term limits

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Chavez Wins Referendum to Stay in Power

(Newser) - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez won a key referendum today that will keep him in office for as long as he wins elections, Reuters reports. After years of debate, Chavez supporters voted to abolish term limits that would have ended his rule in 2013. The reported margin of victory, 54% to...

Chavez Marks Decade in Power
 Chavez Marks Decade in Power 

Chavez Marks Decade in Power

President gives Venezuela today off amid attempts to continue reign

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez declared a national holiday in Venezuela today to celebrate his 10th anniversary as the country’s president, Reuters reports. The festivities come during efforts by Chavez supporters to extend presidential term limits, and amid fears from some quarters that his increased power is evolving into dictatorship. But Chavez...

Chavez Seeks Power Until 2021

Launching new constitutional battle on term limits

(Newser) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is again maneuvering to stay in power for at least another decade, the BBC reports. Chavez plans to seek a constitutional change that will allow him to seek re-election indefinitely, he told a weekend rally. Chavez lost a referendum just a year ago on a series...

Russia Paves Way for Return of Putin
Russia Paves Way for Return of Putin

Russia Paves Way for Return of Putin

Parliament extends term of president; early elections could follow

(Newser) - Russia's lower house of parliament approved a change to the constitution that extends the term of the president from four to six years, CNN reports. The move is widely seen as a bureaucratic maneuver that will lead to the return of Vladimir Putin as president. The upper house of parliament...

NYC Extends Term Limits: Bloomberg Can Run Again

(Newser) - New York’s City Council voted today to allow a third term for elected officials, paving the way for another Michael Bloomberg administration, the New York Daily News reports. Last-minute wrangling in the chamber, including a failed vote to establish a referendum on the issue, led to the 29-22 victory....

NYC's Elites Want More of the Mayor
NYC's Elites Want More
of the Mayor

NYC's Elites Want More of the Mayor

Papers, biz leaders on board for another Bloomberg term

(Newser) - New York’s opinion leaders are presenting a united front in favor of suspending term limits so Michael Bloomberg can serve a third term as mayor, David Carr writes for the New York Times. With the city facing job loss and financial crisis, everyone likes Mike, at least for another...

Bloomberg Could Get OK for Third Run

New York City Council will consider measure to extend term limits

(Newser) - A controversial bill to ditch the two-term limit for New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and dozens of other city officials will be introduced next week, reports the New York Times. City Council members believe Bloomberg has enough support to pass the measure, though supporters and critics alike are nonplussed...

Forget Term Limits: NYC Needs Mike
Forget Term Limits: NYC Needs Mike

Forget Term Limits: NYC Needs Mike

Bloomberg essential with Wall Street in crisis: Lauder

(Newser) - Term limits have been great for New York City, but it’s time to make an exception, billionaire philanthropist Ronald Lauder writes in the Times. Lauder believes Michael Bloomberg is the man to steer New York through the current economic disaster, preventing a repeat of the 1970s crisis that ruined...

Bloomberg Wants Third Term
 Bloomberg Wants Third Term 

Bloomberg Wants Third Term

Mayor aims to change NYC's term-limits law

(Newser) - New York insiders say Mayor Michael Bloomberg will attempt to change existing laws and run for a third term, the Times reports, with his announcement to come Thursday. After long supporting term limits, Bloomberg, 66, has softened, with the financial crisis seen as a significant motivator. If successful, Bloomberg would...

Chafing Under Term Limits, Local Pols Act

Elected officials nationwide push for more time in office

(Newser) - Local politicians across the country are mounting campaigns against the term-limits laws that threaten to force them from office, reports the New York Times. More than 20 governments—including New York City's—are considering repealing term limits, with term-limited politicians spearheading the challenges. "We do a lot of churning...

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