chief of staff

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Michelle Tapped Longtime Pal, Mentor as Staff Chief

Longtime friends worked together in Chicago

(Newser) - Looking for change, Michelle Obama turned to longtime mentor and friend Susan Sher to serve as her chief of staff, the Chicago Tribune reports. They met when Obama dropped off a resume at Chicago’s City Hall; Sher, then the city’s No. 2 lawyer, was immediately impressed by the...

Emanuel's Media Blitz Goes 'Relentlessly' 24/7

'Aggressive,' 'relentless' Rahm 'in constant touch'

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel is “in constant touch” with journalists, offering a “round-the-clock offensive” on behalf of the White House, writes Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post. “He calls, drops a few F-bombs, makes his point and hangs up,” says one commentator. Brief he may be, but “...

Rahm's Secret Service Name Is ...

(Newser) - Oh, the possibilities. Marc Ambinder in the Atlantic, says he’s learned the Secret Service code name for White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. Rahmbo? Nope. A play on his favorite expletive? Sorry. It’s actually the rather dull Black Hawk. The agency assigned it to him during the...

Emanuel, Dean End Hostilities
Dean End Hostilities

Emanuel, Dean End Hostilities

White House lunch signals détente for former party rivals

(Newser) - The feud between Howard Dean and White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel seems to be at an end. The Hill reports that the two Democratic pols even had lunch recently. “I think that (tension) was always somewhat exaggerated,” says Dean, whose failure to land an administration job...

'Rahmbo' Sets Aside Partisan Image in Pursuit of Votes

Emanuel takes time for individual concerns in Congress

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel has a tough-guy reputation, but it’s his openness that’s making a difference to the Obama administration, the Washington Post reports. The president’s chief of staff is ready to listen and respond to concerns from countless individual lawmakers—and their appreciation is helping to build consensus...

Rahm Lives in Illegal Apartment

Chief of staff rents basement of DC house zoned as single-family dwelling

(Newser) - The White House isn’t the only new house Rahm Emanuel will have to get used to, Gawker reports. Barack Obama’s chief of staff rents a basement apartment on Capitol Hill from Rep. Rosa DeLauro, but a private investigator has discovered that the house is zoned as a single-family...

Rahm Eyes Future Return to Congress

He warns contender he may be back one day

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel may be enjoying his new White House gig, but he hasn't written off a return to Congress, reports the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel told Illinois State Representative John Fritchey—one of 11 Democrats bidding for his vacated  Chicago post—that "he may...

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

 Rahm Less Partisan, 
 More Powerful 

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

Obama's no. 2 tones down trademark partisanship

(Newser) - President Obama’s chief of staff has a reputation as a feisty, vicious partisan, but he’s trying to tone it down as he takes a central role in the White House, writes Mark Leibovich in the New York Times. Never far from his boss, Emanuel is more “chief”...

Cheney Wasn't Puppetmaster, Say Bush Aides

Members of inner circle rip beliefs about presidency as 'hooey'

(Newser) - Popular beliefs about the Bush presidency are way off the mark, a pair of top advisers who served throughout the administration tell the Washington Post. The idea that Vice President Dick Cheney wielded unprecedented power and pulled the strings on Bush's foreign policy is "just hooey," said Chief...

Emanuel Will Leave Congress Friday

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel’s transformation from Congressman to White House chief of staff is almost complete, the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel sent a letter to Gov. Rod Blagojevich today stating his intention to resign his seat on Friday. Blagojevich has no power to appoint Emanuel’s successor; rather, he has 5...

Emanuel Talked Senate Seat With Blago Aide

No sign Chief of Staff pick tried to wheel and/or deal

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s pick for White House chief of staff, had multiple conversations with Rod Blagojevich's chief of staff about Obama’s Senate seat, the Chicago Tribune is reporting. There’s no evidence that Emanuel engaged in any dealmaking for the seat, or that he knew of Blagojevich’...

Obama Quits Senate, Thanks Ill. for Showing Him the Way

Will meet with McCain today in Chicago

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s presidential transition moved forward this weekend as he officially stepped down as senator, the Washington Post reports, ahead of a lame-duck session on a new stimulus package for the economy this week. In a letter in Illinois newspapers announcing his senate resignation, he thanked his constituents and...

Gore Veteran Named Biden Chief of Staff
Gore Veteran
Named Biden
Chief of Staff

Gore Veteran Named Biden Chief of Staff

Ron Klain joins other Clinton-era colleagues in top posts

(Newser) - Joe Biden has picked Al Gore's former chief of staff to be his own chief of staff, highlighting the Obama team's reliance on Washington insiders, Marc Ambinder writes in the Atlantic. Some Democrats question how Beltway vets like Ron Klain could possibly represent change—but the truth is that the...

Media May Need Rahm-to-English Dictionary
 Media May Need 
 Rahm-to-English Dictionary 

Media May Need Rahm-to-English Dictionary

Incoming White House chief of staff Emanuel leaves trail of mangling idiom

(Newser) - Now that Rahm Emanuel is back in the spotlight, political junkies can look forward to more of his malapropisms, Politico reports. Emanuel is affectionately remembered from his first White House stint as an inveterate phrase-mangler. When the President-elect’s chief of staff appeared on Face the Nation on Sunday, he...

Strap In, 'Rahmbo': Bush's Ex-Chief

Andy Card explains how to survive in the White House

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel will have to delegate and be decisive, President Bush's first chief of staff tells Newsweek. But there's more: Serving as President Obama's go-to guy will be "a 24/7 job" that requires sensitivity to "the psychology, emotions and needs of the president beyond policy."...

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