It "would take him 30 seconds, he...

China Censors Obama Speech
 China Censors 
 Obama Speech 

China Censors Obama Speech

President's inclusion of communism as defeated ideology irks government

(Newser) - Chinese censors clipped parts of Barack Obama’s inaugural address from yesterday’s live telecast, including his message for the world’s despots, the New York Times reports. The streaming audio translation was muted after Obama said “communism” in a sentence about using alliances and enduring conviction to defeat...

Inauguration Boosts Newspapers, for a Day

Customers line up to nab front pages covering historic day

(Newser) - The newspaper industry might be in its death throes, but it briefly jolted to life this morning as long lines of people waited at newsstands for souvenir copies of front pages that hailed the inauguration of America’s first black president, the AP reports. In Washington, some editions of the...

Kennedy Leaves Hospital
 Kennedy Leaves Hospital 

Kennedy Leaves Hospital

Docs want Mass. senator, 76, to cut back on work

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy was released today from the Washington hospital where he was sent yesterday after suffering a seizure during Congress’ inaugural lunch with President Obama. The 76-year-old Massachusetts senator was back “in good spirits” this morning, the Boston Globe reports, but doctors urged him to reduce his workload. Such...

Lines, Arctic Temps... and a Miracle: Keillor

Writer savors the spirit of goodwill amid throng at inauguration

(Newser) - The lines were "the longest I have ever stood in," and the day was arctic, but there were no complaints to be heard from the jubilant throng in Washington yesterday, Garrison Keillor writes in Salon. "All kinds of people, the slim and sleek, the XXXLs, the heavily...

How Blago Celebrated Inauguration
How Blago Celebrated Inauguration

How Blago Celebrated Inauguration

Ill. guv played hooky from impeachment, got fingerprinted

(Newser) - Yesterday was special for a certain Illinois politician—and not just the one you’re thinking of. While Barack Obama was being sworn in, Gov. Rod Blagojevich was getting his fingerprints taken, reports the Chicago Tribune. Blagojevich also failed to enter a plea in his state Senate impeachment trial; he’...

First Couple Hits All 10 Official Balls

First stop: the first-of-its-kind, publicly accessible Neighborhood Ball

(Newser) - The new first couple danced their way through all 10 official balls last night, keeping with tradition and the desire to make yesterday’s inauguration the “most accessible” in history, CNN reports. Barack and Michelle Obama began the evening at the public Neighborhood Ball with Beyoncé’s rendition...

Obama Was 10 Feet Tall and Bullet-Proof

Lightweight body armor made his inauguration duds 'bullet-resistant'

(Newser) - Barack Obama wasn't quite bullet-proof as he strode down Pennsylvania Avenue yesterday, but the new president was certainly "bullet-resistant," Slate explains. While the SWAT-team look might not be very presidential, several companies now manufacture lightweight protective clothing that can be worn under clothing or woven into shirts or...

Writers Hail Message From a 'Prince'

Inaugural address praised as masterful use of language

(Newser) - Barack Obama's inaugural address showed a literary mastery of language, assorted authors tell the Los Angeles Times. The president's plain speaking and restraint is commended, along with his use of "we" instead of "I." Author Ted Wilmer hails the president's use of "tight language, short sentences...

Cell Networks Pass Test
 Cell Networks Pass Test 

Cell Networks Pass Test

Handled massive inauguration volume

(Newser) - The Washington DC networks of the major cellphone carriers held up under massive pressure yesterday, handling millions of additional texts and emails without crashing, reports USA Today. There were some delays but AT&T, Verizon and Sprint handled up to three times their normal volume as thousands of spectators at...

Obama: Don't Blame Roberts for Oath Hiccup

(Newser) - President Obama is not among those blaming Chief Justice John Roberts for their little oath glitch today. “We’re up there, we’ve got a lot of stuff on our mind, and he actually helped me out on a couple of stanzas there,” Obama told ABC News. Roberts...

Oprah's Take: 'It's Sacred'
 Oprah's Take: 'It's Sacred' 

Oprah's Take: 'It's Sacred'

(Newser) - The impact of today's inauguration was not lost on Oprah, a key early backer of Barack Obama. "It means everything," she told Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times. "It means everything and more and everything. It's like no moment I ever expected to experience." Sweet found...

Let the Parties Begin
 Let the 

Let the Parties Begin

(Newser) - The first couple changed into new duds after a busy day and dropped in on the first of 10 inauguration balls they are scheduled to attend, the AP reports. They treated partygoers to their first dance as a presidential couple, with Michelle wearing a white, full-skirted dress by Taiwanese designer...

Thousands With Tickets Turned Away From Mall

(Newser) - While some fought to escape the Mall after the inauguration, thousands of frustrated ticketholders were barred from entering to see the swearing in of President Barack Obama, the Washington Post reports. “It is irresponsible to issue all of these tickets and not let the people in,” one Californian...

Despite Warren, Calif. Gays Celebrate Obama

Gathering at West Hollywood gay bar hiss at controversial pastor's invocation

(Newser) - A crowd gathered today at West Hollywood’s premier gay bar to celebrate Barack Obama’s inauguration, but also to watch with dismay as Rev. Rick Warren took the Capitol stage, the Advocate reports. Many in the community were shocked by Obama’s choice of the anti-gay marriage pastor to...

Live-Streaming Websites Smash Records With Obama

(Newser) - Websites streaming video of the inauguration reported record activity today, while a partnership between Facebook and CNN enabled thousands of people a minute to comment on the proceedings, Crain's reports. By late afternoon, CNN reported 21.3 million live video streams, while MSNBC had 9 million live streams and 5...

Docs: Kennedy Awake, Alert After Seizure
Docs: Kennedy Awake, Alert After Seizure

Docs: Kennedy Awake, Alert After Seizure

'These things' typical in brain-cancer patients; Dodd says he's 'fine'

(Newser) - After being hospitalized for a seizure suffered during an inaugural luncheon, Ted Kennedy is himself again, say those close to him. When one is undergoing treatment for brain cancer, a source tells ABC News, “these things happen,” and Kennedy is stable. “He’s fine,” said friend...

Obamas Walk Parade Route to Screaming Crowds

First Couple gets out of White House-bound motorcade, strolls about 7 minutes

(Newser) - President and Michelle Obama have gotten out twice to walk along the parade route from the Capitol to the White House this afternoon—to the full-throated delight of the record crowd, CNN reports. Between the cold and the day’s general demands, the Obamas kept their strolls brief as they...

Obama Begins Inaugural Parade
 Obama Begins Inaugural Parade 

Obama Begins Inaugural Parade

(Newser) - Barack Obama's motorcade is on its way to the White House, heading a parade that pays homage to pioneers who paved the way for the nation's first black president. Re-enactors of a black Civil War regiment, World War II's surviving Tuskegee Airmen, and Freedom Riders who battled for civil rights...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>