Senate Republicans

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Roy Moore Taunts McConnell in Tweet, Promptly Gets Served

As the GOP considers how to deal with the situation

(Newser) - A sixth accuser stepped forward on Wednesday to say that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore once grabbed her buttocks . And the fact that he is still a Senate candidate is causing no shortage of hand-wringing among Republicans. As BuzzFeed reports, senators have called for him to leave the race and...

Another Woman Accuses Roy Moore of Sexual Assault

Beverly Young Nelson says she was just 16 when Moore attacked her

(Newser) - Just hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore to "step aside" in Alabama's special election, another woman accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager. At a press conference Monday with attorney Gloria Allred, Beverly Young Nelson said...

CFPB Chief: Senate Vote a 'Giant Setback for Every Consumer'

GOP senators (and VP Mike Pence) just made it harder for consumers to sue financial institutions

(Newser) - A rule that would have offered consumers a powerful tool against financial institutions by allowing them to join together to sue saw its demise Tuesday night at the hands of Senate Republicans. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal report that, by a vote of 51 to 50 (with...

McConnell's Task: Recover From Worst Day of Political Life

The big question: Can he rebound?

(Newser) - As has been widely noted , Mitch McConnell had a truly awful Tuesday. The Senate majority leader had to surrender on ObamaCare repeal, ally Bob Corker announced he was retiring , and, perhaps worst of all, the Senate candidate that McConnell strongly backed in Alabama got trounced by one backed by the...

Wary Democrats: 'Bill Is Not Dead Yet'

No celebrations after McCain announces opposition to ObamaCare repeal

(Newser) - John McCain's opposition to the latest GOP effort to repeal ObamaCare didn't quite kill the legislation's chances, though it came pretty close. Still, Democrats are taking pains not to declare victory in public or do anything that smacks of gloating, reports Politico . As Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian...

Kimmel-Cassidy Feud Over 'Indefensible' Bill Hits Night 2

And Kimmel calls Fox host Brian Kilmeade a 'phony little creep'

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel's tirade against GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy for his new health care bill reached a second night on Wednesday. Kimmel, whose son was born earlier this year with a serious heart condition , railed on Cassidy for lying "right to my face" on his show in May about...

Suddenly, GOP Has Real Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare
Suddenly, GOP Has Real
Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare
the rundown

Suddenly, GOP Has Real Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare

Graham-Cassidy bill has only one firm 'no' so far

(Newser) - Republicans have about two weeks left if they hope to fundamentally change ObamaCare, and the chances of that happening have suddenly risen. In fact, NBC News declares in a headline that the Affordable Care Act is in "grave danger," and the reason is a new bill from GOP...

Senate GOP Makes Final Push to Repeal ObamaCare

Effort has a 2-week window to pass

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are expressing growing hope for a final push to scuttle ObamaCare, an effort that still faces an uphill climb and has just a two-week window to pass. Adding more risk, senators would be in the dark about the bill's impact on Americans, since the Congressional Budget Office...

9 Republicans Vote Against ObamaCare Repeal Measure

It sank with 43-57 vote

(Newser) - A broad measure to repeal and replace ObamaCare failed in the Senate as widely expected Tuesday. The measure included the Senate's unpopular "Better Care Reconciliation Act," along with proposals like Sen. Ted Cruz's plan to allow insurers to sell plans that do not meet federal coverage...

GOP Plan to Repeal ObamaCare Looks Doomed
GOP Plan to Repeal
ObamaCare Looks Doomed
the rundown

GOP Plan to Repeal ObamaCare Looks Doomed

3 Republican senators balk, one more than Mitch McConnell could afford

(Newser) - And just like that, Mitch McConnell's plan to repeal ObamaCare with a two-year delay appears to be doomed. McConnell announced the revised strategy Monday night, and he could afford only two GOP defections. Already, he's got three: Sens. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine,...

Republican ObamaCare Replacement Collapses

McConnell admits defeat after losing 2 more votes

(Newser) - The "replace" part of the Republican effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare collapsed Monday night, leaving the GOP in disarray. After Sens. Mike Lee and Jerry Moran announced that they would not support the ObamaCare repeal bill currently before the Senate, leaving the GOP without enough votes to even...

What McCain's Recovery Could Mean for Health Care Bill

Speculation flying on how senator's absence after surgery could affect ObamaCare repeal

(Newser) - Despite the hopes of Senate Republicans that John McCain would be back in Washington sooner rather than later following his surgery last week, some doctors are warning that recovery could take much longer than the week or so originally anticipated, the New York Times reports. On Friday, the longtime Arizona...

5 Changes in the GOP's Revised Health Care Bill

And one big thing that's mostly unchanged

(Newser) - President Trump said he'd be "very angry" if senators fail to repeal ObamaCare as promised, and GOP leaders have just taken a step in their quest to quell that anger. The second draft of the Better Care Reconciliation Act was released on Thursday with revisions aimed at getting...

Senate's ObamaCare Repeal Showdown Could Come Fast

Vote could happen as soon as next week, but McConnell can only lose 2 votes

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is aiming to hold a vote on the Senate's version of ObamaCare repeal-and-replace legislation next week—despite the fact that many GOP senators haven't seen it yet, let alone said they will support it. Insiders tell the Wall Street Journal that although McConnell...

Press Access Just Got Curtailed by Senate Republicans

Press can't record, film in Senate office hallways without prior permission

(Newser) - Senate Republicans appeared to make a major move to limit media access to senators Tuesday. CNN reports staff with the Senate Radio and Television Correspondents Gallery told reporters they could no longer film or record interviews with senators in the hallways of the Capitol or Senate office building without prior...

Senate Republicans Have a 'Lot Less Fear' of Trump Now

Stories sound a similar theme about president, senators

(Newser) - President Trump's controversies may be wearing thin on both sides of the aisle in the Senate. Two different outlets on Monday have posts with a similar theme:
  • New York Times : "Senate Republicans, increasingly unnerved by President Trump’s volatility and unpopularity, are starting to show signs of breaking

Would-Be Ala. Senator Wants to 'Make America Good Again'

Republican Roy Moore has a values pitch to make to voters

(Newser) - Seated beneath the Ten Commandments plaque that first made him a conservative icon in the culture wars, US Senate candidate and former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore invokes President Trump's campaign slogan—but with his own twist. "We can only make America great again if we make America...

Senate Takes Big Step Toward ObamaCare Repeal

Democrats protest late-night budget move

(Newser) - The GOP-controlled Senate isn't waiting for Donald Trump to take office before it gets the ball rolling on repealing ObamaCare. Senators worked late on Wednesday night to approve a budget that will allow them to start dismantling the health law without having to worry about Democratic filibusters, the New ...

Chuck Schumer Is Senate's New Minority Leader

And Mitch McConnell wins re-election as majority leader

(Newser) - The pieces are starting to fall into place for a Donald Trump presidency, and on Wednesday that came in the form of two major legislative appointments. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer received a unanimous vote by Senate Democrats during a closed-door meeting to become the minority leader who will succeed...

A Democratic Senate Is Looking More and More Likely

Dems need 4 Senate seats; new prediction says they could get 7

(Newser) - With a Hillary Clinton victory looking increasingly imminent, the outlook is getting rosier for a Democratic Senate as well, according to the Cook Political Report . MarketWatch reports that 24 Republican Senate seats are being decided this election. Democrats need to pick up four of those to set up a 50/50...

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