
9 Stories

Japanese Are Drinking Coke With Laxative Ingredient

Coca-Cola Plus has a 'Foods for Specified Health Uses' designation

(Newser) - Those who grab a Coca-Cola Plus in Japan are definitely getting something extra: a laxative and the government's seal of approval. The Wall Street Journal reports on the unlikely sounding "health drink," which has qualified as a "Foods for Specified Health Uses" (FOSHU) product, meaning it...

'Souping' Takes Juicing by Storm
'Souping' Takes
Juicing by Storm

'Souping' Takes Juicing by Storm

Bottled soups boast more fiber, less sugar than juices, but experts are still groaning

(Newser) - Back in February, the New York Times declared "souping" the new juicing. The appeals are obvious: juices tend to be stripped of fiber and loaded with sugar, and soups can be more dense, filling, and warm, not to mention tasty given the commonly added spices such as turmeric and...

Best Diet for Weight Loss: Veganism
 Best Diet for 
 Weight Loss: 

Best Diet for Weight Loss: Veganism

A review of diets finds that those who go vegan lose the most weight fastest

(Newser) - If you want to lose weight and you want to lose it fast, a review of 12 weight loss studies concludes that your road to success is a vegan one. Reporting in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Ru-Yi Huang of E-Da Hospital in Taiwan finds in her review of...

Scientists Figure Out Why Fiber Fills You Up

And it could lead to an anti-hunger pill

(Newser) - Experts have long suggested that fiber keeps us feeling full because it takes a long time to digest, but new research challenges that notion—and may point the way to a new anti-hunger pill. The key is a short-chain fatty acid called acetate, which emerges as fiber is digested. Acetate...

Pepsi's Latest: Fat-Blocking Soda

At least, it claims to

(Newser) - Get skinny by drinking ... Pepsi? Maybe. Pepsi-Cola has introduced a fat-blocking soda in Japan, ABC News reports, though we have to wonder if it will turn out like those "toning shoes." The "Pepsi Special," which goes on sale tomorrow, contains dextrin—a fiber that supposedly helps...

Eating Right: Some Unusual Suspects

Celery, seaweed could work wonders for your diet

(Newser) - The usual admonitions we hear at this time of year about eating right are probably going in one ear and out the other, so perhaps these unusual health-food suspects from Men’s Health will catch your attention as you prepare that New Year’s resolution.
  • Celery: Its phytochemicals are thought

Fiber-Rich Corn Offers Digestive, Uh, Benefit

Kernels act as 'snowplows' in intestine

(Newser) - Corn is an American staple—it helped the earliest settlers survive and has provided us with bread and meal ever since. Recently, though, corn has been portrayed in a more unfavorable light, whether as the source of high-fructose corn syrup or the recipient of ethanol subsidies. From a nutritional perspective,...

Western Diet Hits Heart Health Globally

Meat, fat, salt increase heart risk 35%

(Newser) - If you eat meat, fried foods, and salty snacks, you're at a significantly higher risk of heart attack regardless of where you live, according to a new Canadian study. The Western diet increases heart attack risk by 35%, while a diet rich in vegetables and fiber cuts that risk by...

Experts Slam Sugary Cereals
 Experts Slam Sugary Cereals 

Experts Slam Sugary Cereals

'Like eating a doughnut for breakfast'

(Newser) - Mothers who serve their children certain brands of breakfast cereal are giving them the nutritional equivalent of a glazed doughnut for breakfast, according to a new study by Consumer Reports. Researchers analyzed 27 brands of cereal for nutritional value, and rated Post's Golden Crisps and Kellogg's Honey Smacks the worst....

9 Stories
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