National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

8 Stories

NIH Selects Successor to Fauci
NIH Selects
to Fauci

NIH Selects Successor to Fauci

Jeanne Marrazzo, known for her work on sexually transmitted infections, will start job in the fall

(Newser) - A research scientist in Alabama will become the nation's top infectious disease expert, succeeding Dr. Anthony Fauci. The National Institutes of Health announced Wednesday that Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo will run the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, CNN reports, beginning in the fall. Marrazzo's responsibilities will include...

University's COVID Study Causes a Ruckus

Boston University makes hybrid version in lab, and federal agency is surprised to learn of it

(Newser) - Researchers at Boston University have a COVID controversy on their hands. As Mass Live reports, scientists there created a hybrid version of the virus in the lab in order to better understand the omicron variant. The experiment resulted in what the university calls inaccurate and sensationalized media coverage—particularly at...

Fauci Says He'll Retire Before Biden's Term Is Up

He says he'd be 105 if he waited until COVID was gone

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci has served under seven presidents—and he's decided President Biden will be the last. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allegy and Infectious Diseases, tells CNN that he hasn't set a retirement date yet, but he will "very likely" step down before the...

Fauci Clashes With Rand Paul at Senate Hearing

'If you believe 22% is herd immunity, I believe you’re alone in that'

(Newser) - The nation's top infectious diseases expert clashed with the Senate's top ophthalmologist in a testy congressional hearing Wednesday. The Hill reports that an irritated Dr. Anthony Fauci "scolded" Sen. Rand Paul after the Kentucky senator slammed the "nanny state" and argued that New York's high...

Anti-Fauci RedState Editor Unmasked as Fauci Employee

NIAID says Bill Crews is going to retire

(Newser) - The managing editor of conservative website RedState, who slammed the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases and director Dr. Anthony Fauci in numerous angry posts this year, has been unmasked as an NIAID employee. Bill Crews, who used the name "streiff" at RedState, is a public affairs specialist...

Study Offers Clue to Why Female Allergies Are Worse

Estrogen could be to blame for more severe allergic reactions

(Newser) - Studies have shown that women tend to suffer more severe allergic reactions than men, and now researchers may have uncovered a clue as to why. A study out of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases finds that in mice, estrogen "enhances the levels and activity" of an...

Ebola Vaccine Passes First Test

Initial results in small study are promising

(Newser) - The world took a small but significant step toward an Ebola vaccine today. Results of a study involving 20 people in the US found that the vaccine worked well enough to move on to round two—a much bigger test group of thousands of people in Africa, reports USA Today...

Experts Call for Earlier HIV Treatment

Treatment guidelines may be revised

(Newser) - New research challenges one of the basic assumptions about treating HIV—that patients should begin treatment only when levels of a type of white blood cell fall below a certain mark. New studies show that patients treated under current guidelines are 70% more likely to die than those treated sooner....

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