Senate Republicans

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Senate GOP Again Blocks Debate on Financial Reform

A third test vote is expected tomorrow

(Newser) - For the second day in a row, Senate Republicans have blocked action on legislation to impose greater federal control on the nation's financial industry. Today's vote was 57-41, three short of the 60 needed for Democrats to advance their measure. Democrat Ben Nelson again joined Republicans. A third test vote...

GOP Blocks Test Vote on Finance Reform

Democrats vow to try again this week

(Newser) - Senate Republicans have blocked Democrats' efforts to begin debate on overhauling the nation's financial regulatory system. The vote was the first Senate showdown on the sweeping legislation. Democrats failed to get the 60 votes today needed to begin debate. One Democrat, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, voted with the Republicans...

McConnell Shifts, Says Deal on Financial Bill Near

He takes credit, and Chris Dodd laughs

(Newser) - The prospects of financial reform passing the Senate appear to be much better today, with Mitch McConnell making decidedly less confrontational noises, reports the Washington Post and Talking Points Memo . "We believe the process to achieve (a bipartisan bill) has now been reconstituted," said McConnell, who claimed that...

Senate Faces Another Fight on Extending Benefits

Starring Tom Coburn as Jim Bunning

(Newser) - With the Senate scheduled for a two-week recess after tomorrow, there’s another showdown brewing over unemployment benefits—and this time, the Republicans have introduced a bill of their own in an apparent effort to avoid the negative publicity that came with Sen. Jim Bunning’s one-man filibuster earlier this...

GOP Demands 'No Viagra for Sex Offenders'

Tom Coburn drops slew of amendments to derail health care bill

(Newser) - Suddenly, Republican Tom Coburn has a lot of ideas about health care, and he’s demanding Congress vote on all of them, in a last-ditch attempt to derail the reconciliation bill. Coburn has proposed a slate of hard-to-vote-against amendments; if any of them pass, the bill will have to go...

GOP: Use Obscure Senate Rules to Kill Health Bill

Plan for reconciliation bill to die slow procedural death

(Newser) - The White House may not be as close as it thinks to having a health care reform bill to sign, as Republicans are hard at work brainstorming every possible procedural way of weakening and killing it in the Senate. GOP senators plan to use arcane parliamentary rules to hack off...

Senators Fight to Keep Sending Pork Home

Upper chamber unlikely to follow House's lead on earmarks

(Newser) - House members may be pushing earmark reform, but many of their Senate colleagues refuse to let go without a fight—in fact, Politico notes, it may be the one issue on which senators from both parties can agree on. Lawmakers from both sides argue that the money would be spent...

Jim Bunning Blocks More Obama Nominees

... over Canadian tobacco-flavoring law

(Newser) - Jim Bunning’s latest parliamentary maneuvering isn’t going to get in the way of anyone’s unemployment benefits, but might strike some as silly all the same: The Republican senator is blocking two minor Obama administration nominees to protest a Canadian law banning tobacco flavorings. And while the issue...

Scott Brown: Dems Wasted Year on 'Bitter' Health Reform

'Destructive, endless drive' needs to be scrapped

(Newser) - Scott Brown accused President Obama and Democrats today of a "bitter, destructive, and endless" drive to pass health overhaul legislation that Brown warned would be disastrous. "An entire year has gone to waste," Brown said in the weekly GOP radio address. "Somehow, the greater the public...

GOP: Obama Must Sign Health Measure Before Reconciliation
GOP: Obama Must Sign Health Measure Before Reconciliation

GOP: Obama Must Sign Health Measure Before Reconciliation

And Senate's bill, which House Dems dislike

(Newser) - There looks to be a pretty substantial wrinkle in congressional Democrats’ plans to pass health-care reform via the simple-majority processes of reconciliation: President Obama would have to sign the Senate version of the bill into law before the House and Senate versions could be reconciled into one. That’s the...

Emails: Ensign Pulled Strings for Lover's Husband

Evidence mounts that Ensign may have crossed ethics lines

(Newser) - John Ensign tried to get a Las Vegas energy firm to hire his lover's husband as a lobbyist, according to new emails making the rounds at the FBI and a Senate ethics panel. The emails, which a source passed off to the New York Times , represent the first written evidence...

Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds
Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds

Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds

Time to give up on bipartisanship, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - The big lesson from Sen. Bunning's blockade of unemployment benefits is that the Democrats and Republicans are now in totally different universes, writes Paul Krugman. This is amply demonstrated by Republicam Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona's threat to block a bill extending benefits for the rest of the year in...

Bunning Cuts Deal, Ends Jobless Filibuster
Bunning Cuts Deal, Ends Jobless Filibuster

Bunning Cuts Deal, Ends Jobless Filibuster

Benefits will be extended a month; senator can offer amendment

(Newser) - Republican Jim Bunning has agreed to end the one-man filibuster that’s cut unemployment and other benefits to thousands of workers, making a deal with the Senate leaders of both parties tonight. Roll Call reports that Bunning will support a one-month extension of the benefits in return for the Senate...

Obama Will OK Use of Reconciliation on Health Bill

Wants GOP help but will do what's needed

(Newser) - President Obama will tell Democrats tomorrow to use reconciliation to get health-care reform passed if Senate Republicans won’t cooperate, White House sources tell ABC News tonight. That option would allow a previously passed bill to be “fixed” with 51 votes (which the Democrats have) and not a filibuster-proof...

Fellow Republicans Turn on Jim Bunning

Kentucky senator's freeze on employment measure draws bipartisan ire

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are breaking ranks as Jim Bunning continues to stall a $10 billion employment and health measure, with Susan Collins of Maine taking to the floor of the chamber this morning to express her "hope that we can act together for the American people." She urged Bunning...

Bunning Throws Tantrum, Flips ABC the Bird
Bunning Throws Tantrum, Flips ABC the Bird

Bunning Throws Tantrum, Flips ABC the Bird

Ducks query about filibuster, huffs into 'senators only elevator'

(Newser) - After using Senate procedure last week to block the extension of jobless benefits to millions, Republican Jim Bunning hid behind Senate privilege today rather than answer questions about it—after giving the middle finger to a reporter trying to ask him about it. ABC cameras didn’t catch that; reporter...

Score One for Jim Bunning
Score One for Jim Bunning

Score One for Jim Bunning

Solo filibuster works: Senate Dems adjourn without extending jobless benefits

(Newser) - Republican Jim Bunning’s one-man filibuster, intended to force Democrats to account for the money that would extend by 30 days unemployment benefits for 1.2 million, looks to have worked, with the Senate adjourning for the weekend without passing the extension. Jobless and COBRA payments thus expire Sunday, Chris...

Mag Names Most Liberal, Conservative Lawmakers

Rankings show ideology trumping Obama's change agenda

(Newser) - National Journal 's rankings of the most liberal and conservative lawmakers confirm that President Obama's first term has had little effect on the partisan atmosphere in Congress. Most members stick to the ideological positions they've staked out for most of their careers, with Sherrod Brown, John Kerry, and Chris...

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math
Scott Brown Changes the
Senate Math

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math

Moderate GOP votes up for grabs mean 56 could be Dems' new 60

(Newser) - Yesterday's Senate vote to end debate on the jobs bill showed that losing the supermajority may not be such a disaster for the Democrats after all, writes Nate Silver. Scott Brown joined four other moderate Republicans in voting to end a filibuster on Harry Reid's jobs bill, suggesting that a...

Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance
Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance

Brown, GOP Moderates Help $15B Jobs Bill Advance

62-30 vote is victory, however small, for Dems, Obama

(Newser) - A bipartisan jobs bill cleared a GOP filibuster today with crucial momentum provided by the Senate's newest Republican, Scott Brown of Massachusetts. The 62-30 vote to advance the measure to a final vote Wednesday gives both President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats a much-needed victory—even though the $15 billion...

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